An analysis of waves and instabilities in pair-ion plasma produced in some recent experiments is presented. The pair-ions, C±60, have the same mass and opposite charge. It is pointed out that the observation of the electrostatic ion acoustic wave frequency can be a suitable check to determine whether the produced plasma is a pure pair-ion plasma or whether it comprises some concentration of electrons. Linear and nonlinear electrostatic waves are studied in an unmagnetized pure pair-ion (PI) and pair-ion–electron (PIE) plasmas. In this thesis, we primarily focus on the analytical and numerical study of linear and nonlinear waves in pair-ion and pair-ion-electron plasmas and in particular formation of three different types of nonlinear structures have been investigated. The shear flow-driven electrostatic instabilities has been investigated in ideal low-density, low-temperature pair-ion-electron and pure pair-ion plasmas in several different cases, by considering homogeneous and inhomogeneous density effects. In uniform pair-ionelectron plasma, when the shear flow is of the order of the acoustic speed, a purely growing D''Angelo mode can give rise to electrostatic fields. In the case of an inhomogeneous plasma, the drift wave becomes unstable. The presence of negative ions, however, reduces the growth rate. If the positive and negative ions are not in thermal equilibrium with each other, then the shear flow also gives rise to an electrostatic instability in pure pair-ion plasma. The Kortewege-de Vries-Burgers (KdV-B) equation is derived for drift-waves in a partially ionized non-uniform pair-ion-electron (PIE) plasma. The nonlinearity appears due to electron temperature gradient. The analytical solutions in the form of solitons, monotonic shocks and oscillatory shocks have been obtained. The numerical calculations have also been presented for PIE plasmas of fullerene and hydrogen for illustration keeping in view the recent experiments. The Kadomtsev-Petviashvili-Burgers (KPB) equation is also derived for coupled drift acoustic shock waves in a partially ionized non-uniform pair-ion-electron (PIE) plasma in the presence of both density and temperature gradients, respectively. Both linear and nonlinear studies have been presented. The nonlinear KPB equation is derived in the small amplitude approximation method and its solution is found using the tanh method. The numerical calculations have also been presented for PIE plasmas of fullerene plasma. The effect of density and temperature inhomogeneities on the nature of the shock is also highlighted. The role of the velocity of the nonlinear structure with regard to the density and temperature gradients driven drift velocities is also pointed out and the effect of ionneutral collision frequency is also investigated. The linear and nonlinear dynamics of pair-ion (PI) and pair-ion-electron plasmas (PIE) have been investigated in a cylindrical geometry with a sheared plasma flow along the axial direction having radial dependence. The coupled linear dispersion relation of lowfrequency electrostatic waves has been presented taking into account the Gaussian profile of density and linear gradient of sheared flow. It is pointed out that the quasi-neutral cold inhomogeneous pure pair ion plasma supports only the obliquely propagating convective cell mode. The linear dispersion relation of this mode has been solved using boundary conditions. The nonlinear structures in the form of vortices formed by different waves have been discussed for PI and PIE plasmas. Johnson''s equation which is also known as cylindrical Kadomstev-Petviashvili (CKP) equation, is derived for pair-ion-electron plasmas to study the propagation and interaction of two solitons. Using a novel gauge transformation, two soliton solutions of CKP equation are analytically solved by using the Hirota''s method. Interestingly, it is observed that unlike the planar Kadomstev-Petviashvili (KP) equation, the CKP equation admits horseshoe-like solitary structures. Another non-trivial feature of CKP solitary solution is that the interaction parameter gets modified by the plasma parameters on contrary to the one obtained for Korteweg de Vries (KdV) type equation.
