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Fabrication, Design and Evaluation of Controlled Release Matrix Tablets of Selected Nsaids by Using Eudragit Polymers As Rate Controlling Agents
The main objective of this research task was to accomplish successfully development of the controlled release matrices of Flurbiprofen and ibuprofen. These both are typical members of NSAID’s and offer considerable therapeutic effects to relieve the symptoms and subsequent management of chronic inflammatory disorders such as osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and dysmenorrhea. Eudragit polymers were employed as rate controlling agents and consequently, their obvious impact on kinetic, mechanism and pattern of drug release was investigated. This highly skillful task did require primarily, initial preformulation studies to rule out drug identification, as well as solubility profiles. The drug and polymer as well as drug, polymer and co excipients compatibilities were also seriously addressed. Different codes were used to produce a set of formulations involving Eudragit L 100, L 55 and S 100 respectively by employing different drug to polymer ratios for both Flurbiprofen as well as Ibuprofen without any further addition of co-excipients. Moreover, same formulations were also developed in which primary filler (lactose) was partially replaced with co–excipients such as starch, CMC, HPMC, Gum Acacia and Gum tragacanth respectively. Ultimately the impact of these co–excipients upon drug release from fabricated matrices was also noted. Official procedures were employed to describe the Micromeritics studies of pure drugs a s well as respective physical mixtures of the formulation. The results provided puzzling statements about the flow of the pure drugs describing poor flow behavior. This problem was rectified by developing physical mixtures of different ingredients including magnesium stearate as a result, an enhanced and improved flow properties were exhibited. This was indispensable and prominent step in tablet preparation. Direct compression method was adopted as preferred procedure to get matrix tablets. Matrix tablets formed under such a tidy situation under go physico-chemical assessment according to official procedures. These test protocols included dimensional, friability, hardness, weight variation and content uniformity tests. All these searching checks were within official limits. In–vitro dissolution tests were performed for matrix tablets by selecting rotating basket method (USP method 1) with ix phosphate buffer of PH 7.4 as recommended dissolution medium. Matrices having Eudragit L- 100 enhanced the drug release more efficiently as compared to other grades. The leading factors affecting rates and kinetics of drug release from matrices included particle size, drug to polymer ratio and viscosity grades. Various co–excipients incorporated due to progressive replacement of lactose (Primary filler) such as CMC, HPMC, Starch, Gum Acacia and Gum Tragacanth caused enhanced drug release i.e within 3-5 hours. Different kinetic models were fitted to the data of drug release from the matrices. Korseymerpeppas equation best fitted the release profile from matrices by giving “n” value that described anomalous non fickian release mechanism for formulations without co-excipients. The similarity factor (f2) was also determined by comparing dissolution profile of both matrices and conventional dosage forms. The optimized formulations of both drugs were selected by keeping in view description of kinetic models as well as in-vitro dissolution profiles. The optimized formulations were subjected to stability testing in accelerated condition for short term exposure and they offered good stability profiles in accelerated conditions. The optimized tablets were also selected for in-vivo studies to determine in-vivo bioavailability and pharmacokinetic parameters in rabbits. The result deduced, showed test formulation to display extended drug release as compared to reference formulations. Also the test formulations portrayed good linear relationship between in-vitro drug release and in-vivo drug absorption.
نواب جعفر علی خاں اثرؔ لکھنوی افسوس ہے کہ ۶ جون کو نواب جعفر علی خاں اثر لکھنوی نے انتقال کیا، وہ اس دور کے استاد فن شاعر اور اردو زبان و ادب کے نامور محقق تھے، اس کے جملہ متعلقات پر ان کی نظر بڑی گہری اور محققانہ تھی، اور اس میں ان کا قول سند کی حیثیت رکھتا تھا، ان کی ذات لکھنؤ کی تہذیب و شائستگی اور قدیم شرافت و وضعداری کا نمونہ تھی، ان کی زندگی کا بڑا حصہ سرکاری ملازمت میں گذرا، کلکٹری کے عہدے سے ریٹائر ہوئے لیکن تصنیف و تالیف و تلاش و تحقیق کا مشغلہ ہمیشہ جاری رہا اور انھوں نے اردو زبان و ادب کے مختلف پہلوؤں پر محققانہ مضامین اور مستقل کتابیں لکھیں، ان کا سب سے بڑا کارنامہ فرہنگ اثر ہے جس کی پہلی جلد شائع ہوچکی ہے، ان کی وفات سے اردو زبان کا ایک بڑا محقق اٹھ گیا، اور قدیم تہذیب کی ایک اہم یادگار مٹ گئی، اﷲ تعالیٰ ان کی مغفرت فرمائے۔ (شاہ معین الدین ندوی، جون ۱۹۶۷ء)
The Qur’ān is the divine renewed miracle in which the divine systemic rules stand for the collective good of humanity, the importance of caring for its reading and the significance of the meanings according to time and place and the new circumstances that man lives in. This research stands for analysis the significance contents mentioned in the Qur’ānic verse ﴿فَلا تقل لهمآ أُفٍ﴾. The dimensions include in the verse in terms of rules, judgments, and traditions are detailed in three main themes: firstly, is to read and explore the verse in terms of being a source of fundamentalist rules in the Islamic jurisprudence, which has a multiplicity of Schools of Islamic jurisprudence, in which it recognizes the concept of obedience to parents. Secondly, this verse is a reference to the social norms that governs the behavior of the individual and the society as evidence from the signs of discipline, whose meanings are interpreted by the fact of the children's respect for the parents and the establishment of a successful and balanced society based on family relations. Lastly, inspired from the existence of the significance in this verse to stand on the reality according to the concept of running this significance in the structure of Islamic law, which means the care of the individual and the society based on honor and human dignity. Thoroughly, it is concluded with recommendations in understanding the miraculous meaning of the verse, which ensures the implementation of the rules that the verse included in preserving the feelings of the parents according to the modern concepts of social care and services to preserve the existence of societies based on family relations.
