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Evaluation of Soil Productivity under Different Cropping Patterns on Sloppy Lands Terraces in Pothowar

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Ullah, Rehmat




Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University







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Soil Sciences





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Rainfed areas in general and Pothowar region in particular have great potential to meet the grain need of the country but there are certain limitations which affect the crop productivity on these areas. These include erratic rainfall, depletion of plant nutrients by soil erosion, low soil organic matter content, soil compaction on non- sloppy lands and ultimately poor soil moisture availability for crop production. The limitations can be minimized/overcome by the adoption of soil management practices such as soil conservation measures, tillage practices and reducing slopes through terracing. The sloppy lands have been converted into various types of terraces such as bench terraces and broad base terraces on which different cropping patterns are being practiced by the farmers. These patterns include Wheat-Maize and Wheat-Maize (Fodder) in Kahuta (high rainfall) area, Wheat-Millet-Fallow and Wheat-Millet-Lentil in Khairimurat (medium rainfall) area and Wheat-Fallow and Fallow-Groundnut in Pindi Gheb (low rainfall) area. The crops included in these patterns have more crop water requirement and if the drought prevails, the yields of these crops will be significantly affected. This study was conducted in two different stages. In the first stage, monitoring and evaluation work was carried out and in the second stage field experiments were performed at the selected sites to test the suitability of new cropping patterns. During survey work, experimental site were selected and soil samples were collected from these sites for the evaluation of soil fertility status, soil moisture variation throughout the year, soil microbial biomass in various seasons. In addition to this, crop yields during Rabi and Kharif seasons were recorded. The climatic data on rainfall and temperature were obtained from the meteorological department. Fertilizer application and management practices adopted by the farmer were also recorded. The collected soil samples were subjected to analyses for physico-chemical properties such as particle size analysis (soil texture), soil moisture release curve, electrical conductivity (ECe), pH of the saturated soil paste (pHs), calcareousness (CaCO3), cation exchange capacity (CEC), total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen, soil sodium (Na+), available potassium (K+), calcium plus magnesium (Ca+2+Mg+2), microbial biomass carbon (Cmic), microbial biomass nitrogen (Nmic) and soil enzymes (Alkaline Phosphatase and Dehydrogenase). The results showed that in September 2007, more average soil water content was available in high and medium terraces under Wheat-Miaze and Wheat-Maize (as fodder) cropping pattern in Kahuta area, in high and low terraces under Wheat-Millet- Fallow and Wheat-Millet-Lentil cropping pattern in Khairimurat and under Wheat- Fallow and Fallow-Groundnut in Pindi Gheb areas respectively. The pysico-chemical characteristics of all the sites showed that the texture of soil was sandy loam under Wheat-Maize cropping pattern, sandy clay loam under Wheat-Maize (Fodder) cropping pattern in Kahuta area, loam under Wheat-Millet- Fallow and Wheat-Millet-Lentil cropping patterns in Khairimurat area and sandy clay loam under Wheat-Fallow and Fallow-Groundnut cropping pattern in Pindi Gheb area. The results of all sites indicated that the soil was alkaline, calcareous in nature, non- saline, non-sodic, having marginal total organic carbon, total nitrogen, adequate available soil potassium but deficient in available soil phosphorus. The bench terraces of Kahuta area had more soil fertility on the low height terraces and broad base terraces of Khairimurat and Pindi Gheb area had more soil fertility on the upper and medium height terraces. The soil water release curve indicated that Dhok Tarhan soils had more plant water availability as compared to the Jagiot Khalsa, Dhupri and Kasran sites. Incubation study was conducted in the laboratory to evaluate the rate of mineralization of different organic substrates in different soil textures. The treatments tested were viz. 1) control, 2) Groundnut straw and 3) Wheat Straw (1% on soil weight basis). Soil samples were taken after 2, 4, 7, 14, 28 and 60 days for the determination of Cmic, Nmic, Pmic, DH and AP. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) along with three replications was used for this study. This study revealed that high rate of mineralization of organic amendments was on 28 days after incubation under controlled condition under various textured soils of Kahuta, Khairimurat and Pindi Gheb areas. This study indicated that incorporated groundnut straw mineralized after one month in the field for the availability of nutrients to the crops. In the second part of the study, field experiments were carried out at Kahuta, Khairimurat and Pindi Gheb areas. The existing cropping patterns were Wheat-Maize and Wheat-Maize as Fodder in Kahuta, Wheat-Millet-Lentil and Wheat-Millet-Lentil in Khairimurat and Wheat-Fallow and Fallow-Groundnut in Pindi Gheb area. In these experiments, the high kharief water requirement crops such as Maize and Millet were replaced with Mungbean having low water requirement. The modified cropping patterns viz Wheat-Mungbean at both sites in Kahuta, Wheat-Mungbean-Fallow and Wheat-Mungbean-Lentil in Khairimurat and Wheat-Mungbean and Fallow-Groundnut in Pindi Gheb area were tested. The data showed that the modified cropping patterns Gheb areas. This study indicated that incorporated groundnut straw mineralized after one month in the field for the availability of nutrients to the crops. In the second part of the study, field experiments were carried out at Kahuta, Khairimurat and Pindi Gheb areas. The existing cropping patterns were Wheat-Maize and Wheat-Maize as Fodder in Kahuta, Wheat-Millet-Lentil and Wheat-Millet-Lentil in Khairimurat and Wheat-Fallow and Fallow-Groundnut in Pindi Gheb area. In these experiments, the high kharief water requirement crops such as Maize and Millet were replaced with Mungbean having low water requirement. The modified cropping patterns viz Wheat-Mungbean at both sites in Kahuta, Wheat-Mungbean-Fallow and Wheat-Mungbean-Lentil in Khairimurat and Wheat-Mungbean and Fallow-Groundnut in Pindi Gheb area were tested. The data showed that the modified cropping patterns

