Yasir, Muhammad
University of Agriculture
2021-02-17 19:49:13
2024-03-24 20:25:49
نحن نحیا في عالم کلّہ دم
عٌ وعمرٌ یفیض[2] یأساً وحزناً
تتشفی[3] عناصر الزمن القا
سي بأھاتنا وتسخر منّا
في غموض الحیاۃ نسرب[4] کالأ ش
باح بین البکاء والآھاتِ
کلّ یومٍ طفلٌ جدیدٌ ومیتٌ
ودموعٌ تبکي علی المأساۃ
ثم ماذا؟ في أيّ عالمنا المح
زن نلقٰی العزاء[5] عمّا نقاسي؟
عند وجہ الطبیعۃ الجھم [6] أم عن
د فؤاد الزمان وھو القاسي
قد عبرنا نھر الحیاۃِ حیارَی
في ظلام الفصول والسنوات
وثبتنا علیٰ أسانا خریفاً
وربیعاً فما جمالُ الحیاۃ؟
طالما مرّ بي الخریفُ فأصغي
تُ لصوتِ القمریّۃ[7] المحزونِ
وأنا في سکون غرفتي الدج
یاء أرنو[8] إلی وجوم[9] الغصون
طالما في الخریفِ سرت الی الحق
ل وأمعنتُ في وجومي[10] وحزني
کیف لا والکآبۃُ المرّۃ الخر
ساءُ قد رفرفتُ علی کلّ غصن
والحمامُ الجمیلُ قد ھَجَر الاّع
شاش سأمان [11]من وجوم السھوب
Effect of Compensation, Quality of Work Life on Performance
This study aims to determine the effect of compensation, quality of work life on employee performance at the Directorate General of Customs and Excise, East Java Regional Office I. The study population was 1323 employees. Employees, the number of samples is 200 respondents. The technique of collecting data through a questionnaire. Model testing with structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis. The test results show that the model (fit) can be seen from the values of GFI, AGFI, TLI, CFI, RMSEA and CMIN / DF respectively 0.902, 0.907, 0.964, 0.968, 0.026 and 1.127 which indicate the model fit criteria. The results showed that: 1) Compensation has a significant effect on Quality of Work Life, 2) Compensation has a significant effect on Performance, 3) Quality of Work Life has a significant effect on Performance, 4) Compensation has no significant effect on Performance through Quality of Work Life for Office employees Region of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise, East Java I Mutagenesis of Indigenous Streptococcus Equisimilis Isolates for Enhanced Production of Streptokinase
Acute myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke are caused by thrombosis or the obstruction of blood vessels with clots and this is the leading causes of death. The single handling accessible is the use of thrombolytic agent to liquefy the blood lump. Hyper production of streptokinase was carried out in this research work. Beta hemolytic Streptococcus equisimilis was isolated from indigenous sources and then mutagenesis of this isolate was carried out by means of chemicals as well as radiations. To seek the optimum activity, different kinetic and thermodynamic parameters like pH, temperature, Km, Vmax, molecular weight, melting temperature, half-life, enthalpy and entropy etc. were applied on the purified enzyme. UV irradiated strain resulted in 335 U/mL activity with 1116.66 U/mg specific activity, 0.30 mg/mL protein, 41.92 fold purification and 69.79% recovery whereas Sodium azide derived mutant resulted in 400 U/mL activity with 2000 U/mg specific activity, 0.20 mg/mL protein, 71.94 fold purification and 64.51% recovery of the finally purified enzyme. Gamma irradiated strain exhibited 300 U/mL activity with 1428.57 U/mg specific activity, 0.21 mg/mL protein, 59.52 fold purification and 75.94% recovery whereas ethidium bromide derived mutant showed 365 U/mL activity with 1659.09 U/mg specific activity, 0.22 mg/mL protein, 66.52 fold purification and 85.08% recovery. Optimum pH and temperature of the finally purified enzyme was 7 and 45oC. Enthalpy of denaturation (ΔH*) of streptokinase at 450C was 43.67 kJ/mole. The Energy of thermal denaturation ΔG* was 101.14 kJ/mole and entropy of inactivation ΔS* was -197.32 kJ/mole at 45oC. The negative value of ΔS* indicated that streptokinase was thermodynamically stable. Km and Vmax values of streptokinase were 26.31 mM and 50 MS-1. Streptokinase produced from sodium azide derived mutant exhibited activity within the pH range of 6 to 8 while it presented its best performance at pH 7. Thermal stability between 45oC to 80oC was shown by the streptokinase along with half-life of 244 minutes while less stability was shown at 80oC along with 45 minutes of half-life and 40.41 kJ/mole as enthalpy of denaturation (ΔH*).