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Home > Evaluation of Nuclear Reaction Cross Sections Relevant to the Production of Emerging Diagnostic Radioisotopes Fe-52 and As-72

Evaluation of Nuclear Reaction Cross Sections Relevant to the Production of Emerging Diagnostic Radioisotopes Fe-52 and As-72

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Waris Ali




Government College University







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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Charged particle induced nuclear reactions for the production of 52Fe and 72As were studied. A critical analysis led to consider proton induced nuclear reaction sections on 72Ge, 73Ge, 74Ge and 76Se to investigate for the production of 72As while for the production of 52Fe, the proton induced reactions on 58Ni, 55Mn and alpha induced reaction on 50Cr were chosen. The experimental results obtained via 72Ge(p, n)72As, 73Ge(p, 2n)72As, 74Ge(p, 3n)72As, 76Se (p, x)72As and 58Ni (p, x) 52Fe, 50Cr (4He, 2n) 52Fe and 55Mn(p,4n)52Fe reactions were compared with the results of nuclear model calculations using the codes ALICE-IPPE, EMPIRE 3.2 and TALYS 1.9 to check the reliability and discrepancy in the experimental data. Polynomial fittings were applied using Origin-Lab Pro 2017 to maintain the consistency of experimental and calculated data. Recommended data were generated using the well-established evaluation methodology. The thick target yields (TTY) of 52Fe and 72As is calculated from the recommended excitation functions. Analysis of radionuclidic impurities was also discussed for both radionuclides. Comparison of the various radionuclidic impurities is done. On the basis of TTY and radio-nuclidic impurity analysis; the production routes and optimum energy ranges for the production of 52Fe and 72As are proposed. Our evaluation scheme showed that for the production of 52Fe via 55Mn(p,4n)52Fe reaction, energy ranges from 70→45 MeV could be the method of choice, which gives high yield with minimum impurities to make it as a potential candidate for theranostic applications in nuclear medicine and in particular, Positron Emission Tomography (PET). For the 72As; 72Ge(p, n)72As reaction in the energy ranges 10→20 MeV is the optimized nuclear reaction with a negligible impurity ratio and maximum production yield. Being in the low energy range, a small cyclotron can be engaged for the production of 72As to be used it in the medical applications.

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پروفیسر ضیا احمد بدایونی

پروفیسر ضیاء احمد بدایونی
افسوس ہے گزشتہ مہینہ ہماری پرانی بزم علم وادب کی ایک اورشمع بجھ گئی۔ پروفیسر ضیاء احمد صاحب بدایونی، بدایوں کے ایک نامور خانوادۂ شعروادب کے فرزند ارجمند تھے۔قدیم دستور کے مطابق عربی فارسی کی تعلیم ایک مدرسہ میں پائی پھرانگریزی تعلیم کی طرف متوجہ ہوئے توایم۔اے تک پہنچے، فارسی میں جس کا امتحان الٰہ آباد یونیورسٹی سے فرسٹ ڈویژن میں پاس کیا۔۱۹۲۶ء میں بسلسلۂ ملازمت علی گڑھ مسلم یونیورسٹی سے وابستہ ہوئے اورشعبۂ فارسی کے صدر اورپروفیسر کی حیثیت سے۱۹۵۹ء میں ریٹائرڈ ہوئے۔
موصوف کی استعداد بڑی پختہ اورنظر بہت وسیع تھی۔عربی،فارسی اوراردو شعروادب پر تحقیقی اور مبصرانہ نگاہ رکھتے تھے۔ لغت ان کا خاص فن تھا چنانچہ ریٹائرمنٹ کے بعد چند برس علی گڑھ میں اورچند برس دہلی میں لغت پرجوکام اردو شعبوں کے ماتحت ہورہاہے اس سے وابستہ رہے۔ تصنیف وتالیف کاذوق فطری تھا چنانچہ تاریخ و ادب پرمتعدد تصنیفات یادگار چھوڑی ہیں جن میں دیوان مومن مع ایک طویل مقدمہ کے اورشرح قصائد مومن خاصہ کی چیزیں ہیں۔ مذہبیات سے بڑی دلچسپی تھی، اس سلسلہ میں بھی ان کی دوتین کتابیں ہیں۔ اخلاق و عادات کے لحاظ سے بھی بڑی خوبیوں کے بزرگ تھے، نہایت خوددار، ملنسار اورمتواضع تھے۔ طلباء پربے حد شفقت کرتے اور ان کی خدمت کے لیے ہروقت مستعد رہتے تھے۔ کم سخن تھے مگرجب بولتے تھے توتقریر مربوط اور پُرمغز کرتے تھے۔ عمر۷۷برس کے لگ بھگ تھی۔ ادھر کچھ عرصہ سے علی گڑھ میں جس کو انھوں نے اپنا وطن بنالیا تھا مقیم تھے۔وہیں۸/جولائی کوشب میں انتقال ہوا۔ اﷲ تعالیٰ غریق رحمت کرے، اب اس وضع کے لوگ کہاں ملیں گے۔