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هدفت الدراسة للوقوف على الوضع اللغوي في المملكة العربية السعودية والتعرف على القرارات الرسمية وخطاباتها التواصلية في تدبير مشكلات اللغة. ولتحقيق هدف الدراسة فقد استخدم الباحث المنهج الوصفي، وتوصل الباحث إلى مجموعة من النتائج أهمها أنَّ القرارات الخاصة باللغة العربية غطَّت جميع نواحي الحياة الخاصة بالمجتمع السعودي تقريبًا؛ وذلك لأنها اللغة الأم لهذه المنطقة ولأن تفشي غيرها من اللغات يؤثر سلبًا على هذه اللغة وعلى عادات وتقاليد أهل هذه البقعة الفاضلة من هذه الأرض.

Genetic Diversity of Mineral Contents, Nutritional Traits and High Molecular Glutenin Subunits in Bread Wheat Triticum Aestivum

Plant genetic diversity is a key element in any agriculture. Wheat is an annual plant that belongs to the grass family Poaceae Wheat contains carbohydrates, essential amino acids, vitamins, protein and minerals. Institute of Agri-Biotechnology and Genetic Resources (IABGR), Islamabad is a good source of wheat germplasm collected from all over the country. Rust caused by Puccinia spp. cause considerable worldwide damage to wheat production. There are three types of wheat rust viz, stripe rust, stem rust and leaf rust .For the assessment of genetic variability in germplasm collections biochemical markers, such as storage proteins, have received more attention in recent years. High molecular weight glutenin subunits, encoded by Glu- A 1 , Glu-B 1 , and Glu-D 1 loci located on long arms of the homologous group 1 chromosomes of wheat, play a vital role in determining the bread making quality of wheat. Phenotypic identification based on morphological characteristics has been successfully used for genetic diversity analysis. However, morphological traits have a number of limitations, including low polymorphism, low heritability, late expression and may be controlled by epistatic and pleiotropic gene effects) while protein markers, like seed storage proteins, reflect with more accuracy the genotypes, independently from the environmental effects. Single seed was ground to fine powder with the help of mortar and pestle. Protein extraction buffer (400μl) was added to 0.01g of seed flour in eppendorf tube and mixed. The samples were mixed thoroughly by vortexing and centrifuged at 13,000 rpm for 10 min. Electrophoresis was carried out at 100 mA until a blue line of Bromophenol blue reached the bottom of the gel (approximately three and half hour). Then staining and destaining was carried out. 139 accessions of wheat germplasm were evaluated for nutritional characteristics. The experiment was carried out at Grain Quality Testing Laboratory, National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad. Fibre, oil, moisture, ash and protein were studied following the standard methods of AOAC (2005). Determination of Minerals Contents was carried out by dry ashing (Boron), wet digestion(Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Iron, Sodium, Potassium and Phosphorus) and Kjeldahl method (Nitrogen). Seed characteristics studied included seed length (By vernier caliper), seed width (By vernier caliper), 100 seed weight, seed colour, seed size and degree of seed shriveling. For the screening of stem rust, plants were inoculated with 09077. Inoculums in the form of uredial suspension in soltor-170 (eight weightnon-phototoxic mineral oil) was sprayed uniformly with a sprayer having five nozzle. The seedlings were left in open air for 1-2 hours to evaporate mineral oil and shifted afterwards to a humidity chamber for 24 hours, after which they were transferred to green house at 18-22 o C. After ten days infection types were recorded. Summary statistic showed that fibre ranged from 0.64 to 1.87 %, oil from 1.18 to 2.49 %, moisture from 6.00 to 8.50 %, ash from 0.77 to 6.86 %, protein from 7.12 to 16.92 %, Nitrogen from 1.25 to 2.97 %, Phosphorus from 0.10 to 0.44 %, Potassium from 0.30 to 0.88 %, Boron from 0.48 to 3.78 ppm, Zinc from 13.50 to 54. 