قرآن میں استفہامیہ اسلوب کے مقاصد قرآن حکیم میں استفہام کا اسلوب کثرت سے استعمال کیا گیا ہے ۔ مخاطب میں آمادگی پیدا کرنے، غور وفکر کی دعوت دینے، مخاطب کو جواب سننے کےلیے آمادہ کرنے ، اور مخاطب سے کسی حقیقت کا اقرار کرانے کے لیے یہ اسلوب استعمال کیا گیا ہے ۔ استفہام ،اثبات کے ذریعے بھی کیا گیاہے اور منفی اندازِ استفہام بھی نظر آتاہے ۔علاوہ ازیں تاکید، ترغیب ،توبیخ،تحقیر، عبرت اندوزی، شان و شوکت کے اظہار اور التفات و نوازش کے لیے بھی اسے استعمال کیا گیاہے ۔ یہ اقرار و امر کےمعنی میں بھی آیاہے اوراظہار تعجب کے لیے بھی۔ حسرت کے انداز میں بھی اور بانداز استعجاب و استہزاء بھی۔ مسلسل استفہام بھی قرآن میں استعمال کیا گیا ہے ۔ مذکورہ بالا مقاصد وحکمتوں اور اس کے منفرد استعمال پر ذیل میں بحث کی گئی ہے ۔
This article discusses the problem of Islamic education from a theological and sociological point of view. The emergence of normative and verbalist Islamic education curriculum distorts the universality of Islam. Islam that is contextual in space and time, always in contact with sociological aspects, should be understood as something that can change its partiality dynamics continuously, even though there is a universal thing that is maintained as a normative belief. On the other hand, the failure of education to produce educational output that is dignified and virtuous has caused some people to distrust the world of education in developing the character and ethics of children. The vote of disbelief is getting stronger with the emergence of the National curriculum model which gives a greater portion of general subjects than religious subjects. This paper is a criticism of the development of the world of education in Indonesia, with the hope that education stakeholders make changes to the education system and the applicable curriculum.
This study was carried out by considering the importance of proper storage and composting of poultry litter (PL) for its nutrient conservation and stability. In the first experiment, five storage methods were compared for their effects on nutrient dynamics and microbial diversity in PL under composting and un- composting conditions. Storage methods included: shed, covered (plastic sheet), open-air, pit, and lined floor. The pile / pit size was 2 m × 2 m × 1 m (L × W × H or D), and the quantity of poultry litter in each one was 500 kg. Composite PL samples were collected after an interval of 15 days until 90 days for the determination of organic C, macro- (N, P and K) and micro-nutrients (Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn) contents and microbial population counts. Data recorded during storage and/or composting were statistically analyzed through three-way ANOVA including time, storage methods and composting conditions as variables. There was significant successive reduction of organic C contents / C:N ratio and improvement in macro- and micro-nutrient concentration in the processed PL with increased storage time both under composting and un-composting conditions. Composting proved statistically superior to un-composting for all the parameters tested. Among the storage methods, PL composted under plastic cover resulted in the highest nutrient contents and the lowest C:N ratio; while shed storage without composting gave the poorest results. Composting under covered storage method gave significantly higher Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn contents (487, 277, 778 and 331 μg g- 1 , respectively) compared to that with other methods. Microbial populations in the PL under various treatments also varied significantly during the study period. The highest count of bacteria (8.36×108) was under composting at 60 days, while PL filled in pits showed the highest number (8.42×108). Actinomycetes population was highest (8.02×106) at 75 days of composting, and pit storage method gave the maximum count (8.85×106). The highest population of fungi (7.06×104) was found at 45 days of composting and in pit storage method (7.83×104). In the second experiment, composted and un-composted poultry litter obtained from Experiment-I were evaluated for their effects on soil fertility and wheat production in the field by employing split plot design with three replications. Composted PL resulted in significantly higher contents of soil organic matter and NPK at crop harvesting stage; further, these components were higher with the PL stored under covered or pit storage method. Wheat grain yield was also greater under composted PL treatments, while PL from pit and lined-floor storage gave statistically higher yield than from other methods. Open-air stockpiling performed the lowest in statistical terms. It is concluded that composting of poultry litter under plastic sheet cover provides the best storage conditions to conserve nutrient elements. Further, composting conditions favor the microbial activities to degrade the organic wastes faster, and their population is further enhanced under moisture-rich condition in the pits. Storage of poultry litter without providing the composting conditions in any of the storage methods delays its decomposition and stabilization. Similarly, the composted poultry litter has better fertilizer value than the un-composted one, as its application improves the soil characteristics and crop yields considerably.