مقاصد شریعت اور حقوق کی ادائیگی کا باہمی ربط: ایک تحقیقی جائزہ

Allah guided His men through great Prophets and messengers who, through their active economic, religious and politico-economic lives, taught the people how to lead a life. As the people have to come across all these fields of life, therefore, performing rights and duties is essential for a peaceful society. The accomplishment of Sharia objectives depends on the performance of rights and duties. If there is some breach in these rights and duties, the Sharia objectives are lost. If we ponder over the decrees of Allah, it becomes clear that the accomplishment of the decrees itself is the permanence of rights and duties. In this research paper, the rights of the Creator on His men and the rights of men on their Creator, Similarly, the rights of men among themselves and their performance, and the rights of animals and how they can be performed have been described and these Sharia objectives rights are closely related to each other.

Genetic Variability in Some Commercially Important Carnivorous Fishes by Molecular Markers in Punjab Pakistan

To conserve the fish biodiversity, there is urgent need to study the genetic diversity of natural fish stocks for successful fishery management, conservation, and rehabilitation of the species. For this purpose, the present study was planned to evaluate the use of the RAPD assay to generate the species specific profile, to estimate the genetic similarity/variation and to examine the genomic variation based on RAPD data and the population genetic structure for conservation of five carnivorous fishes named Channa punctatus, Channa marulius, Sperata seenghala, Rita rita and Wallago attu. The fish samples for this study were collected from Chashma Barrage at River Indus near District Mianwali, Qadirabad Barrage at Chenab River in Tehsil Wazirabad, District Gujranwala, Baloki Barrage at Ravi River in Tehsil Bhai Pharo District Kasur, Trimu Barrage at the junction of Chenab and Jhelum Rivers in District Jhang and Taunsa Barrage at Indus River in Tehsil Kot Addu, District Muzaffar Garh. Morphometric parameters of the collected fish specimens, were measured and the data was subjected to ANOVA and multivariate Principle Component Analysis (PCA). Physicochemical parameters of the water bodies such as Water Temperature, Electrical Conductivity, pH, Dissolved Oxygen, Salinity at the spot and Total Dissolved Solids (T.D.S.), Total Alkalinity, Total Hardness, were measuredfrom the water samples brought to the lab and noted. Correlation was calculated with the help of computer. The DNA from these fish specimens was extracted by modified salt extraction method and its presence was qualitatively measured with the gel electrophoreses. PCR was performed in the lab. Binary data of the RAPD for different species were subjected to XLSTAT-2012, version 1.02 and Dendrogram were generated. The binary data was further analyzed for diversity indices and Principle Component Analysis (PCA). The morphometric data of stoutness and average length of paired pectoral fin length in the ANOVA show significant difference in case of Channa punctatus. All studied parameters were significantly different in S. seenghala and non-significant in Channa marulius, Rita rita and Wallago attu. When the PCA was performed for the morphometric parameters, C. punctatus divided into four factors, first two main factors accounted for 98.706% of cumulative variability, in C. marulius, divided into six factors with first two main factors accounted for 99.996%, in tested variables of the R. rita division was into eight factors with two main components, which accounted for 99.02%, in case of S. seenghala, tested variables divided into nine factors with two main components, accounted for 99.91% and in case of W. attu divided into four factors with first two main factors which accounted for 99.996% of cumulative variability. The correlation for different physicochemical parameters between different sampling sites showed that pH with water temperature (r = 0.107) and dissolved oxygen (r = 0.905) was positively non-significant while the correlation with electrical conductivity (r = -0.798), salinity (r = -0.888), total dissolved solids (r = -0.857), total alkalinity (r = -0.736) and total hardness (r = -0.499) was negatively non-significant. The electrical conductivity was positively correlated with all the physic-chemical parameters as with water temperature (r = 0.482), salinity (r = 0.925), total dissolved solids (r = 0.889), total alkalinity (r = 0.452) and total hardness (r = 0.906) and this correlation was non-significant. The correlation between the total alkalinity and total hardness was also positive and non-significant (r = 0.048). The number of bands for