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Home > Exploring the Potential of Chai Salvia Hispanica L. for Optimizing Antioxidant Characteristics and Storage Stability of Dairy Products

Exploring the Potential of Chai Salvia Hispanica L. for Optimizing Antioxidant Characteristics and Storage Stability of Dairy Products

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Ullah, Rahman




University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences







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Agricultural Technology





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Ancient seeds are gaining colossal interest in food regime in different countries. Chia oil contains more than 65% linolenic acid. Omega-3 performs many physiological functions of the human body. The antioxidants present in chia are considered to have positive effect against several diseases like coronary heart diseases and is anti-aging and anti-carcinogenic. Chia seeds also contain appreciable amount of dietary fiber, its health benefits are widely illustrated in literature, such as diabetes mellitus. Chia seed is abundant in fat, water soluble vitamins, amino acids, minerals and phytochemicals. Medicinal properties of chia for the treatment of several diseases has been well documented.

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ادھر گذشہ تین مہینے میں اس برصغیر میں چار موتیں ہوئیں جن سے علمی حلقے کو بڑا صدمہ پہنچا، ان کی یادیں برابر آتی رہیں گی۔جناب محمد طفیل اڈیٹر نقوش لاہور اپنے کسی کام سے اسلام آباد آئے، رات کو خوش خوش سوئے تو اپنی میٹھی نیند ہی میں ۵؍ جولائی ۱۹۸۶؁ء کو اﷲ کو پیارے ہوئے، اور اپنے بے شمار قدردانوں کو سوگوار چھوڑ گئے، انھوں نے نقوش کو اپنی ادارت میں ایک علمی فیکٹری بنا رکھا تھا، جس طرح کسی فیکٹری سے مشینیں ڈھل کر نکلتی ہیں، اسی طرح نقوش سے طرح طرح کے علمی و ادبی نمبر نکلتے رہے، غزل نمبر، افسانہ نمبر، مکاتیب نمبر، خطوط نمبر، شخصیات نمبر، طنز و مزاح نمبر، منٹو نمبر، بہ طرس نمبر، لاہور نمبر، آپ بیتی نمبر، ادب آلعالیہ نمبر، ادبی معرکہ نمبر، غالب نمبر، میرتقی میر نمبر، شوکت تھانوی نمبر، میر انیس نمبر اور اقبال نمبر کے علاوہ آخر میں تیرہ جلدوں میں رسول نمبر نکالا، اور قرآن نمبر نکالنے کی فکر میں تھے کہ خود وہاں پہنچ گئے جہاں سے یہ مقدس صحیفہ نازل ہوا تھا۔
یہ سارے نمبر علمی، ادبی اور تاریخی، انسائیکلوپیڈیا بن گئے ہیں، اس لحاظ سے وہ خوش نصیب تھے کہ ان کا خاتمہ بالخیر رسول نمبر پر ہوا، اس کی تیرہ (۱۳) جلدیں دینی فیوض اور ملی برکات کا سرچشمہ بنی رہیں گی، یہ بیسویں صدی میں اردو زبان کا ایسا شاندار کارنامہ ہے جو مدت مدید تک یاد رکھا جائے گا، وہ اپنی دنیاوی زندگی میں لوگوں کو علمی کوثر، ادبی تسنیم اور دینی سلسبیل کے جام پر جام پلاتے رہے، دعا ہے کہ اب جہاں وہ پہنچ گئے ہیں وہاں برکت اخروی کی کوثر، مغفرت الٰہی کی تسنیم اور رحمت ایزدی کے سلسبیل سے سیراب ہوتے رہیں، آمین، وہ اپنے پیچھے یہ درس چھوڑ گئے ہیں...

منشیات کے معاشرے پر برے اثرات

In today's era, drug is the first and one of the bad elements that effected the society with loss. According to the reports of WHO, two billions people are alcoholic in irrecoverable the world. Drug users are additional to this volume of alcoholic people. The dignity of humanity is planned and maintained by prohibiting all types of drugs. Social values are things by Shareeha. Thousands of getting worse and worse by ignoring the prohibited the families are nearby the destruction, divorce ratio is badly increasing. Builders of the According to different Ahadees, use of future of Ummat are putting their lives to big risk. Day of drugs and alcohol are the symptoms of getting near to the end of world judgment. We can see easy access to these poisonous things around us, destructing the health and characters of our youth in the shape of liquid, capsule, tables and many more. We tried to shortly brief about the use of all these prohibited things in the article bellow.

A Comparative Studies of Yasa and Pashtunwali in Islamic Perspective

Genghis Khan (1162-1227), Mongolia’s great emperor, ruled over large parts of the world for a long period of time. He had, under his banner, nomadic tribes and desert people. For controlling, uniting and disciplining the variant people and ruling over them, he framed a conventional constitution named “Yasa” (Holy laws), which was comprised of primitive traditions, customs, laws and Genghis Khan’s own insights and decisions. Every subject was obliged to abide by the rules of the said constitution. “Pashtunwali” is the Comprehensive customary law of the way of life of Pashtuns. Pashtuns call their supreme morals, merits, actions, customs, civilization and values as “Pashtunwali”. Pashtuns are mandated to live their life according to “Pashtunwali”.Both Mongols and Pashtuns had their own distinct ways of life and conventional constitutions, which the Mongols called “Yasa” and the Pashtun’s “Pashtunwali”. For centuries, no amendment was made possible in both these constitutions. But it was only after they embraced Islam that we see some changes made in their conventional constitutions. Because the “Yasa” was to some extent, according to Islam while the Pashtunwali too was mostly according to Islam. So the followers of the two constitutions, therefore, did not find it hard to act upon the message of Islam. Therefore, the need of the hour is that both the conventional constitutions of Mongols and Pashtun be analyzed in Islamic perspective so as to find out what they shared with the teachings of Islam and where they differed. Furthermore, we shall be able to explore, through this research, the aspects that the Pashtuns and Mongols shared intellectually.