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Home > Mathematical Model to Handle the Complex Situation in Any Organizational System

Mathematical Model to Handle the Complex Situation in Any Organizational System

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Mannan, Abdul




University of Karachi







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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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In an industrial organization, Management experience extra ordinary and multifaceted situations pertain to expenditures that are directly and indirectly related to the organization. Addressing problems, running the organization in an effective manner and making it profitable, is one of the foremost obligations of an organization. In order to facilitate the management, and to deal with the problems, an effort has been made to develop a Mathematical model conducive to their environment based on Operational Research Techniques. The core idea of the design involves deep analysis of the entire system and subsequently decision making rule for remedial measures. The linear optimization, being an important technique of OR shall play a pivotal role in the entire scenario to handle the complexities in an organization and also suggest solutions for the improvement of the situation in accordance with the set goals/objectives.

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