ڈاکٹر میرولی الدین
افسوس ہے کہ یکم دسمبر ۱۹۷۵ء کو نامور فلسفی و صوفی اور مشہور مصنف و معلم ڈاکٹر میرولی الدین صاحب نے اپنے وطن حیدرآباد میں انتقال کیا، وہ اسی (۸۰) کے پیٹے میں تھے، ایک سال سے ان کی علالت کا سلسلہ جاری تھا، مرحوم کی تعلیم جامعہ عثمانیہ حیدرآباد میں ہوئی، یہاں سے فلسفہ میں ایم۔اے کرنے کے بعد لندن تشریف لے گئے، بیرسٹری کی تعلیم کے ساتھ کیمبرج یونیورسٹی سے فلسفہ کی اعلیٰ ڈگری حاصل کی، ۱۹۳۳ء میں جامعہ عثمانیہ میں فلسفہ کے استاذ مقرر ہوئے اور پھر اسی شعبہ کے صدر ہوکر ۱۹۶۰ء میں ریٹائر ہوئے اور کئی سال سے خانہ نشین ہوگئے تھے، تاہم تصنیف و تالیف کا مشغلہ جاری تھا۔
ڈاکٹر صاحب نے اردو اور انگریزی میں بہت سی کتابیں یادگار چھوڑی ہیں، انگریزی اور عربی کی بعض کتابوں کے ترجمے بھی کئے ان کو دارالمصنفین سے بھی بڑا تعلق تھا، ایک زمانہ میں ان کے مضامین معارف میں برابر شائع ہوتے رہے، ان کی پہلی کتاب ’’فلسفہ کی پہلی کتاب‘‘ یہیں سے چھپی تھی۔ یہ ریپوپارٹ کی پرائمر آف فلاسفی کا اردو ترجمہ ہے جس کو انھوں نے جامعہ عثمانیہ کے سلسلہ نصاب تعلیم کے لئے تیار کیا تھا، ’’رسالہ اخلاقیات‘‘ کے نام سے بھی ایک کتاب میڑک کے نصاب کے لئے لکھی تھی، ’’مراقبات‘‘ ان کی اہم کتاب ہے، یہ بظاہر تو حزب و اور ادکی کتاب معلوم ہوتی ہے مگر نفسیات کے اس مسلمہ اصول کے مطابق کہ انسان پر جس قسم کے خیالات کا غلبہ ہوتا ہے، اسی قسم کے اثرات اس کے خارجی اور باطنی وجود میں بھی لازماً ظاہر ہوتے ہیں، انھوں نے یہ ثابت کیا ہے کہ دینی تعلیمات اور ایمانیات و عقائد پر پختہ یقین و ایمان نہ صرف مذہبی عقیدت کے لحاظ سے بلکہ نفسیاتی اصول سے بھی انسان کی...
Humanity is not immortal and suffers from accidents and disaster. These dangers may exist in the present or future and humans are compelled to face all kinds of dangers. So human beings have always been taking measures to overcome the dangers. Islam also allows for adopting different methods to overcome and indemnify all expected disasters but that methods should be in sharia limitations. Takaful is that kind of method that is practised in Muslim world. Takaful companies are offering takaful policies on the basis of Wakala, Waqf, Modharba and Hybrid models. This article makes awareness about a model of takaful, “Modharba model”. It explains the takaful Modharba model in the parameters of actual Introduction conditions and sharia bases of modharbat. It is resulted that this model has great contradiction with the concept of actual sharia modharbat. Many sharia concerns are found in this model that’s why this model is not suitable for Takaful. Takaful should be on the basis of pure Tabarrou. In which people help one another on the basis of mutual assistance and cooperation not because of just their own benefits.
Remediation of Written English in Government Schools of Rawalpindi Region The purpose of this research study was to explore some remedial measures required to make the Pakistani students at the Secondary School level use correct English language in their writings. The problem under concern is that students at even higher levels make simple grammatical mistakes which they seem to have carried with them from high schools. The study aims to find out if these errors can be eliminated at a lower level. For this investigation, the researcher has taken the students at the Secondary School level as the subject. Common grammatical deviations have become a challenge for teachers of English in Pakistan. The study aimed to find out specifically some of the most common grammatical deviations and some of the likely causes behind them. The study has also suggested some measures to eliminate these deviations or irregular patterns and to improve the level of English, especially at school level in Pakistan. The researcher analyzed essay scripts written by students of Matriculation to find out common deviations. The researcher then analyzed these deviations by applying Theory of Contrastive Analysis to find out some of the likely causes behind these deviations. The researcher collected two hundred essays (twenty essays each) from randomly selected ten Government High Schools for boys in Rawalpindi. For this purpose, the researcher gave a topic on the spot to let the students write spontaneously. The researcher also used interview as the research tool. One teacher of English, each from the ten schools selected for collecting scripts was interviewed. The analysis of data received showed that First Language interference played a dominant role in the problem under discussion. Secondly, there was a shortage of skilled teachers in the schools. Some main recommendations were: to involve the teachers at the lower levels in curriculum designing, give regular and effective teacher-training workshops and try to develop a spoken English culture in schools. It is expected that this study will serve as a useful tool to study the standard of English at the lower levels and find out some more solutions to the problem of weak standard of English in Pakistan. The analysis of interviews has opened up many new areas to work on. The significance of the study is that we can expect to get students who write and speak correct English at the lower as well as the higher levels of study. Teachers teaching ESP and other special courses of English can face this challenge more easily and can also keep their focus on the actual objectives of the courses.