This study focuses on the puritanical impact of Ahl-i-Hadith revivalist movement on the transition of the Sufi ethos of the Punjab during the late nineteenth and first half of the twentieth century. One can define Shrine-centered Islamic tradition as a defining feature of the Sufi ethos in the Punjab during the medieval period (11th-18th centuries). The Sufi ethos constitutes equality, social justice, Suleh Kul, Wahdat-ul-Wajud ideology, and accommodationist vision. All these factors of the Sufi tradition of the Punjab created pluralistic outlook among the masses. This tradition left indelible imprints on the local culture, particularly imparting values like tolerance, humanism, and social equality. The growth of Shrine-centered Islam in the Punjab was a reaction against the social stratification solidified by the caste system which became more rigid with the passage of time. The origin of this tradition dates back to Vedantic tradition, however, its contours were further sharpened when Ibn Arabi’s (1165-1240) Wajudi ideas permeated in the philosophical discourse of sufis in the subcontinent. In Punjab, Baba Farid Ganj Shakar (1175-1265) emerged as the main exponent of this philosophy. The reform movement of Ahl-i-Hadith ultimately questioned this strong Sufi tradition since later half of the nineteenth century. The study deals with the subsequent religious transition of a reasonable segment of the Punjabi Muslims. It concentrates on the particular aspects of Ahl-i-Hadith Movement i.e.; emphasis on scriptural Islam, direct recourse to Quran and Hadith, opposition to the prevailing four schools of Islamic Jurisprudence, rejection of all sufi forms of Islam (muharram, urs, qawwāli, gyārahwin of Abdul Qadir Jillani, pilgrimage to the graves of the Prophets and saints, majlis-i-milād (birth anniversary of Holy Prophet), simah-i-maota (listening of the dead) and observance of various ceremonies associated with death rites, i.e. Qul sharif, Satavan (seventh day ceremony after death) and Chaliswan (ceremony on the fortieth day after death). Rejection of contemplation and attempts to expunge Sufism remained the hallmark of this movement as they emphasized on this - worldly responsibilities of the Muslims rather than out-worldly asceticism (denial of this world and bodily contemplation) of the Sufis. xi They through the establishment of their own religious seminaries in the cities and towns of the Punjab and engaging in munāzara tradition with non-Muslims (Arya Samajis, Christian missionaries,) and Muslim sects (Shias, Barelvis, Deobandis, and Ahmadis) were able to draw a certain segment of the Muslim population towards them. Moreover, this study seeks to establish a connection between the contestation of puritanical Ahl-i-Hadith Movement with the colonial modernity; such as the western type of education and Missionary Agency, translation of scriptures into local languages and technology of printing. This agency of modernity helped in solidifying the literal interpretation of the Quran and Hadith that was the main feature of the Ahli- Hadith Movement. By emphasizing this aspect, I do not suggest that this contestation led Ahl-i-Hadith Movement to re-conciliate with modernity rather it highlights how this Movement made use of various tools of modernity for the dissemination of its puritanical teachings. The Ahl-i-Hadith Movement tried it best to adopt those features of the Colonial modernity that helped them in the dissemination of their ideas far and wide of the country. This movement was primarily sprouted from Delhi and spread throughout India and hence in the Punjab. The scholars of this movement stood for the cause of Islam declared the Sufi practices as innovations and created a reasonable following. This thesis attempts to formulate a new and comprehensive analysis of the Ahl-i-Hadith movement.