حافظ فضل حق آزادؔ عظیم آبادی
۲۷؍ شعبان ۱۳۶۱ھ کو صوبہ بہار کے مشہور و ممتاز کہنہ مشق شاعر حافظ فضل حق آزاد عظیم آبادی نے اس دنیائے دوں کو الوادع کہا، مرحوم کی عمر اس وقت غالباً اسّی (۸۰) سے زیادہ ہوگی، کانوں سے اونچا سننے لگے تھے، مگر اس سن و سال میں بھی ان کی شاعری کے شباب کا وہی عالم تھا، غزلوں کے کہنے کا اتفاق کم ہوتا تھا، مگر قومی و علمی و اخلاقی اور فلسفیانہ نظموں کا شوق زیادہ تھا، زیادہ تر اردو میں اور کبھی کبھی فارسی میں کہتے تھے اور شاذو نادر عربی میں بھی طبع آزمائی کی نوبت آجاتی تھی۔
پٹنہ میں سرسید مرحوم کی تعلیمی و قومی تحریک کے علمبردار قاضی رضا حسین صاحب مرحوم تھے، یہ ان کے حیدرآباد کے وفد کے ایک رکن بھی تھے، قاضی صاحب مرحوم کی فیض بخش علمی صحبتوں میں بہار کے جو چند نوجوان ابھرے، بڑھے اور پھیلے، ان میں ایک نام حافظ آزاد مرحوم کا بھی ہے، چنانچہ سرسید مرحوم کے اس ۱۸۹۱ء والے حیدرآبادی وفد میں جس کے دوسرے ممبر مولانا شبلی نعمانی اور مولانا حالی وغیرہ تھے، قاضی رضا حسین صاحب کیساتھ آزاد مرحوم بھی تھے۔
میں نے ان کو سب سے پہلے ۱۹۰۰ء میں جب میری نوعمری تھی ندوہ کے اجلاس پٹنہ میں اپنا ترکیب بند پڑھتے سنا، بلند قد، اونچی آواز، خود اعتمادی کے تیور، لہجہ پر جوش، کٹہرے میں شیر کی گرج سی سنائی دیتی تھی، سامنے علماء اور مشائخ کی صفیں تھیں، جن کی تعداد کئی سو سے کم نہ ہوگی، اکثر کی نورانی شکلوں کی یاد اب بھی دل کو منور کرتی ہے، شاعر نے جب ان کی طرف ہاتھ سے اشارہ کرکے یہ شعر پڑھا ہے:
نشانِ کاروان رفتہ ہیں دل کے اجالے ہیں
غنیمت ہی غنیمت ہیں کہ سب اﷲ...
Ijmāʿ is an important mode of Ijtihād and well known principle of Islamic Sharʿiah. Historically it is evident that incidence of Ijmāʿ )Consensus( restricted only to four Caliphates of Islam only. This Collective Ijtihād and Collective Opinion was actually the decision of the Islamic State followed and obeyed by the all Muslims specially by "Ṣaḥābah" (Companions of the Holy Prophet), this is why it is called Ijmāʿ-e- Ṣaḥābah. These decisions were applicable and binding to all Muslims living elsewhere in the world, because at that time there was centralized ruling system (Khilāfat-e-Wāḥidah). Now Muslim world has split into many states, so every state has its own decision making institutions and hence such Ijtihād and Ijmāʿ, Islamic Legislation Activities should be validated within those states as Ijtihād and Ijmāʿ except issues relevant to general interest as whole human being and all Muslims. In such issues International level consensus of Islamic Jurists would be required. "Ijmāʿ", actually it is the same processes. More over any "Ijmāʿ" held in a time period can be revoked by any new situation in future as per requirement of the time. It is the inevitable demand of dynamism of Islam to correlate it to every need of the time.
Metallic nanoparticles have potential applications in the field of biomedical and nanobiotechnology due to their enhanced antimicrobial characteristics. In present research an optimum experimentation for the fabrication of metallic (Ag, Au, Cu and Ni) nanoparticles via chemical reduction method was investigated. For all metallic nanoparticles same reducing agent Sodium Borohydride and Trisodium citrate was used with two stabilizers Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) and Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) except Ni nanoparticles where hydrazine was utilized. All particles were characterized by AFM, XRD, FTIR and UV-VIS spectroscopy. Fabricated nanoparticles Ag, Au, Cu and Ni NPs has size ranges 1-100 nm, 2-40 nm, 50-180 nm and 7-180 nm respectively. Sharp and prominent peaks of all metallic nanoparticles were investigated via optical characterization. Structural exploration of all metallic NPs were revealed poly crystalline structure with face centered cubic (FCC) having prominent [111] index, insuring their performance as an efficient antibacterial toll. FTIR evaluation of all metallic NPs verified their pure metallic nature. Antibacterial behavior of all particles was evaluated by turbidity (liquid media) and disk diffusion (solid media) method. It was deduced that Silver NPs (30-40 nm) exhibited Maximum Inhibition calculations (MIC) ~ 2.8, 4.37, 13.5 and 2.81 μg/ml for E. coli, S. aureus, B. subtilis and Salmonella. Similarly Silver NPs (20-30 nm) had MIC calculations of ~ 2.10, 2.36 and 2.68 μg/ml for E. coli, S. aureus and Salmonella. High dose of Silver NPs (30-40 nm) exhibited maximum zone diameter ~ 21 and 13 mm for E. coli and S. aureus while Silver NPs (20-30 nm) demonstrated zone diameter of ~ 23 and 15 mm for E. coli and S. aureus respectively. Gold NPs (7-34 nm) exhibited MIC value ~ 2.93, 3.92, 3.15 and 7.56 μg/ml for E. coli, S. aureus, K. pneumonia and B. subtilis respectively. Similarly MIC values deducted from Gold NPs (20-40 nm) were 2.96, 3.98, 3.3 and 8.61 μg/ml for E. coli, S. aureus, K. pneumonia and B. subtilis respectively. High dose of Gold NPs (7–34 nm) exhibited maximum zone diameter ~ 25 and 35mm for S. aureus and E. coli while Gold NPs (20- 40 nm) high dose demonstrated the zone ~ 22 and 31mm for S. aureus and E. coli respectively. Copper NPs with MCE filtration (10 - 150 nm) had MIC values ~ 6.07 and 8.33 μM for E. coli and S. aureus respectively. Similarly Cu NPs without MCE filtration (5-250 nm) had MIC values ~ 9.32 and 11.76 μM for E. coli and S. aureus respectively. Again high dose of Copper NPs (10-150 nm) demonstrated the zone diameter ~ 32 and 22 mm for E. coli and S. aureus respectively. Nickel nanoparticles (7-65 nm) revealed MIC calculation ~ 34.3 and 45 μM against E. coli v and S. aureus respectively and the zone calculation for S. aureus and E. coli was ~ 19 and 21 mm respectively with 30 μM dose. 5FU drug was loaded on Gold NPs (20-65 nm) successfully and zone of inhibition for E. coli and S. aureus was calculated. It was revealed that 15 μg/ml dose of 5FU coated Au NPs is ~ 40 mm for S. aureus, 31 mm for Salmonella and 44 mm for E. coli which was much enhanced as compared to pure Au NPs and pure 5FU drug. Gold NPs first time used in parthenogenesis activation process of mouse oocytes as a catalyst. 250 nmol Gold NPs dose with constant SrCl2 concentration (10 mM) (for 3 hour exposure) is proved to be suitable for oocytes activation of mouse.