Physalis ixocarpa commonly called tomatillo belongs to the genus Physalis and family solaneaceae. There are about seventeen accession of P. ixocarpa reported from the world. We are reporting for the first time new accession of P. ixocarpa from district Shangla KPK Pakistan, with molecular biochemical and in vitro culture study for their pharmacological importance and conservation. The introduction of new accessions in the genus Physalis was supported by morphometric and molecular data of sixteen accessions provided by National plant germplasm system USDA (USA). Seventeen accessions were evaluated for nine morphometric and two physiological traits. Among these traits, plant height, relative water content, total chlorophyll content and leaf area were found as best for the differentiation among these accessions. The data regarding these traits were analyzed by NTSYS software using UPGMA method. The morphometric similarity coefficient between different accessions was 0.15 to 0.61. These accessions were also screened for genetic differentiation using RAPDs primers. Out of 32 primers, only 8 primers amplified the DNA fragments, and provided genetic information about these accessions. The genetic similarity among different accessions was in the range of 0.03 to 0.33. Genetic similarity matrix showed maximum genetic similarity of 33% between two combinations (PI662845 and PI662846, PI512909 and PI66843) and minimum genetic similarity of 3% obtained between PI512005 and PI360740. The RAPD data supported the ecological distribution and relation among the isolated geographic population. The topology of dendogram indicated that most of the accessions with similar geographic condition were grouped together in dendogram. Mexican and American accessions were clustered together in separate groups. The new accession of P. ixocarpa from Pakistan was clustered together with one accession of Indian and American origin in the dendogram. It is inferred from molecular typing that accessions PI512005 and PI360740 were the most diverse accessions among the different accessions of P.ixocarpa. The medicinal importance and economic value was investigated by preliminary bioactivities and the recovery of bioactive compounds of the accession. The variation in bioactivities of the different parts of the plant is due to uneven localization and distribution of secondary metabolites in plant matrix. Among different parts of the plant tested for antimicrobial activity, calyx showed inhibitory activity against most of bacteria. Antifungal activity was found only in leaf part of the plant. Strong antioxidant activities were found in different parts of the plant. Crude methanolic extract from leaf, stem, fruit, and water fraction from stem exhibited strong antioxidant activity as compared to other samples. Phyto-chemical screening showed the presence of active compounds (alkaloid, polyphenol, tannin, glycoside) responsible for the bioactivities of the plant parts. Polyphenol of dietary and pharmaceutical interest was quantified in different parts of the plant through HPLC and spectrophotometric 2 assay. Total high polyphenol content was found in leaf followed by stem, calyx and fruit. High concentration of gallic acid was observed in the leaf followed by fruit, stem and calyx. The newly reported accession of P. ixocarpa has now become endangered due to overgrazing, erosion, over exploitation and limited availability. The micro propagation protocol was optimized in the present study. The data regarding the in vitro culture of the subject plant indicated that maximum number of shoots was obtained on full strength shooting media containing 1.5 mg.L-1 BAP and maximum number of primary and secondary roots were produced on half strength media supplemented with 1mg.L-1IBA for micro propagation to maintain the biodiversity of this endangered medicinal plant.
محمد الدین فوق محمد الدین فوق (۱۸۷۷ئ) کوٹلی ہر نرائن سیالکوٹ پیدا ہوئے۔ فوقؔ تخلص کرتے تھے۔ فوق بڑے ذہین تھے۔ طالب علمی کے زمانہ میں نظیر اکبر آبادی کی ایک مشہور نظم ’’کیا خوب سودا نقد ہے‘ اس ہاتھ دے اس ہاتھ لے‘‘ کا فارسی نظم میں ترجمہ کیا۔ فوق فطری شاعر تھے اور بچپن سے ہی موزوں طبع تھے۔ فوق نے ۱۸۹۲ء میں شعر کہنے شروع کئے۔(۱۵۶) ان کا ایک ایک شعر وطن(کشمیر) کی محبت اور اسلام کے درد میں ڈوبا ہوا ہے۔ فوق پہلے شاعر ہیں جنہوں نے مستقل طور پر مسلمانِ کشمیر کی ترجمانی کرتے ہوئے دنیا کو ان کی مظلومیت سے آگاہ کیا۔ آپ کی شاعری کا مقصد مسلمانوں کی اصلاح بھی تھا۔ اقبال نے ’’شکوہ‘‘ اور ’’جواب شکوہ‘‘ نظمیں لکھی ہیں۔ فوق نے بھی اسی طرح ’’بڈ شاہ کی روح سے خطاب‘‘ نظم میں کشمیریوں کی زبوں حالی کا اسی لہجہ میں رونا رویا ہے۔ فوق غزل میں داغ دہلوی اور قومی نظموں میں علامہ اقبال سے متاثر تھے۔ فوق کا شعری کلام ہندوستان کے معروف رسائل میں چھپتا رہا۔آپ کا پہلا شعری مجموعہ ’’کلامِ فوق‘‘ کے نام سے ۱۹۰۹ء میں شائع ہوا۔ اس مجموعے کے دو حصے ہیں۔ پہلے حصے میں ۱۸۹۵ء سے ۱۹۰۱ء تک کا کلام ہے اس حصے میں غزلیں زیادہ ہیں۔ دوسرا حصہ ۱۹۰۲ء سے ۱۹۰۹ء تک کے کلام پر محیط ہے۔ اس حصے میں نظموں کی تعداد بھی خاصی ہے۔ کلامِ فوق کا دوسرا ایڈیشن ۱۹۳۳ء میں شائع ہوا اس کی ضخامت ۱۴۰ صفحات سے بڑھ کر ۲۴۰ صفحات تک پہنچ گئی ہے۔ اس میں پروفیسر علم الدین کا مفصل دیباچہ بھی شامل ہے۔ فوق کا دوسرا شعری مجموعہ ’’نغمہ و گلزار‘‘ کے نام سے ۱۹۴۱ء میں شائع ہوا۔ اس کی ضخامت ۱۸۴ صفحات ہے اس کا دیباچہ مولانا عبد اﷲ قریشی نے لکھا ہے۔ اگر...
