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Home > Effect of Berberis Mediated Biosynthesized Silver Nanoparticles on Growth and Yield Attributes of Pisum Sativum L.

Effect of Berberis Mediated Biosynthesized Silver Nanoparticles on Growth and Yield Attributes of Pisum Sativum L.

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Mehmood, Ansar




University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir







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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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The present study was aimed to evaluate the effect of biologically synthesized silver nanoparticles using Berberry (Berberis lycium Royle) on growth and yield attributes of pea (Pisum sativum L.). Moreover, Taxonomy and distribution of genus Berberis from Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), Pakistan were also recorded. A total of 9 species of Berberis such as B. brandisiana, B. chitria, B. glaucocarpa, B. kashmirana, B. lycium, B. parkeriana, B. royleana, B. sterwartiana and B. ulicina were identified. These species were distributed from sub-tropical to sub-alpine zones of the state of AJK, Pakistan. It was found that B. lycium distributed in maximum studied sites and further selected for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles. Confirmation of silver nanoparticles synthesis was made on colour change when aqueous bark extract treated with AgNO3 which was further established with uv-visible spectroscopy. Structural and morphological characterization of synthesized nanoparticles was made with scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive x-ray and x-ray diffraction analysis. Atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) was used to determine the rate at which silver ions reduced to AgNPs. It was found that biosynthesized silver nanoparticles were pre dominantly spherical, nano in size and crystalline in nature. The morphology of silver nanoparticles was affected by extract and AgNO3 concentrations, temperature and pH. Fourier transform infrared and quantitative screening of bio-molecules confirmed the involvement of alkaloids, flavonoids and reducing sugars as reducing and capping agents of silver nanoparticles. Then these biosynthesized silver nanoparticles were applied on P. sativum to find out their effect on growth and yield of pea. For this, a field experiment was conducted in split-split plot xvi fashion following RCBD. Three varieties of pea (Climax, PF-400 and Meteor) were treated with four concentrations of silver nanoparticles (0, 30, 60 and 90 ppm) by means of three modes of application (Seed treatment, foliar spray, seed treatment plus foliar spray). The results were found to be significant with respect to root length, shoot length, chlorophyll contents, seeds pod-1, pods plant-1, 100 seeds weight, biological yield, green pod yield, seed protein and carbohydrate contents. Among the concentrations of silver nanoparticles, 60 ppm produced maximum results applied via seed treatment plus foliar spray. Present findings suggest that silver nanoparticles enhanced the growth and yield of pea at a concentration of 60 ppm.

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بلاول بھٹو کا پیغام

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Phytosociological and Ethnobotanical Studies of Mohammad Agency

