Genetic diversity is one of the major constituent of biological diversity. Systematic investigation on biological diversity also explains the species diversity within diverse ecosystems that can be helpful in exploring genetic variability. Genetic diversity refers to the variation of genes or entire genome within and among populations of organisms. Genetic diversity of plant species depends on ecological consequences, phytochemical variation, breeding system, phylogeny, and anthropogenic effects. Plant Genetic diversity information and distribution helps in better development of core collection and modified characterization which is necessary for conservation. The present project is carried out from 2012-2015. In this project genetic diversity of four wild naturally occurring plants namely Juniperus excelsa M. Bieb., Ephedra procera Fisch. & Mey and two endemic species Berberis baluchistanica Ahrendt, Vern. and Seriphidium quettense (Podlech) Ling, Bull. were estimated in three naturally occurring populations from high elevation zones of Quetta Balochistan, Pakistan through molecular and phytochemical profiling in parallel the ecological diversity including micro-climate and soil characteristics also analyzed and compared. Genetic diversity was assessed by different molecular marker system such as; RAPD, ISSR, URP and SSR. According to the present literature, this is the first comprehensive report on analysis of genetic diversity and phytochemical variation and impact of ecological diversity on genetic, phytochemical and morphological variation of these significant wild medicinal plants of the province Balochistan, Pakistan. Genetic diversity assessment was carried out by polymorphic bands analysis to generate a dendrogram based on Sequential Agglomerative Hierarchical and Non-overlapping (SAHN) algorithm by “Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean” (UPGMA) through Numerical Taxonomy System (NTSYS) pc. for cluster analysis. Phytochemical variation analysis of total phenolic and flavonoids contents were estimated for all accessions and compared within and among population through Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and dissimilarity matrix based on Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering (AHC). For ecological diversity evaluation of soil characteristics were analyzed for Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Data analysis revealed a diverse pattern of polymorphism varied among plants and their diverse habitats. Maximum genetic variability was found within population of Zarghoon area in B. baluchistanica, i-e, 81%. On the other hand least genetic variability was depicted in S. quettenese i-e, 44%. J. excelsa and E. procera population exhibited more or less same pattern of polymorphism as; 57% and 62% among population respectively. Phytochemical and morphological variation pattern were maximum among population may be because of diverse habitat. PCA of soil characteristics revealed that the first two factors, PC-1, PC-II had Eigen values >1 and contributed which had an accumulated eigenvalue of 70.44 %. The first and second principal components are a result of the linear combination of the 6 studied variables and both explained 44.02 % and 26.42 % of the variance, respectively. Molecular marker profiling of these wild plants together with phytochemical variation of TPC and flavonoid contents and impact on ecological diversity on genetic and phytochemical variation can be utilized as a base line study for implementation of conservation strategies to conserve the significant rare wild medicinal plants of the region.
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