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Home > Impact of Drinking Water Contamination Caused by Hattar Industrial Estate on Health and Household Utility

Impact of Drinking Water Contamination Caused by Hattar Industrial Estate on Health and Household Utility

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Ullah, Aziz




COMSATS University Islamabad







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Applied Sciences





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Impact of Drinking Water Contamination Caused by Hattar Industrial Estate on Health and Household Utility Economic activity of industry is posing a serious threat to the health and lives of communities living around. The compromised and unaware behavior of the people is affecting the human health and life and its impact spreads from individual to society in various dimensions. This multidisciplinary study attempts to identify, quantify and analyze the problem of industrial wastewater contamination into the drinking water of the communities and its impact on health and utility at household level. The study is based on primary data and in total 950 households interviewed and 305 drinking water samples collected from area affected by Hattar Industrial Estate (HIE) in Pakistan. The data is collected from two affected villages (Dingi and Motian) situated on the bank of industrial wastewater channel and from one reference village (Khanpur) located upstream with the same socio-economic characteristics as target villages. The study used Geographical Information Systems (GIS), epidemiology, environmental sciences and economic approach to analyze data. Based on laboratory tests, in drinking water of target villages, lead and Nickel is found above the guideline values of the World Health Organization (WHO). Single difference approach of with and without is adopted to analyze its impact. The associated diseases in both selected villages found to be high blood pressure, lipominingocele, renal disease, black gums, skin and joint pains. The statistical relationship between the contaminants and diseases was positive. Other variables of high significance included location, pollution awareness and perception of risk. Based on the principle of household‘s utility maximization three demand equations were estimated: 1. demand for health status, 2. Demand for mitigating activities and 3. Demand for avertive activities. The three demand equations are quantified in terms of marginal willingness to pay; opportunity cost of avertive measures and leisure; economic cost of water pollution; and welfare loss to the community. Marginal willingness to pay is estimated as Rs. 4142.03/- and Rs. 819.6/- per household/per annum for the target villages of Dingi and Motian respectively. Total opportunity cost of avertive measures and leisure for Dingi xi was Rs. 7955/- where for Motian Rs.4260/-. Total economic cost for Dingi and Motian was Rs.11889/- and Rs.10442 per household per annum respectively. The welfare loss to the community due to industrial water contamination was calculated as Rs. 5.8 million per annum for Dingi where Rs. 0.2 million per annum for Motian. The total welfare loss due to water contamination in both selected villages was Rs.6 million per annum. This welfare quantification, if extrapolated to other villages situated on the wastewater channel, can result in high monetary loss to the community. This monetary loss is in addition to the physical and psychological sufferings associated with diseases. The findings of the study cannot be generalized for all pollutants or all locations since it is based on data collected from households affected by heavy metal water contamination caused by HIE in Pakistan. However the majority of developing countries are facing similar types of problems and the results of this study can be helpful in the choice of better policy options. The results suggest that apart from environmental pollution, the economic and behavioral factors also contribute to the prevalence of disease. Therefore, policy initiatives should be focused on specific issues such as decisions on the location of industrial estates; inclusion of environmental awareness in the formal education; motivation to the community for participation in government or Non Government Organization(NGO) run programs for environmental awareness; and adoption of aversion and mitigation measures to save the communities from harmful effects of pollution.

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Quantitative Analysis of Dynamics of Solar Activity Cycles in the Perspective of Data Distribution and Tail Analysis

Sun is the main source of energy for the earth and other planets. Its activity in one or the other way influences the terrestrial climate. Particularly, the solar activity manifested in the form of sunspots is found to be more influential on the earth’s climate and its magnetosphere. Links of the variability in terrestrial climate, sunspot cycles and associated magnetic cycles have been the concern of many recent studies. The role of the sun and its activities to understand the space weather and the earth’s environment interaction has been the unique importance in all eras. In this dissertation, we have fitted some adequate probability distributions and stochastic modeling on solar activity (particularly sunspots and solar flares) cycles and terrestrialmagnetic (K-index) activity data comparatively. The 24 cycles (1749-2014) of sunspots including 24th cycle that is in progress, last 4 cycles (20, 21, 22 and 23) of solar flares (1966-2008) and terrestrial K-index activity data (1932-2014) are used in the research work. We have compared the solar activity cycles and K-index activity cycles (associated with solar activity cycle) in the perspective of probability distributions. Comparing both the data we have distributed the time series (1932-2014) among 22-year cycle (2 solar cycles) of each. This kind of distribution is based on the period of one magnetic cycle of sun in which polarity is changed after each 11 years. The magnetosphere’s and magnetic field’s variation of earth can be detected and analyzed by the change in K-index data on which earth climate is depends. The geomagnetic activity is the one of the best recorded sign on earth of solar activity variations. It is basically showing a relationship between space weather and earth''s climate.Results obtained in this dissertation show thequasi-regular (persistent) dynamics of solar activity and K-index activity cycles along with the total time series data from the perspective of fractal dimension. Long-range dependence for each activity cycle is also calculated in terms of Hurst exponent. Theoretical instrument is developed between solar and K-index activity cycles to understand their long term relationship. Stochastic modeling is also fitted on the solar activity and K-index cyclic as well as on the total time series data. The result shows the heavy tail for the sunspots and K-index activity time series data used in this dissertation. The stochastic model FARIMA (Fractional Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average) is applied on the cycles along with their total time series data as used time series are long ringing dependence (LRD). FARIMA has a capability to use on short and long term conditions. Fractional differencing parameter and heavy tails parameter are calculated to understand the strength and peak of each cycle. The parameters of FARIMA model are obtained by MLE (Maximum Likelihood Estimator). Goodness-of-fit (AIC, BIC and HIC) are used to select the best fitted model among FARIMA (0, d, 0), (1, d, 0), (0, d, 1) and (1, d, 1). The log - likelihood is also estimated for further verification of significant model. Any time series that have heavy tail, fitting FARIMA modeling for them can be more useful to understand their expected behavior in future. The underlying physics of solar activity and K-index activity cycles is modeled by FARIMA (p, d, q) in this dissertation. Finally, we have analyzed and verified that the sunspots and K-index activities are followed Markov process. Transition matrices for both the activities are estimated to understand their physical behavior in 4 different selected states. Stationarity for stochastic matrices is observed in this dissertation to understand similar physical behavior in the used activity data. 2-dimensional correlation between stochastic matrices of sunspots and K-index activity cycles are calculated to understand how much relationship strong between them. In this connection 2-dimensional correlation is also obtained between sunspots and ENSO data to observe the sunspots effects on the earth’s climate. Bayesian posterior and prior are also observed in the estimated stochastic matrices as Bayesian approach is more adequate to understand the complex in the models. By the results obtained we can say that all the activities used in this dissertation are correlated and predictable. We can use probabilistic and stochastic approach to model them. The topic is wide that we could not cover by single dissertation, the same can be done with other solar, geomagnetic and global indices that we did not use in this research work to understand the space weather and earth climate interaction more intensely.