Vitamin A deficiency is prevalent health problem across the poor families of the developing countries. To combat the vitamin A deficiency, development and deployment of PVA biofortified maize hybrids is most suitable solution. Indigenous 150 genotypes were selected and evaluated across autumn and spring seasons. Significant differences were observed in yellow maize genotypes across autumn and spring seasons. Variability was also observed for TCC and PVAC. Yellow maize genotypes were high yielding in spring season relative to autumn season. Genotypes, 15328, 19175, 15069, 15077, 15189, 15258, 24688, 15186, 15100 and 15105 were unanimously declared stable with higher grain yield across autumn and spring seasons. Different genomic SSR loci were used to dissect the genetic variability in different maize inbred lines. Targeted SSR loci were highly polymorphic due to having higher PIC value (0.6733 to 0.7207). Numbers of alleles were varying from 3.714 to 4.286 for Umc1595 and Umc2332 loci respectively. Genetic variability dissection on geographical basis showed that seven populations were not distinctive for PVA linked SSR loci and most of the genetic variance was depicted by among the inbred lines (85%). Yellow maize inbred lines from KPK origin had highest alleles, effective alleles and Shannon information index. UPGMA Clustering and PCoA showed that inbred lines were not distinctively grouped for geographical origin by PVA linked SSR loci. Distinctively selected inbred lines and testers were evaluated for their performance in single cross hybrid combinations. Significant differences were observed among genotypes, lines, testers and line × tester interaction for studied traits. L5, L6 and T1 were having higher GCA effects for YPH, RPC, and FW whereas, L1, L5 and T4 were having higher GCA effects for TCC, PVAC and NPVAC. Among studied crosses, L7×T3, L8×T4, L5×T2, were having higher SCA effects for PVAC whereas, L2×T5, L3×T3, L4×T2, were having higher SCA effects for YPH. L3×T3 has higher SCA effects for YPH, TCC, PVAC and NPVAC. L8×T4 were having SCA effects for PVAC, RPC and FW. L2×T5 were having higher SCA effects for PVAC, YPH, NPVAC and TCC. Most of variability was contributed by L×T interaction. Variance analysis showed that all of the traits were under the control of non-additive gene action. L1×T3, L5×T3, L3×T3, L3×T1 for PVAC, RPC and TCC, whereas, L5×T4, L10×T3, L5×T5, L5×T1, L8×T3 for YPH and FW were having higher mid parent heterosis. L1×T1, L3×T5, L7×T1, L10×T5, L7×T2 and L9×T1 for FW, YPH and PVAC were having highest better parent heterosis. Exotic PVA biofortified maize hybrids were evaluated across different locations for stability analysis. G×L interaction was significant for studied traits. Data were subjected to AMMI and GGE biplot stability analysis across the locations. AMMI and GGE biplots showed that HP1097-11, HP1097-2, HP1097-18 and HP1097-19 were high yielding with stable performance. PCA biplot showed that indigenous and exotic maize hybrids were grouped distinctively for yield and PVAC. Based on yield and PVA contents introduction of HP1097-2, HP1097-18, HP1097-11, HP1097-19 and HP1097-20 is strongly recommended in Pakistan. Exotic PVA biofortified maize hybrids were also subjected to different postharvest sundrying treatments to evaluate the quality losses. Results showed that starch contents were affected negatively in maize grain by direct exposure to sun light. Losses in starch contents resulted in proportional increase of protein and oil contents in PVA biofortified maize hybrids. Significant losses of TCC and PVAC were observed under direct exposure to sun light. Thus, direct sun drying of PVA biofortified maize hybrids was not recommended.
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