Exploration of genetic variation in natural population with subsequent selection for improved salt tolerance is an excellent strategy to utilize salt affected soils. In order to assess inter-accesional variation for salt tolerance in Panicum miliaceum L., 18 local accessions were screened at germination, seedling (0, 60, 120 and 180 mM NaCl)and adult stage by growing at varying levels of NaCl. In a set of 18 accessions of Panicum miliaceum accessions 008208, 008210 and 008215 were tolerant and accession 008216 salt sensitive at both these initial growth stages, while accession 008230 was tolerant at germination stage but intermediate at the seedling stage. Although the degree of salt tolerance in some accessions of P. miliaceum maintained at two early growth stages, it varied in most of the accessions at both initial growth stages. Moreover, none out of 18 available accessions of P. miliaceum was able to maintain the degree of salt tolerance consistently at all growth stages, i.e. germination, seedling and adult vegetative growth stages. Net CO 2 assimilation rate (A) was positively correlated with salt tolerance in terms of growth and yield. From the data for gas exchange attributes, photosynthetic pigments, ion accumulation it is suggested that lower transpiration rate (E) and higher water use efficiency (WUE measured as A/E) in salt tolerant P. miliaceum accessions seems to be responsible for lower rates of uptake and accumulation of Na + in photosynthetic tissues that resulted in higher photosynthetic efficiency and hence salt tolerance. Moreover, from the data for correlations among each of A, g s , C i and E in P. miliaceum accessions it is suggested that salt-induced decline in photosynthetic efficiencywas found to be associated partially with stomatal factors. Generally, P. miliaceum accessions having better plant water status and lower Na + accumulation had lower oxidative damage and higher photosynthetic capacity. It was suggested that extent of Na + accumulation in the leaves determine the activities of antioxidant enzymes and photosynthetic capacity, indicating that ROS detoxification is only one of the important components salt-stress tolerance. Taken overall, considerable intra-specific variation for salt tolerance was observed in P. miliaceum accessions. Reduction in growth and grain yield of all accessions were due to high accumulation of Na + and Cl - , low RWC, and low photosynthetic rate. Of these physiological attributes, photosynthetic rate, chlorophyll ‘a’, Na + exclusion and K + /Na + ratio were considered as potential physiological indicators for salt tolerance in P. miliaceum can be used in breeding programs meant for improving salt tolerance
آج کے بچے کی خواہشات نحمدہ ونصلی علی رسولہ الکریم امّا بعد فاعوذ بااللہ من الشیطن الرجیم بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم معزز سامعین اور میرے ہم مکتب شاہینو! آج مجھے جس موضوع پر اظہار خیال کی دعوت دی گئی ہے وہ ہے:’’آج کے بچے کی خواہشات‘‘ ہزاروں خواہشیں ایسی کہ ہر خواہش پہ دم نکلے بہت نکلے مِرے ارمان لیکن پھر بھی کم نکلے صاحبِ صدر! خواہش، تمنا ، آرزو ایسے الفاظ ہیں جو کسی نہ کسی شکل میں انسان کے ساتھ وابستہ رہتے ہیں۔ زندگی کے ابتدائی ایّام سے لے کر تادمِ زیست کوئی ذی روح اس سے بے نیاز نہیں ہوسکتا، کسی کا قد چھوٹا ہو یا کسی کا قد سرو قد کے مماثل ہو، کوئی دبلا پتلا ہو یا کوئی لحیم شحیم، کسی کا رنگ سیاہ ہو یا کسی کا سرخ و سفید خواہش کے معاملہ میں سب میں اشتراک پایا جاتا ہے۔ صدرِذی وقار! خواہش ہر ایک میں ہوتی ہے خواہ نوعیت کے اعتبار سے اختلاف ہی کیوں نہ ہو، عالمِ شباب میں خواہش اور تمناؤں کا سمندر جوبن پر ہوتا ہے، اس زمانے میں اُٹھتی ہوئی موجوں کا جو بن دیکھنے کے قابل ہوتا ہے، اسی دور میں نوجوان پہاڑوں کا سینہ چیرکر نہر نکالنے کا جذبہ رکھتے ہیں ، عمر رسیدہ حضرات کی خواہش منفرد ہوتی ہے۔ محترم صدر! بالکل اسی طرح بچے کی خواہشات ہوتی ہیں، شیر خوارگی میں بچے کی خواہش مختلف ہوتی ہے وہ صرف ماں کی مامتاحاصل کرنے کا متمنی ہوتا ہے، اس کی عظیم سے عظیم تر خواہش ماں کے ساتھ لیٹنا، ماں کی لوری سننا، بے معنی آواز یں نکال کر ماں کو دودھ پلانے کا احساس دلانا ہوتی ہے۔ شیر خوارگی کی عمر سے نکلتا ہے تو اس کی خواہش میں تبدیلی رونما ہونا شروع ہو جاتی ہے۔...
