درد کا حد سے گزرنا ہے دوا ہو جانا
نحمدہ ونصلی علی رسولہ الکریم امّا بعد فاعوذ بااللہ من الشیطن الرجیم
بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم
معزز اسا تذہ کرام اور میرے ہم مکتب ساتھیو!السلام علیکم! آج مجھے جس موضوع پر گفتگو کرنی ہے وہ ہے:’’درد کا حد سے گزرنا ہے دوا ہو جانا ‘‘
جنابِ صدر!
دکھ درد، تکلیف ہم معنی الفاظ ہیں، زندگی میں ہر شخص کوکسی نہ کسی موقع پر رنج وغم اور دکھ و تکلیف سے واسطہ پڑتا ہے خوشیاں روٹھ جاتی ہیں، رنج و الم کے بادل گھٹائیں بن کر برسنا شروع ہو جاتے ہیں گھر کے آنگن میں نوید ومسرت کی چاندنی بکھیرنے والا قمر گہنا جاتا ہے۔
صدرِ ذی وقار!
زندگی کے نشیب وفراز سے انسان ہمکنارر ہتا ہے۔ افراط و تفریط کا سلسلہ شروع رہتا ہے، کامیاب انسان وہ ہے جوایسے حالات میں مستقل مزاج رہتا ہے ان بوقلمونیوں سے اس کے پائے استقلال میں لغزش نہیں آتی اور یوں اس کی زندگی کی گاڑی رواں دواں رہتی ہے۔بقول غالبؔ
رنج سے خوگر ہوا انساں تو مٹ جاتا ہے رنج
مشکلیں اتنی پڑیں مجھ پر کہ آساں ہو گئیں
صدرِ محترم!
جب کوئی چیز حد سے بڑھ جاتی ہے، اپنی انتہا کو پہنچ جاتی ہے تو اس کا وجود عنقا ہو جاتاہے اس کی حیثیت بدل جاتی ہے اس کے نفع نقصان کا تصور تبدیل ہو جاتا ہے۔ اس کے مضر اثرات مصلح ہو جاتے ہیں اس میں یکسر تبدیلی آجاتی ہے اور ایّام کے ساتھ ساتھ وہ قصہ پارینہ بن جاتی ہے۔
محترم سامعین!
رات اپنی انتہا کو پہنچتی ہے تو بادِ نسیم صبح کے حیات بخش جھونکوں سے آشنا ہے۔ دن اپنی بلندیوں کومس کرتا ہے تو قمر کی برووت بھری چاندنی قلب و ذہن کی طراوت کا باعث بنتی...
Embryology is such an academic discipline which was based upon the Qura’nic revelation purely and its details were provided by The Holy Prophet (SAW) whereas the scientists remained totally unaware of its intricate details until twentieth century. It was the time when they discovered various stages of the creation and development of fetus inside the mother’s womb and after examination of all these stages through various scientific instruments they openly admitted that Qura’nic verses about fetal development are absolutely accurate. Their acknowledgement is a strong evidence of the authenticity and veracity of The Holy Qura’n for scientific minded people. Not only this but these embryologists also admitted that the information provided in the Holy Qura’n and the A╒adith of The Holy Prophet (SAW) helped them a great deal in formulating the basic hypotheses of their research. So, these scientific discoveries are clear proofs of the miraculous character of Holy Qura’n. The current article is an effort to elaborate the link of modern embryology with the details given in the sacred literature of Islam.
Oppression of Women in Patriarchal Societies: An Analytical Study of Anita Shreve's Novels The intention of this study is to show how language is used to represent women’s oppression. Women are oppressed in patriarchal societies and this theme provides the theoretical framework for the study i.e. feminist theory, which is applied to the texts of two novels of contemporary American novelist Anita Shreve, namely All He Ever Wanted and Body Surfing. Text of the novels is represented with the view to see how certain linguistic features are meaningfully used to show women as an oppressed group and are denied their due rights. Analytical perspective of the study is post-structuralism, in which various meanings having ideological significance for women’s oppression are reached upon. A detailed discussion on the theoretical significance for the study with an extensive critical review of related literature has been provided with the aim to show how certain aspects of language show power, gender, identity, representation, and ideology, leading to women’s oppression. Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is used as methodology for the study and its significance for textual analysis is also highlighted. Norman Fairclough’s Three Dimensional Model (TDM) of CDA is used as strategy for the interpretation and analysis of text. Various paragraphs and dialogues covering different research questions from both the novels are analyzed under the treatment of Fairclough’s TDM. The analysis of each paragraph and dialogue is followed by critical discussion with a possible relation between language use and implied meanings, leading to women’s oppression. Interpretation and analysis of text is done to show how various textual and linguistic features are critically analyzed to outline their importance for the construction of social realities i.e. the seemingly neutral language is covertly and deliberately treated to oppress women; and how these realities are normatively coded in belief system and are taken for granted. The critical discussion is made in line with readers’ own conceptual world by referring to the commonsensical beliefs, to make them realize the ideological implications. Finally, the conclusion shows language a multi-dimensional process which socially oppresses women in various fields of life. The critical discussion reveals that such patriarchal oppression of women in narratives, is actually made real when applied to the society. The suggestions enable the reader to go ahead in the matter by basing his/her knowledge on the information gained so far.