00 ppm, Copper from 1.00 to 9.00 ppm, Manganese from 7.80 to 41.60 ppm, Iron from 8.20 to 300.0 ppm, Sodium from 0.02 to 0.08 %, seed length from 3.36 to 7.43 mm, seed width from 1.67 to 3.15 and 100 seed weight from 2.20 to 5.36 g. Regarding nutritional traits, PC 1 contributed 23.7% and PC 2 contributed 23.4% to the genetic variance of wheat germplasm constituting 139 accessions belonging to Punjab and Baluchistan. Moisture (0.736) and ash (0.505) contributed more positively to PC 1 while oil (0.717) and protein (0.679) imparted maximum genetic variance to PC 2 . First four principal components contributed 62.3% of the total variation as far as mineral contents are concerned. PC 1 contributed 21.1%, PC 2 15.4%, PC 3 13.8% and PC 4 contributed 11.8% to the total variation shown by the wheat germplasm. Nitrogen (0.571), Phosphorus (0.581), Zinc (0.729) and Copper (0.616) imparted maximum genetic variance to PC1, Potassium (0.718) and Iron (0.643) to PC 2 , Boron (0.532) to PC 3 and Manganese (0.768) and Sodium (0.675) contributed more positively to PC 4 . The seed characteristics that contributed more positively to PC 1 included seed length (0.745) and sized width (0.741). To PC 2 seed size (0.514) contributed more positively while seed width (0.597) and seed color (0.659) imparted maximum genetic variance to PC 3 .Regarding combined traits of Punjab and Baluchistan the characteristics which imparted maximum genetic variance to PC 1 included protein (0.828), Nitrogen (0.831) and Zinc (0.687). Moisture (0.638), Phosphorus (0.611) and Boron (0.656) contributed were positively to PC 3 , Iron (0.533) to PC 4 , Sodium (0.539) to PC 5 , and ash (0.589) contributed more positively to PC 7 .Oil was found to be positively correlated with Zinc whereas moisture showed positive association with Phosphorus and Boron. Protein exhibited positively association with Nitrogen and Zinc. P exhibited positive correlation with Boron and Manganese. Zinc showed positive association with Manganese and Iron. Seed lengthwas observed to be positively associated with seed width, and seed width showed positive correlation with 100 seed weight. Wheat germplasm was subjected to sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) to predict the genetic variability on the basis of high molecular weight glutenin sub-units. In Punjab accessions three allelic variants (Null, 1 and 2*) were found at Glu-A 1 locus. Glu-B 1 locus was observed to be highly polymorphic. 19 sub-unit or sub-unit pairs were found at Glu-B1 as 16,(14*+9), (9, 17+18), 17+18, 7**+8, 7**, 7**+8*, 7, 7+8, 7(7**), (6, 7), 7*+9, 7*+8, (8, 13+160, 13+16,9, 7+9, 6+9 AND (7*, 7**+8). Glu-D 1 locus consisted of four allelic sub-units or subunit pairs i.e. 12, 2+12, 4, 5+10.At the Glu-A 1 locus, four allelic variants (Null, 1, 2* and 2’) were observed in 122 wheat accessions belonging to Baluchistan region. Glu-B 1 locus was found to be highly polymorphic. 30 sub-unit pairs or sub-units were found at this locus as 7*+8, 7*+8(8**), 7+8, 7+9, 7(7*)+9, 8*, 7+8*, 7+8**, 7**, 7**+9, 7**+8, 7(7**)+9, 13, 7**+8**, 7(7**), 17+18, 8**(17+18), 14+15, (6, 14+15), (7, 14+15), 20, 9, 7*+9, 7(7*)+8, 13+16, (8*, 7+9), 8*(7*+9), (6, 17+18) and 17. Glu-D 1 locus was comprised of nine allelic subunits or sub-unit pairs i.e. 2+12, 3+12, 2+12*, 10, 12*, 12, 5+10, 5+12*, 5+12. In commercial varieties three allelic variants (Null, 2 and 2*) were observed at the Glu-A 1 locus. The Glu-B 1 locus was found to be highly polymorphic. Out of fourteen allelic variants detected, ten sub-unit pairs or subunits were found at this locus as 7+9, 7*+9, 7**+9, 17+18, 13+16, 7+8, &*+8, 7+8(8*), 14 and 7* (13+16). Glu-D 1 locus was comprised of two allelic sub- unit pairs i.e. 5+10 and 2+12. Total of 192 accessions/commercial varieties were screened against stem rust and stripe rust including eighty seven accessions of Baluchistan, 37 accessions of Punjab and 68 commercial varieties. For stem rust resistance was recorded as resistant, moderately resistant and susceptible. Regarding stem rust, 153 accessions/commercial varieties were recorded to be resistant. While 16 accessions/commercial varieties were found to be susceptible. The data regarding resistance against stripe rust was recorded as resistant, moderately resistant, moderately susceptible and susceptible. Nine accessions of Punjab, 21 Baluchistan accessions and 34 commercial varieties were identified to be resistant. None of the accessions or commercial varieties was found to be susceptible.