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Improving Fertilizer Use Efficiency and Productivity of Maize-Maize Crop Rotation by Organic Amendments

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Shabir, Muhammad Atif




University of Agriculture







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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49




Intensive agriculture has degraded the soil and yield owing to reduction in organic matter. Increasing cost and nutrient losses, associated with the inorganic fertilizers always demand some alternate arrangements. Maize (being a C4 crop) based cropping systems exploit available soil nutrient resources in an exhaustive manner which ultimately reduces the fertility status of the soils. Integrated nutrient management approaches with green manuring (GM) and composted poultry manure (CPM) may improve this situation. Two years’ field experiments on maize, comprising four consecutive seasons (autumn 2016, spring 2017, autumn 2017 and spring 2018) were carried out at Agronomic Research area, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan. GM and CPM were used as tools to enhance soil productivity and agronomic nutrient efficiency in two experiments which were continued side by side. In first experiment, production potential of maize was evaluated under six levels of nitrogen i.e., 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% of recommended dose with and without GM. In second experiment, again performance of maize was observed under six levels of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) i.e., 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100% of their respective recommended dose in combination with two levels of CPM (control & 3 ton ha-1). Results showed that in both the experiments regarding N and NPK levels with GM and CPM respectively, maximum values of number of grain rows per cob, number of grains per cob, 1000-grain weight, grain yield and agronomic N efficiency were obtained where 100% rate was applied in autumn, 2016. However across the two years, statistically no difference were found in all plant growth results between 60% and 100% fertilizer rates, while the 60% rate was more economical than 100%. Application of N and NPK at 100% rate during both the experiments produced highest plant height, cob diameter and biological compared with lower levels. In the first experiment, GM improved grain yield in almost every season (21% in autumn 2016, 33% in spring 2017, 37% in autumn 2017 & 48% in spring 2018). Likewise, GM also resulted in substantial increase in soil organic matter (OM) (40% 67%, 88% & 88%), available N (55%, 140%, 210% & 219%), total P (14%, 69%, 112% & 128%) respectively. Similarly, the results of second experiment disclosed that CPM improved grain yield in all seasons (21% in autumn 2016, 26% in spring 2017, 36% in autumn 2017 & 51% in spring, 2018). CPM also resulted in significant increase in OM (30%, 84%, 41% & 120%), available N (60%, 166%, 219% & 231%), total P (35%, 58%, 89% & 127%), and total potassium (K) (14%, 15%, 23% & 26%) respectively. In conclusion, continuous application of GM/CPM for two years along with 60% N/NPK rates economized the cost of production, improved soil health and maize yield on sustainable basis.

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