PCR products in Channa punctatus ranged as low as three to a maximum of seven, with an average of 6 bands per primer. The number of polymorphic bands per primer was 1 to 3 with 14.29% to 50%. The number of bands in Channa marulius ranged as low as three to a maximum of seven, with an average of 6 bands per primer with 1 to 3 polymorphic bands. The polymorphic bands ranged from 14.29% to 50%. The number of bands in Rita rita ranged as low as three to a maximum of seven, with an average of 6 bands per primer with 1 to 3 polymorphic bands. The polymorphic bands ranged from 14.29% to 50%. The bands were as low as three to a maximum of seven, with an average of 6 bands per primer in Sperata seenghala with 1 to 4 polymorphic bands. The polymorphic bands in these populations ranged from 14.29% to 57.14%. The number of bands produced in Wallago attu, ranged from three to seven, with an average of 6 bands and 1 to 4 polymorphic bands per primer were observed. The polymorphic bands in these populations ranged from 14.29% to 66.67%. The dendrogram for C. punctatus divided the randomly selected individuals of the five populations into four classes/clusters; 17 members in first cluster/class, 4 samples in second cluster/class and 2 samples in the third and fourth class/cluster. The randomly selected individuals of the five populations of C. marulius were divided into four classes/clusters; 21 in 1st, 2 in 3rd and one in 2nd and 4th class, each. The populations of R. rita were divided into four classes/clusters as in C. marulius. In S. seenghala four clusters with 21 in 1st, 2 in 2nd and one in 3rd and 4th class, each. In W. attu, into six classes/clusters. i.e., 16 individuals in 1st class/cluster, 3 individuals in 2nd and 4th Class/cluster, each, while in 3rd, 5th and 6th were only one individual, each. The PCA regarding variability for C. punctatus indicated eleven factors, first four main factors accounted for 55.849%. The first and second group (F1 and F2) accounted for 14.881% each. Contribution for polymorphism amongst the randomly selected individuals of five populations divided the role of primers into four major variable groups, one group towards the positive side, one towards negative and two groups at the neutral distinction. According to the Kaiser (1958) criterion based upon the Eigen values, first three main factors out of eleven, accounted for 42.77% of cumulative variability in C. marulius. Contribution for polymorphism amongst the randomly selected individuals of five populations divided the role of primers into five major variable groups, two groups towards the positive side, two towards negative and one group at the neutral distinction. Rita rita populations were divided into nine factors/groups and first two main factors accounted for 30.968% of cumulative variability. Th trend divided the role of primers into five major variable groups, three groups towards the positive and one group towards the negative while the remaining at the neutral distinction. In same way, S. seenghala was devided into twelve out of which four main components all together accounted for 55.41% of the cumulative variation. The first and second group (F1 and F2) accounted for 15.717% and 14.044% respectively, of the cumulative variability. The trend for polymorphism divided the role of primers into seven major variable groups, two groups towards the positive side and four groups towards the negative side and one got the neutral distinction. Data in W. attu was divided into thirteen components and four main factors accounted for 50.37% of the cumulative variation in W attu. The trend divided the role of primers into four major variable groups, one group towards positive side, one groups toward negative side and two groups has the neutral distinction. The specimen Tsa1 shows complete distinction in all species except for C. punctatus. Knowledge of genetic structure of the major River populations is helpful for management of the populations in order to maintain their genetic quality. In this study the results indicate good correspondence in the data analyses of morphometric parameters, and RAPD molecular markers using various statistical techniques with the exception of the distinction of individuals from different sites, which clearly indicated some environmental impacts, are likely influencing the genetic makeup within and between the local populations. This study also has provided the genetic information of the present fish populations from and how evolutionary processes are affecting the fish fauna. So this study along with the strengthening of the academic research area will also prove an applied research which will help the breeders to choose most fit candidates for the breeding program in the Pakistan." xml:lang="en_US