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Home > Generalization of Bayesian Approach of Testing Many Hypotheses As Conditional Optimization Problem

Generalization of Bayesian Approach of Testing Many Hypotheses As Conditional Optimization Problem

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Mueed, Abdul




Government College University







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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Multiple hypothesis testing is an important topic in statistics. Therefore, the problem addressed in this thesis is an important one. It is also a topic in which it is difficult to make a significant improvement, for various reasons. One reason is that often different users may have different objectives and with multiple hypotheses there is no unique objective function. In the thesis is recognized this fact and as the objective functions, estimated the quality of made decisions, are used minimization of the probabilities of the errors of one kind at restrictions of the probabilities of the errors of second kind. Such approach is a new one which causes the uniqueness of the regions of acceptance of hypotheses and, consequently, improves the quality of hypothesis testing. Thus conditional Bayesian tasks of testing many hypotheses are stated and solved. The concept of conditionality is used for designation of the fact that the Bayesian tasks are stated as conditional optimization problems where the probabilities of one- type errors are restricted and, under such conditions, the probabilities of second-type errors are minimized. The properties of obtained decision rules are investigated, and, on their basis, it is shown that the classical Bayesian problem of hypotheses testing is a special case of the considered. The calculation results of concrete examples have shown that the qualities of offered conditional tasks surpass the quality of the classical Bayesian task. They completely confirm the results of theoretical investigations. The convenience, simplicity and naturalness of introduction of similar gradation Kiefer, viiviii (1977) by the level of certainty of hypotheses testing on the basis of concrete obser- vation result are shown in offered conditional tasks. Quasi-optimal procedures of many hypotheses testing are offered. They signif- icantly simplify Bayesian algorithms of hypotheses testing and computation of the risk function. The obtained general solutions are reduced to concrete formulae for multivariate normal distribution of probabilities. The methods of approximate com- putation of the risk functions in Bayesian tasks of testing many hypotheses are of- fered. The properties and interrelations of the developed methods and algorithms are investigated. On the basis of simulation, the validity of the obtained results and conclusions made is shown. The results of sensitivity analysis of the conditional Bayesian problems are given and their advantages and drawbacks are considered.

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Public Organization Development: Diagnosing Culture and Planning Interventions to Attain Governpreneurship

Public sector organizations operate in complex and compelling social, political and economic environment. Need and call for public organizations to become more citizen-focused and entrepreneurial are common. The demand to work in a more business-like and innovative manner, are burgeoning for public organizations. Planned efforts to change organization need to be implemented in public organizations like in private sector. The advancement of organization development (OD) literature on public sector will help public organizations to become efficient and high performing. The existing limited OD applications and interventions in public sector call for theestablishment of a new field of public organization development (POD). OD scholars and practitioners also believe that further research on OD initiatives relevant to thepublic sector is the urgent need to make them efficient, entrepreneurial and effective. Incidentally, in the public sector, entrepreneurship is regarded as either nonexistent or sketchy. Researchers provide evidence that entrepreneurship enhances organizational effectiveness. Public sector entrepreneurship introduces activities to kick off change by innovating, adapting, identifying and realizing that individual goals are not as much of importance as organization’s goals. An understanding of the culture is warranted to address the current challenges of transforming public sector to attain governpreneurship. It is well known that any neglect of diagnosis of culture results in dramatic failure of attempts to change the organizational culture. Therefore, considering the challenge of culture change and development of scanty knowledge in the field of POD, culture in the public organization was comprehensively diagnosed in the first step followed by planned interventions for changing the existing culture to attain governpreneurship, in the second step. Asequential explanatory mixed method research design was adopted to achieve the purpose of the study. A large size public organization responsible for metropolitan planning and development in one of the major cities of Pakistan was the research site.In quantitative phase, 160 managers having at least six months of work experience in the public organization were surveyedusing thelatest version of organizational culture assessment instrument(Cameron&Quinn, 2011). In qualitative phase, the survey resultsregarding culture diagnosis were corroboratedthrough field observation and in-depth in interviewswith 50 managers. Secondly, building on these ethnographic notes, systematic literature review of 20 articles published in top-tier academic journals; and focus groups discussion with 18 managers coded by NVivo 10, were conducted to propose planned interventions for attaining governpreneurship finally. From the survey data, it is analyzed that rule-based rigid hierarchy culture was the dominant existed culture and flexible, innovative and human development culture was the preferred culture. Data from field observations and in-depth interviews revealed that participants highlighted the human resource issues and raised the demands to address these issues preferably for achieving the spirit of public entrepreneurship. The systematic literature review and focus group discussions proposed human resource management (HRM) interventions in the first stage amongst four types of interventions to transform the rigid and control culture into flexible, entrepreneurial and family-like culture. The findings of the study propose HRM interventions to develop, retain, reinforce and support people in the public organizations for achieving organizational effectiveness. Further, governpreneurship results from introducing and implementing improvedhuman resource practices for assimilating employees into organization.