قدیم فرقے
باب ہفتم کے اہم نکات
- یہودی فرقوں کا تعارف و ابتدا۔
- یہودی فرقوں کے عقائد۔
- یہودی فرقوں کی کتب مقدسہ۔
- یہودی فرقوں کا تقابل۔
- یہودی فرقوں کا نظریہ اسرائیل۔
- یہودی اداروں کا تعارف۔
- عصر حاضر میں یہودیت کا ارتقا۔
یہودیت میں تاریخ کو بنیادی حیثیت حاصل ہے تاہم جس بے کسی کی زندگی یہودیوں کا مقدر رہی ہے اس سے ان کی تاریخ کا ہر گوشہ متاثر ہوا ہے۔ یہودی فرقوں کی تاریخ کو بھی اس ضمن میں استثنا حاصل نہیں ہے۔ نیز فرقوں کی تقسیم کے بیان کرنے میں بھی یہودی مؤرخین منفرد مزاج کے حامل ہیں، مثلاً پرانے وقتوں میں بارہ یہودی قبائلشمالی اور جنوبی ریاستوں میں بٹ گئے تھے۔ شمالی ریاست میں بتوں کی عبادت کو رواج دیا جانے لگا تھا۔ اول سلاطین میں اس حوالے سے آیا ہے:
۔۔۔ یُربعام نے سو نے کے دو بچھڑے بنوائے۔ بادشاہ یربعام نے لوگوں سے کہا، 'تمہیں یروشلم کو عبادت کے لئے نہیں جانا چاہیے اے اسرائیلیو! یہی سب دیوتا ہیں جو تمہیں مصر سے باہر لائے۔ بادشاہ یُر بعام نے ایک سونے کا بچھڑا بیت ایل میں رکھا۔ اس نے دوسرا سونے کا بچھڑا شہر دان میں رکھا لیکن یہ گناہ عظیم تھا۔ بنی اسرائیلیوں نے بیت ایل اور دان کے شہروں میں بچھڑوں کی پرستش کر نے کے لئے سفر کیے لیکن یہ بہت بڑا گناہ تھا۔[1]
شمالی ریاست نے نہ صرف ایک خدا پر یقین کے عقیدے کو بدل ڈالا اور دو بچھڑوں کو معبود بنا لیا۔ ان واقعات کو ایک نئے فرقے کی شروعات کے طور پر دیکھا جا سکتا ہے اس کے برعکس یہودی محققین نہ صرف ان عوامل کو بلکہ موسیؑ، داؤدؑ...
There is a dire need of an experienced and authoritative mechanism in the polity of Islām in order to run the affairs of the state in a benefiting manner. This mechanism divides the state into different regions and provinces so as to carry out the affairs of the state in an organized way. These provinces must be founded on some administrative basis, not on racial, lingual or regional grounds. It is necessary that these units are autonomous as far as authority and power is concerned. It will help eradicate parochial differences and strengthen integrity of a country. It is essential to keep up and safeguard the freedom and the rights of these units. We can get our desired objectives, if legal and constitutional safeguards are meted out to these administrative units of the state. According to ‘Allāmah Ibn Khaldūn’s point of view, it is imperative to strengthen a state instead of expanding it. There must be small but integrated autonomous units of the state. Such division helps these units to progress and prosper. The golden principle of power distribution is in vogue in all eras, although its structure has been different and varied. In this article, we are going to view the structure of distribution in the perspective in an Islamic state
Teacher Performance Appraisal has been considered an assessment tool among majority of teachers in Pakistan (Ali, 1998; Jaffer, 2007; Khalid, 2007). This study aimed to identify the required changes that could make appraisal as a tool for Teachers' Professional Development. The study was conducted in Star School (pseudonym), a secondary school in Karachi, Pakistan. The research was qualitative in nature using phenomenological approach. The seven research participants were selected through purposive sampling. Data was collected during an eight week-period through semi-structured interviews, focused group discussion and document analysis. Interviews were audio recorded and transcribed, documents such as policy and procedures were also analysed. The findings reveal that appraisal supports towards the knowledge and skill enhancement of the teachers if the appraisal scheme and tools are understood by the teachers. The two purposes of appraisal; summative and formative may not be easy to disconnect in Star School (a secondary school) but the focus of appraisal can be shifted from accountability to developmental appraisal through incorporating self-evaluation of teachers as part of existing appraisal scheme in order to develop teacher-ownership into the appraisal process. This sense of ownership offers an effective basis for stimulating change and development. However, this process also necessitated initiatives for developing expertise in appraisers and a practice-shift to connect appraisal practices with teacher professional growth. This study also recommends inclusion of self-appraisal for teachers in existing appraisal process. This study holds significance for various audiences directly or indirectly in the organisation I work for. The study could help in strengthening the appraisal scheme and it could also enable Head teachers in further in improving appraisal scheme. For the other researchers at AKU-IED, this study could give a kick-start on exploration of TPA as a professional development tool for teachers in Pakistan.