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Molecular Genetic Study of Neurodegenerative Movement Disorders in Pakistani Population

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Quaid-I-Azam University







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Natural Sciences





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Neurodegenerative movement disorders (NDMDs) is a heterogeneous group of neurological diseases which are caused by selective loss or death of neurons and distinct involvement of functional systems defining movement disability. Proteins with altered physicochemical properties are deposited in the human brain in NDMDs. Not only neurons but glial cells also accumulate these proteins. Intra or extra-cellular Accumulation of structurally deformed and physiologically impotent protein result in the death of neurons as well as glial cells. Neurons are the functional building blocks of the central nervous system, which includes the brain and spinal cord. Mature neurons are post-mitotic and therefore incapable of self-renewal. Morphologically a typical neuron has cell body and processes (Axons and dendrites) which mediate synaptic communication. Glial cells have complex processes extending from their cell bodies; they are generally smaller than neurons. They lack axons and dendrites, do not participate directly in synaptic interactions and electrical signaling, although their supportive functions help define synaptic contacts and maintain the signaling abilities of neurons. NDMDs are incurable and debilitating conditions that result in progressive degeneration and or death of neurons and associated cells. Parkinson‘s disease (PD) is the most common NDMD. Pathologically PD is a complex disease of the mid brain, primarily affecting the substantia nigra (SN) which is densely populated with dopaminergic neurons. The death of SN neurons results in loss of smooth and coordinated skeletal muscle movement. Parkinson‘s disease is generally considered complex and multifactorial disease. Rarely PD runs as a Mendelian trait in families. The familial form of PD is considered to be monogenic. Diverse genetic strategies have been employed to understand genetic risk factors and causes in sporadic and familial forms of PD. Since the genetics of sporadic and familial forms of PD and other NDMDs has not previously been investigated in Pakistan, the objective of this study was to elucidate the role of common genetic risks such as variants in the SNCA, LRRK2, DJ1, CYP2D6 genes in sporadic PD in the Pakistani population and to identify genetic causes of familial PD and other NDMDs in Pakistan. In summary a case-control study, was done and total of 374 subjects including 174 clinically diagnosed PD patients and 200 ethnically matched healthy controls to find Abstract Molecular Genetic Study of Neurodegenerative Movement Disorder in Pakistani Population Page xiv the possible genetic associations and risk factors for Parkinson‘s disease in this population sample. Allele specific PCR and PCR-RFLP was used for screening of previously reported pathogenic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in SNCA, LRRK2, DJ1 and CYP2D6 genes. Randomly 20% samples were selected for bidirectional Sanger sequencing to confirm the results. No association was observed for commonly reported variants e.g., rs104893875 (G>A), rs104893877 (G>A), rs104893878(C>G) in the SNCA, rs34805604 (A>G), rs33939927(C>G/T), rs35870237 (T>C), rs34637584 (G>A), rs34778348 (G>A), in the LRRK2 and rs74315354 (G>A) in the DJ1. A strong association was observed in case of rs3892097 (G>A) in the CYP2D6. An increase in the risk of Parkinson by two fold (OR: 2.9; 95% CI 1.5 to 5.50, p = 0.02) was calculated for carriers of rs3892097 (G>A) risk allele (A-allele). Whole genome sequencing and segregation analysis was carried out for three PD families (A, B and C) an atypical Parkinsonian family (D), a Wilson‘s disease family (E) and one family with rare movement disease with periventricular white matter neurodegenerative changes (F). Family (A) with autosomal dominant PD co-segregated with GBA (exon9:c.T1301C:p.434L>P) and PSAP (exon5:c.A470G:p.157N>S) a novel coinheritance of the two genes. Family (B) co-segregated with SEMA6A (exon10:c.G860C:p.287G>A) novel gene (mutation) in autosomal dominant Parkinson‘s disease. Family (C) co-segregated with AAK1 (exon17:c.C2312G p.771P>R) novel gene (mutation) in autosomal recessive Parkinson‘s disease. One family with atypical Parkinson‘s disease Family (D) co-segregated with CSF1R (c.1237G>Ap.G413S) a novel mutation with reported gene for leukodystrophy and atypical Parkinson‘s disease. An autosomal recessive family (E) with Parkinson‘s like symptoms revealed recurrent mutation ATP7B (c.2930C>T p.T977M) for Wilson‘s disease. One family (F) with autosomal recessive movement disorder co-segregated with GPR56 g.57654049 G>C splice site mutation and PCLO exon3:c.G2473A:p.A825T. Minigene assay exclude the splice site mutation in the GPR56 g.57654049 G>C. Thus a novel mutation in PCLO (exon3:c.G2473A:p.A825T) co-segregated in this family.

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Studies on Gamma Irradiation Effects on Germination, Growth, Fodder Yield, Proximate Analysis and Genetic Diversity of Sudan Grass Sorghum Vulgare Var. Sudanese

Present studies were carried out at Rangeland Research Institute, NARC, Islamabad and Quaid-i-Azam university, Islamabad during 2001-2011. Dry seeds of Sudan grass (Sorghum vulgare var, Sudanese) were subjected to ten acute irradiation treatments ranging from 0 to 45 kR with 5 kR intervals at Nuclear Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA), Peshawar. Overall germination percentage decreased with increase in the doses of gamma irradiation. Seedling height decreased significantly (p≤0.05) on 4 th and 11 th day of sowing with increasing treatments of gamma irradiation. Similarly root length and root shoot ratio on 4 th day of sowing under lab conditions also depicted significantly (p≤0.01) decreasing effect with an increase in dose rate of treatments. Data regarding plant height and leaf area showed significantly (p≤0.05) increasing effect with an increase in dose rate of treatments under field condition in M-1 generation. Average tiller plant -1 increased significantly (p≤0.01) with the increase of doses in M-1 generation under field condition. Tillers showed a significantly (p≤0.05) increasing effect with increasing treatments in M- 2 generation. Data regarding green matter weight -1 and dry matter weight -1 showed significantly (p≤0.01) increasing effect with highest dose rate of gamma irradiation in M- 3 generation. Data regarding immature flowering percentage also showed increasing effect significantly (p≤0.05) which is a positive sign to prolong its life span till start of winter season which is a lean period for livestock grazing feed under natural conditions. Overall growth rates improved by gamma irradiation treatments in M-4 generation and M-5 generations. On the basis of these results high yielding mutants in Sudan grass may be developed. Data reading proximate analysis showed insignificant differences in all traits studied in M-1 generation of Sudan grass under field condition. Data regarding effect of irradiation on HCN concentration showed significant (p≤0.01) decreasing effect in red and blue color intensity. While insignificant decreasing effect in green color xiintensity which is a positive sign to reduce HCN concentration in Sudan grass and other sorghum species used as a fodder crop. There is much hope to develop HCN free mutants in these crops through irradiation in future. Data regarding SDS-PAGE analysis and RAPD technique showed great variability in genetic diversity as a result of gamma irradiation on Sudan grass under study in M-1 and M-2 generations. Further research is needed to improve the crop and develop such mutants by gamma irradiation in future.