حافظ محمد ابراہیم
افسوس ہے جنوری کے تیسرے ہفتہ میں حافظ محمد ابراہیم صاحب ایک طویل علالت کے دہلی میں وفات پاگئے۔ نماز جنازہ شاہ جہانی جامع مسجد میں پڑھی گئی اوراس کے بعد تدفین نگینہ میں ہوئی۔انتقال کے وقت عمر ۷۷۔ ۷۸ برس کی ہوگی۔ مرحوم علی گڑھ کی پرانی نسل کے ایک فرد تھے۔یہیں فلسفہ اور اقتصادیات کے مضامین کے ساتھ بی۔اے اورپھرایل۔ایل۔بی کیا۔اپنی ذہانت،طباعی اور لیاقت کے باعث اساتذہ اورطلباء میں ہمیشہ نیک نام اورہر دل عزیز رہے۔ دیوبند کے مکتبۂ فکر کے زیر اثر قوم پرورانہ خیالات اور جذبات شروع سے رکھتے تھے۔ چنانچہ جن لوگوں نے مرحوم کا عہد طالب علمی دیکھاہے ان کابیان ہے کہ مرحوم اس زمانہ میں بھی سرسید کے سیاسی افکار کے مخالف تھے اور اس پر اپنے ساتھیوں سے محبت کرتے تھے۔علی گڑھ سے فراغت کے بعد اپنے وطن نگینہ میں پریکٹس شروع کی اورایڈوکیٹ کی حیثیت سے بہت جلد صوبہ بھر میں مشہور ہوگئے لیکن نیشنلسٹ فطرتاًتھے۔اس لیے تحریک موالات شروع ہوئی تواُس میں بڑھ چڑھ کرحصہ لیااورپھر جنگ آزادی کادورآیا توہمیشہ اُس کے ہراوّل دستہ میں رہے۔اس سلسلہ میں جیل گئے اوردوسری پریشانیاں بھی اٹھائیں لیکن پائے ثبات میں لغزش نہ ہوئی۔ پھر جب قومی وزارتوں کا عہد شروع ہوا تو پہلے اتر پردیش میں اور پھر مرکز میں وزیر رہے، آخر میں پنجاب کے گورنر تھے۔ بیماری کے باعث اس سے مستعفی ہوکرگھر آ بیٹھے تھے اوریہی بیماری آخرجان لیوا ثابت ہوئی۔ نہایت خوش خلق، مہمان نواز اور فیاض و سیرچشم تھے۔اﷲ تعالیٰ مغفرت ورحمت کی نعمتوں سے سرفرازفرمائے۔آمین [فروری۱۹۶۸ء]
Islam orders to obey the ruler and not to indulge in activities that may cause disruption & instability of an Islamic state. This research discusses rules & regulations based on sīrah about rebellion (khurūj), and relevant topics from Islamic Jurisprudence. The basic question of this research is whether revolt against the ruler is permissible and what would be the punishment? This research elaborates four types of rebellion. Rulings of Muslim scholars regarding rebellion are subjected to the different positions of rulers. According to all school of thoughts the khurūj is not permitted if the ruler is lawful and serving his community with justice. In contrary, there is difference of opinions about the tyrannous and iniquitous ruler. This article concluded that majority of Muslim Scholars do not permit khurūj in any case, some others laid down very strict conditions in this regard.
In the present work, 203 iron and steel industrial units located in and around Lahore were surveyed to gather information regarding physical parameters, processes involved, product types, raw materials used, fuel types, mode of employment, working conditions and use of PPEs in these units. General health and socio-economic status, disease history and anthropometric measurements of 656 workers from different work points were measured. Total serum proteins, albumin, ALT, AST and ALP were photometrically analyzed. Haematological parameters i.e., TLC, DLC, RBC, Hgb, Hct%, MCV, MCH, MCHC and platelet counts were made on automated haematology analyzer. Data was statistically analyzed on the basis of work points, job duration and worker’s age using ANOVA and students t-test at SPSS 13.0 version. Survey results revealed that the working conditions in these units are not satisfactory. Workers are exposed to variety of hazards. Socio-economic status of the workers also portrayed a dismal condition. Biochemical analysis showed general trend of increased concentration of total serum proteins, albumin and globulins, suggesting dehydration and non-specific infections as probable cause. Old workers working at comparatively higher temperature point showed more evident changes in total protein contents as compared to the young workers at the same points. ALT and AST, although within normal reference range, were evidently towards the higher limits in almost all categories of the workers. Younger and oldest workers with shortest and longest job duration presented higher value for ALT and AST as compared to the middle aged workers and with medium job duration. ALP is found significantly higher in all categories of workers depicting the obvious response to environmental stress. Physical activity along with the temperature appeared to be the contributory to enhance ALP activity. Although the haematological parameters did not show any direct correlation with the job duration or worker’s age but increased WBCs in circulation along with the complementary increase in lymphocytes number reflects the elicitation of immune response in these subjects. Hemoglobin, RBCs, Hct%, MCV, MCH, MCHC and platelets are found to show alteration, in general indicating a stress on the hematopoietic system to cope with the stress of hypoxic conditions and enhanced demand of energy due to heavy physical exertion. The results suggest that work point temperature along with heavy physical activity probably causes effects on liver physiology and also the hematopoietic system as apart of compensatory response. The results suggest more detailed studies with reference to heat stress and protein profile with special emphasis of the role of Hsps. Along with the detailed haematological investigations; studies on liver and kidney physiology are also recommended to understand the effect on hormones and electrolytes under hyperthermic conditions. Strict monitoring and enforcement of rules for the workers health and safety are strongly recommended.