This thesis explored phytosociology, ethnobotany and conservation status of the flora of Mohmand Agency (FATA, Pakistan). Flora from 10 selected sites comprising 170 plant species was distributed among 144 genera and 49 families. Among angiosperms, Asteraceae and Poaceae were the two leading families, with 22 species each, followed by Brassicaceae and Fabaceae with 11 species each. Moreover, Lamiaceae, Boraginaceae and Amaranthaceae were some of the other important families. Dicots were most dominant with 141 species from 118 genera and 43 families; monocots were 27 species from 24 genera and 4 families. Gymnosperms were very sparsely distributed in the area with a representation of only 2 species (Ephedra intermedia and Pinus roxburghii). It is worth mentioning that Astragalus was the most represented genus with 4 species. Vegetation of the area was classified in 40 different plant communities on the bases of altitude and seasonal variation. Based on diversity indices Artemisia-Brachypodium-Aristida and Aristida-Hordeum-Phalaris were the most diverse communities. Species Richness evaluation of the communities indicated that Artemisia-Brachypodium-Aristida and Dodonaea-Rumex-Acacia communities were having the highest species-richness-values (3.1 and 2.86 respectively). Maturity Indices of all the communities were calculated which showed that DodonaeaBrachypodium-Hordeum and Hordeum-Medicago-Peganum communities were the most mature communities in the research area with MI values of 51.7 and 50 respectively. All the communities were dissimilar as none of the two communities had a similarity index equal to or more than 65 percent. Life form classification of flora indicated that therophytes were dominant with 97 (57%) species followed by nanophanerophytes and hemicryptophytes (21=12.4% species each). Chamaephytes (17=10% species), geophytes (7=4% species), microphanerophytes (3=1.8% species), mesophanerophytes and megaphanerophytes (2=1.2% species each) were also reported from the area. Leaf size assessment of the flora revealed that it was dominated by nanophylls (74=43% species) and microphylls (47=27.6% species). Leptophylls (33=19.4% species), mesophylls (11=6.5 species) and aphyllous plants (4=2.4 species) were also found in the area. Only 1 species—Nannorrhops ritchiana (0.6%)—was found to be megaphyllous. Phenological behavior of the plants was studied round the year. It was observed that March-to-June time period of the year was characterized by rich flora and most of the species were in active stage of their life. April was characterized by high flowering spell, with 41% flora in flowering condition. Most of the species were in fruiting condition during the month of May. January was with most of the species (63%) in dormant/post reproductive phase of their life cycle. Spring season was characterized by the presence of 166 species, followed by summer (135 species) and winter (95 species) while autumn—with 54 species—was the least populated season of the year. People of the area have a high degree of dependency on the plant resources of this area. Most of the plant species were predominantly utilized as fuel (93%), fodder (40%) and medicine (39%). People use many plant species for as first aid in common ailments. Some species were also used as timber (5%) and for many other miscellaneous purposes. Elder folks were found to be more informative, in terms of ethnobotanical information, as compared to the youngsters. Different ethnobotanical indices (Relative Frequency Citation, Relative Importance and Use Value) were also calculated to have a clear picture about the usage and importance of specific plant species. Rangelands were analyzed for annual biomass productivity with the aim to encompass the rangeland productivity of the research area. Average biomass production was calculated and was found to be 19.6g/m2. Conservation status of the species was evaluated, using IUCN criteria, enumerating 13 species in endangered category, 32 in vulnerable, 82 in rare and 38 species in infrequent category. No species was reported in dominant category indicating poor floristic health of the area. Biotic and abiotic stresses are responsible for the present status of the flora. Grazing (which is directly related to the palatability of vegetation) and cutting are the two major biotic stresses in the area. Plant species were divided into 4 classes of palatability: highly palatable, moderately palatable, less palatable and non-palatable. Results revealed 68 (40%) species to be highly palatable, 39 (22%) moderately palatable, 25 (14%) less palatable and 38 (22%) species nonpalatable. Five plant species comprising Caralluma tuberculata, Fagonia indica, Sageretia thea, Monotheca buxifolia and Ziziphus mauritiana were screened for elemental and nutritional contents. C. tuberculata was with relatively high amount of NPK (Sodium, Phosphorus and Potassium) followed by S. thea and Z. mauritiana. Micronutrient study indicated that Zn and Co was found in highest concentration (57ppm and 2.5ppm respectively) in M. buxifolia. Fe, Pb and Cr concentrations were highest (514ppm, 1.2ppm and 9.3ppm respectively) in F. indica. Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fibers and ash contents of the selected species were analyzed. S. thea and M. buxifolia were with highest concentrations (57% and 51% respectively) of carbohydrates. M. buxifolia and C. tuberculata were having 3.5 and 3.1% protein contents and 1.2 and 1.2 % fats contents respectively, making them the highest fats and proteins containing plants. S. thea and M. buxifolia were the plants with highest relative ash contents (11.7% and 11.6% respectively) followed by F. indica and C. tuberculata (9.8 and 9.5% respectively). The plants were found to have enough nutrients for the foraging animals and there is no need of external augmentation of nutrients. Soil samples were collected from 10 study sites and were screened for different physicochemical attributes. The results showed that, to a greater extent, the soil of the area is silt loam in texture with pH ranging from 7.4 to 8.4 mol/L i.e. slightly alkaline.