Islam is a religion of Nature that covers all aspects of life and guides human being to right path amid ups and downs in one’s life. But Human intellect and comprehension have limited capacities which can understand conditions or benefits of any situation or commodity for the time being. On the other hand, teachings of the Qurʻan and Sunnah are framed in accordance with the nature of human being and since Allah Almighty is the Creator of the entire Universe including the Nature so Allah had commanded to lead life in light of the His divinely inspired principles to get real success. Concept of Halal and Haram plays central role in evolving or driving attitude of a consumer with Islamic ideology. In the prevalent worldly economic system which mainly focuses on means as to how quickly satisfy desires and demands of a consumer irrespective of concept of Halal and Haram. In this context, if a consumer finds more satisfaction in having one glass of wine than milk, the consumer in question would opt for wine and would consider him or herself as successful after having his desires met within his available resources. Moreover, this particular attitude of the same consumer would be called rational act and logical because he or she gets more satisfaction, he or she was struggling or longing for. While Islam focuses on real welfare and success of an Islamic principles-inspired consumer. The consumer with Islamic belief would prefer to get real success here and hereafter by following teachings of Islam which provide for carrying out commandments of Allah
Protective coatings are used for external and internal corrosion protection of gas/oil storage, transmission and distribution. The key factors for corrosion protection are adhesion of the coating to the steel surface, and resistance of the coating to permeation of water, oxygen and/or ions. External three layer polyethylene/hotmelt/Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE) coating is being used for corrosion protection of gas/oil pipelines buried under soil. FBE, being in direct contact with steel surface, has immense bearing on corrosion protection and hence service lifetime of the pipeline. The corrosion protection properties of the two FBE materials have been assessed on the basis of inherent chlorine contamination, reaction kinetics, dimensional stability after cure, water absorption etc. Analytical techniques such as Thermal Analysis (TA), surface characterization techniques like Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (TOFSIMS) and electrochemical techniques like Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) have proved to be extremely helpful not only for performance evaluation of coating materials but characterization of the coating-substrate interface as well. ToFSIMS has been extremely useful in elucidating the detrimental effect of contamination such as oil, grease, fats etc at the FBE–substrate interface on the coating disbondment. The characterization of the interface has helped to predict service lifetime of a 3 LPE coating. Our analytical results have been validated by field tests. The most important factor influencing the service lifetime of a coating is the steel surface preparation by minimizing residual contamination. Clean interface should contribute towards alleviating the need for Cathodic Protection (CP) application and hence reducing maintenance costs. The ionic chlorine contamination is one of the most important critical interfacial characteristics of epoxy coating adhesion on steel surfaces. Incomplete cross- linking of the resin has turned out to be one of the contributory factors towards coating disbondment on steel pipeline buried under irrigated pathways. The strength of coating adhesion has been found out to be damaged by molecular moisture which diffused from the soil and surrounding atmosphere through the free volume in polyethylene and hotmelt. Quality of wash water for steel substrate turned out to be one of the characteristics for better performance of epoxy coatings on steel substrates. Furthermore the results confirmed that special attention must be accorded to periodic removal of settled water from fuel storage tanks at regular intervals.