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Generalized Fuzzy Coincidence and Fixed Point Theorems

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Kanwal, Shazia




COMSATS University Islamabad







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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Generalized Fuzzy Coincidence and Fixed Point Theorems In this thesis, the notion of intuitionistic fuzzy b-metric spaces (shortly, IFbMS) has been introduced. Fixed point theorems of contractive mappings in IFbMS are formulated and proved to generalize the well-known Banach, Kannan and Chatterjea type results. Zamfirescu type result is also created in fuzzy b-metric space. Coincidence points and common fixed point of weakly compatible mappings in IFbMS along with the stimulating examples are obtained as well. Further, the existence of common fixed point of a family of multivalued maps in closed ball in complete intuitionistic fuzzy metric space is obtained and some valuable consequences are attained from this result. Moreover, a common coincidence point theorem for a pair of L-fuzzy mappings and a non-fuzzy mapping under a generalized ?-contraction condition in a metric space in association with the Hausdorff distance is proved and enhanced with a practical example. A generalized common coincidence point theorem with the?? ∞ metric on 1- cuts of L-fuzzy sets is achieved as well and it is concluded that under the alike circumstances there may be a coincidence point of a pair of multivalued mappings and a point to point mapping. A few corollaries are assembled to generalize many important results with the?? ∞ metric on L-fuzzy sets. Some applications of the obtained results are presented as well. Further, the existence theorems regarding fixed points and common fixed points of intuitionistic fuzzy set-valued maps for Meir-Keeler type contraction in complete metric spaces are established and proved. In addition, some common fuzzy fixed points of fuzzy set-valued mappings having ?-contraction in a complete metric space are obtained by using an integral type contraction condition. In this approach, numerous valuable current and previous results have been generalized. To indicate the strength of the main result, an interesting example is furnished.

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الأصوات العربية الفرعية في الدراسات الصوتية

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Differential Effect of Content Based and Pedagogical Training on Teachers’ Professional Development

in quality instructions because of the limitations of their natural pedagogies. A better understanding of new methods of teaching and the expanding range of pedagogies is only through training Training in content not only contributes to improve the content knowledge of teachers but also expands their natural pedagogies. The reason behind the limited success of exiting in-service teacher training programmes is that training activity for teachers content and pedagogical areas planned separately with long intervals. This gap in execution is the main cause of the ineffectiveness of training in these areas. Eliminating the gaps and sequencing the training in content and then pedagogy provides significant results in this research. The most important finding of this research is that training sessions must be conducted in sequence. Teachers benefited from training in content, which consequently resulted in efficient use of pedagogy already known to them. Therefore, academic qualifications in the relevant subject alone cannot be assumed as an alternative to content training. Training in specific content from the textbooks to be taught in the classroom is a desired element of training of in service teachers. In the changing scenario of education policies and curriculum change, training in content is necessary for novice and in-service teachers, especially in our context a teacher has to teach almost all subjects at primary level irrespective of his or her own subject specialization.