In this paper, the question of the participation of the resident Muslim in the foreign countries in politics and its rulings and the statement of some issues that are presented to the Muslim, such as: to elect, run or participate in political parties and other issues related to this topic. And also, tried to study the views of the scholars, and presented them and their attitudes, evidence in them, compared with them. The modern world has witnessed phenomena, which is not hidden to every sane person, which was, the Muslim participation in the political activities in the non-Muslim countries. The importance of this research paper is clear because it reveals the meaning of the political concept in the Holy Quran and prophetic tradition, which made the researcher in the attempt to legalize the matter in this regard and to summarize the statements of ancient and contemporary scholars based on their arguments and evidences. The study concluded That the participation in politics activities non-Muslims societies does not fall within the scope of the doctrine originally, since no one doubts in the doctrine of Muslims that it is not permissible to resort to the tyrant and not to judge except with Allah almighty revealed rules and regulations, and when this doctrine disappears or enter doubt of any act of apostasy and disbelief, which is not satisfied by any sound Muslim at this very moment that falls into haram category. At the end conclusion is drawn from variant views of the scholars, and the main findings and recommendations have been given.
It is unanimous quote that the life blood of development is the sound economy of a country. The trend reveals the fact, all the developed countries across globe are symbols of cited above quote. Contrary to the said saying, countries deficient of it are still striving for survival and the world ranks them in the list of under developed countries. It is also pertinent to mention that along with other relevant factors to boost up the economy, banking sector play a very keen role in providing the smooth ground one way or other. The fact beyond it is quite clear as this Industry has depth involvement in almost all life businesses. Nobody can deny the importance of this sector that is why the fast growth has been observed in Banking Industry so for as comparative to other economic sectors. Similarly, the financial history depicts the datum about gray aspect of this sector. The downfall of financial industry leads towards the collapsing of entire economy as almost all the core economic activities based on this industry directly or indirectly. In last centuries, financial crises has been observed numerous time affecting the global economies and put the adverse impact on routine economic cycles for long time. The economist played a vital role in evaluating these financial crises and presented thousands of research papers and reports aimed to explain the issue and causes of its occurrences. Likewise different surveys has been conducted in order to get core and real causes of these disasters but all in vain. After practicing a large number of remedial measures and opting thousands of suggestion in this regard results almost same consequences. The world economy faced huge financial disaster on average after decade or two like Wall Street Crash of 1929 and Great Depression, Oil Crises in 1973, Latin American Debt Crises in 1982, Black Monday in1987, U.S Saving and Loan Crises in 1989, Japanese Asset Bubble in 1990, Mexican Peso Crises in 1994, Asian Financial Crises in 1997, Russian Financial Crises in 1998 and Dot-Com bubble in 2000. The worst case occurred in 2008 that affect the world economy severely. Almost all the dollar base countries felt the shocks of these crises. The summary of almost all recommendations towards its healing and to bringing them in a streamline of rationality shows that all are primarily made on derived assumptions of mankind and based theoretical phenomena’s constantly leaving the space for individual’s curiosity and interest which leads the system to repeat itself in year or decade in the shape of new financial disaster or financial crises. Important to mention that after the use of bulk of energies and utilization of all type resources, why the economist are unable to explore the solid and firm system to accomplish the financial objectives of humanity and why the world used to face such disaster in a cyclic manner and why the financiers remains in risk of “anything may happen anytime” and in fear of uncertainty. The only answer to all raised question is very clear that we always construct our system on man-made policies and procedures rather than opting the divine rules and orders. “An interesting irony that every dollar note has the admission: “In God we trust”, but when it comes to develop theories to earn dollars or to distribute or spend them, trust is placed only on human ideas based on personal assessments; God is held totally out of picture, as being irrelevant to economic activities’. [Taqi Usmani, 2009].This is the quandary that high financial experts and economist didn’t realize and nobody confer attention towards it to know the root cause of downfall. Manmade theories are always limited to specified era and restricted to particular setting. That is why the world economy consistently running with high risk. So there is dire need felt to observe the banking system in the light of divine rules to ensure its smooth operations with full confidence of sound and firm procedures from customer to organizations along with reliance of all stakeholders operating in the said system directly or indirectly. This research study will mainly covers the identification of shortcomings in conventional banking system with respect to sharia’s principles and laws only. Those products, trends, policies and dealings of it violating the cultural norms, international accounting or auditing standards and any other sort of disrespect and lacking is not the considerable part of this research. Along with that, it also focus on describing the remedial measures of the loopholes in order to eliminate them from the system to ensure the smooth flow of financial operations and to protect it from adverse violations and exploitations. The study will present the some in vogue practices of Islamic banking system in the form of portraying the detail discussion of mostly used modes of financing like Mudarabah, Murābaḥa, Ijarah, and Diminishing Musharakah along with their procedural documentations and patterns exist in the Islamic Banks as sample that how these modes are free from all such lacking and weakness what the conventional Banks have which is the need of the day to address properly in order to bring the entire system in full conformity of divine standards and laws. For the said purpose, the study includes all the sources of Shariah i.e. Qura’n, Sunnah, Ijma and Qias classical literature and contemporary financial reports, surveys and procedural laws of different financial Institutions special emphases on conventional Banks. On the basis of findings of the study, the suggestions will be stated to bring the deviations in accord with the mainstream Sharia.