Radio frequency (RF) driven inductively coupled plasma (ICP) discharges are extensively used in a variety of industrial and technological applications due to their multiple advantages like low sheath voltages, high plasma densities, low contamination from reactor sputtering, and easily controllable ion energies. In comparison to the conventional ICPs, the Magnetic Pole Enhanced-Inductively Coupled Plasma (MaPE-ICP) scheme is a relatively new concept that offers additional attractive features such as lower electron temperature, higher plasma density, better spatial uniformity and larger area coverage capability. Therefore, the MaPE-ICP source is chosen in the present study to investigate the plasma parameters of interest in relevance to their applications. In analogy to the conventional ICPs, the MaPE-ICP also operates in two distinct modes, namely electrostatic or E-mode and electromagnetic or H-mode. These two modes exhibit significant differences in their electrical and plasma properties, and thus have motivated many researchers to study the two modes of conventional ICPs over the last two decades. However, very little work has been done in the two modes of the MaPE-ICP discharges. Therefore, the key plasma parameters and active species concentration are investigated here in the two distinct modes of the MaPE-ICP to understand the related phenomena in this modified version of ICP. In the first step, a comparative study of the electron temperature determined by Langmuir probe and the excitation temperature estimated by Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) is carried out in the two distinct modes of the MaPE-ICP using argon as operating gas for different applied RF powers (5-50 W) with the varying gas pressures (15-60 mTorr). The non-intrusive OES based measurements of plasma parameters like the electron temperature is very proficient for plasma processing where the application of Langmuir probe measurements has several limitations. In this study, an effort is made to find a relationship between the measured values of the electron and excitation temperatures. It is observed that the electron temperature can be easily determined from the excitation temperature in the H-mode but difficult to do so in the E-mode of the MaPE-ICP. The gases used in processing of materials and other applications are mostly electronegative in nature. Oxygen is a simple electronegative gas which is also used in various applications such as photo-resist ashing, oxidation, sterilization, and surface activation and modification. Therefore, in the second step, the study is extended to determine plasma parameters and active species concentration in the two distinct modes of the MaPE-ICP operated in oxygen for different applied RF powers (40-300 W) and gas pressures (15-60 mTorr). The key plasma parameters like electron density, electron temperature, electron energy probability function, positive and negative ions densities are determined by using Langmuir probe. Moreover, the atomic oxygen density and dissociation fraction are estimated with the help of OES. The measured parameters are compared with the reported parameters in the conventional ICPs and some interesting similarities and differences are found between the two schemes. It is observed that the MaPE-ICP presents relatively early mode transition, lower electron temperature, and much higher dissociation fraction and atomic oxygen density. These features suggest that the MaPE-ICP will be more promising for the purpose of plasma processing applications. The work will be a useful addition to the field of related studies and also for using other gases of technological interests.
یوسف نیر(۱۹۴۷ء ۔۲۰۱۷) کا اصل نا م یوسف رحمت ہے اور نیر تخلص ہے ۔ آپ محلہ اٹاری گیٹ سیالکوٹ میں پیدا ہوئے۔(۱۰۹۰) آپ نے ایم ۔اے اردو پنجاب یونیورسٹی اور ایم۔فل اردو علامہ اقبال اوپن یونیورسٹی سے کیا۔ ۱۹۷۹ء میں آپ کی تعیناتی بطور لیکچرار گورنمنٹ کالج رحیم یار خان میں ہوئی۔ گورنمنٹ کالج سیالکوٹ سے ایسوسی ایٹ پروفیسر کے عہدے پر آپ ریٹائر ہوئے ۔(۱۰۹۱) آپ کالج میگزین lکے مدیر رہے اور ان کی ادبی تخلیقات اس میں شائع ہوتی تھیں۔ آپ کا شعری کلام ’’کاتھولک‘‘،’’نقیب‘‘ ،لاہور ،’’شاداب ‘‘ لاہور ، ’’شعاعِ نور‘‘ ،لاہور ،’’بیسویں صدی‘‘ ،لاہور اور ’’فنون ‘‘ لاہور میں شائع ہوتا رہا۔
آپ مرے کالج کی مجلسِ سخن اور مجلسِ اقبال کے انچارج رہے۔ نیرمرے کالج کے علمی و ادبی مجلہ ’’الفیض ‘‘ کے نگران رہے اور مرے کالج سے اقبال نمبر اور غالب نمبر شائع کیے۔۱۹۸۸ء میں آپ پاکستان رائٹرز گلڈ کے مرکزی صدر منتخب ہوئے۔ پنجابی ادب سنگت لندن نے انھیں ۲۰۰۰ء کاادبی ایوارڈ لندن میں ایک مشاعر ے میں پیش کیا۔ (۱۰۹۲)’’روشنی کا پہلا دن‘‘ یوسف نیر کا شعری مجموعہ الحمد پبلی کیشنز نے ۱۹۹۲ء کو شائع کیا۔
یوسف نیر ادب میں ادب برائے زندگی نظریے کے قائل ہیں۔ انھوں نے اپنی شاعری میں ہمیشہ غریب ،مظلوم اور پسماندہ معاشرے کے پسے ہوئے انسانوں کے دکھ اور محرومی کی بات کی ہے۔ وہ ظالم ،جابر اور استحصالی نظام اور افراد کی مـذمت کرتے ہیں۔ نیر گہرا سماجی شعور رکھتے ہیں وہ سماجی اور معاشرتی ظلم و ستم کو نظر انداز نہیں کرتے بلکہ اسے محسوس کرتے ہیں اور اپنی شاعری میں جا بجا بیان کرتے نظر آتے ہیں:
The Quranic sciences of interpretations and principles of interpretations were originated in the epoch of holy prophet (saw) but compilation of both were started later. This is called principles of interpretations, which is the basic and important part of Islamic studies. Islamic scholars, commentators and explicators explained the holy Quran in the light of principles of interpretations. These are such basic principles those are guide lines for them so they will not deviate or drop the right way while interpreting and explaining the holy verses. These principles are laid down and followed by them so that they may find the will of Allah and actual meaning of holy Quran. A little difference in principles causes a huge difference in interpretation. Different methodology in principles resulted in many schools of thought. This article focusses on examining these schools of thought found in sub-continent and introduce their main books. This article deals with chronological evolution of said knowledge i.e. Principles of interpretations, and Quranic sciences specially originated by the famous principalities and interpreters of sub-continent.
The present practice of teaching of English in Pakistan is based on memorization and rote - learning. The teaching of English language is done in the same manner as other subjects where the teacher provides the content and the students learn. The participation of students in the class is not considered to be essential in learning the language. In this study I presented the existing practice and my efforts to introduce ways, especially variety of questioning techniques to enhance students participation. Also interactive ways of teaching grammar that I introduced in the class are also described. The findings of my study suggest that asking a variety of questions increases students' interest in class participation and improves skills of reading.