شان الحق حقی
اردو کے بڑے ممتاز شاعر و ادیب، محقق و مترجم اور لغت نویس جناب شان الحق حقی نے ۱۱؍ اکتوبر ۲۰۰۵ء کو کناڈا میں داعی اجل کو لبیک کہا، اناﷲ وانا الیہ راجعون۔
مرحوم ایک برس سے پھیپھڑے کے کینسر میں مبتلا تھے، ان کی پیدائش ۱۵؍ ستمبر ۱۹۱۷ء کو دہلی میں ہوئی، ان کا خاندانی تعلق شیخ عبدالحق محدث دہلویؒ سے تھا جن کی ذات سے ہندوستان میں علم حدیث کا بڑا فروغ ہوا، علی گڑھ سے انہوں نے بی اے کیا تھا اور دہلی کے سینٹ اسٹیفن کالج سے ۱۹۴۱ء میں انگریزی میں ایم اے کیا، اس کے بعد ’’آج کل‘‘ دہلی کے نائب مدیر ہوئے، پھر شملہ میں مترجم کی حیثیت سے کام کیا۔
۱۹۴۷ء میں وہ دہلی سے پاکستان چلے گئے، ۱۹۵۳ء میں لندن سے ذرائع ابلاغ عامہ کا کورس کیا، عرصے تک ترقی اردو بورڈ پاکستان کے اعزازی سکریٹری رہے اور اس کے مجلہ کے شعبہ ادارت سے بھی منسلک رہے۔
دہلی سے تعلق کی بنا پر ان کی تحریر یہیں کی ڈھلی ہوئی شستہ زبان کا نمونہ تھی، ان کو ٹکسالی زبان اور محاوروں اور ضرب الامثال پر قدرت کا ملہ حاصل تھی، وہ زبان کی صحت کا بڑا خیال رکھتے تھے اور اس کے نوک پلک اور الفاظ کے محل استعمال سے بخوبی واقف تھے، ان کی اس طرح کی تحریروں اور مضامین سے اہل ذوق بہت محظوظ ہوتے تھے۔
نثر و نظم دونوں پر یکساں قدرت تھی، تارپیراہن اور حرف دل رس وغیرہ ان کے شعری مجموعے ہیں، نثر میں افسانہ، ڈرامہ تنقید، ترجمہ اور لغت نویسی ہر ایک میں اپنے جوہر دکھائے ہیں، بچوں کے ادب سے بھی شغف تھا، ان کے لیے پہیلیوں، کہہ مکرنیوں اور نظموں کی متعدد کتابیں لکھیں، لغت نویسی اور ترجمے میں ان کی خدمات بے مثال ہیں، کئی منظوم...
Family is the basic institution among all other institutions. Ifthis institution is good then the whole society will be good. Ifthis institution is not sound, then it is difficult to get good society. In this institution a woman play an important role, either that be a wife, mother, daughter or sister. In any condition we cannot deny her importance and her role in the general well-being of society. From the historical study we come to know that until the teaching ofthe prophets were followed, woman was honored. But when their teachings were neglected or mixed with personal interest then women were deprivedfrom their rights and were dishonored, As a result social system sufferedfrom disruption. The injustice with women was notjust in any particular culture or religion but in every culture and religion she remained under violence. When Holy prophet (PBUH) came, he saved her rights and responsibilities, so thatfamily should bepeaceful andsociety wouldget good citizens. A comparative study of women's rights has been presented in this paper, and it will be estimated that what other religions and cultures give rights to women and what Islam has given
The subject matter of the present dissertation deals with isolation, characterization and evaluation of biological activities of selected species belonging to families Solanaceae, Guttiferae and Pinaceae. The enclosed research data of the thesis is divided into following parts. PART A: Phytochemical Studies of the Selected Species of Family Solonaceae PART B: Phytochemical Studies of the Selected Species of Family Guttiferae PART C: Phytochemical Studies of the Selected Species of Family Pinaceae PART D: Evaluation of Biological Activities PART A Part A describes the phytochemical investigation on Witahinia coagulans and Physalis divericata (Solanaceae). Six new (45-50) and ten known (51-60) withanolides have been isolated from W. coagulans of Pakistani origin, whereas withaphysanolide A (61), a novel withanolide together with five known physalins (62-66) and four withaphysalins (67-70) were isolated from the P. divericata. Various experimental techniques and extensive spectroscopic studies were used for the structural elucidation of the compounds. The isolated withanolides were evaluated for inhibition activity on lipopoly-saccharide (LPS) induced B-cell, concanavalin A (ConA)-induced T-cell proliferation and against human colorectal carcinoma HCT-116 and human lung cancer NCI-H460 cells PART B Part B includes the isolation and characterization of constituents from Hypericum species (Guttiferae). Six new (105-110) and fourteen known xanthones (111-124) along with nine other compounds (125-133) have been isolated from H. oblongifolium, while six known compounds (134-139) were isolated from H. dyeri. These components were evaluated for respiratory burst inhibitory (anti-inflammatory), enzyme inhibitory and antioxidant activities. PART C Part C contains the the GC and GC-MS analysis of various extracts from conifers belonging to family Pinaceae. The amount and composition of lipophilic and hydrophilic extractives as well as proanthocyanidins in the bark of seven Pakistani conifers were analyzed. The bioactive polyphenols and other known compounds were found interesting in order to find a potential value-added use of local tree species. Gravimetrically these extracts were analysed for lipophilic and hydrophilic extractactives. The predominant lipophilic extractives were common fatty and resin acids, fatty alcohols, and sterols. Different known lignans, stilbenes, ferulates, and flavonoids were generally predominant among the hydrophilic extractives. Pinus species e.g. P. wallichiana, P. gerardiana and Picea smithiana showed large amounts of lipophilic and hydrophilic extractives compared to the other examined conifers. Pinus roxburghii was found different from the other pine species having smaller amounts of both types of extractives. A. pindrow and T. fuana were also found to have the smallest amount of hexane extracts. The proanthocyanidin content and composition revealed that especially Pinus wallichiana and Abies pindrow could be rich sources of such compounds. PART D Part D is concerned with evaluation of biological activities of crude extracts, fractions, semi-pure and pure constituents. Different solvents soluble fractions of the selected plants belonging to family Guttiferae (H. perforatum, H. oblongifolium, H. monogynum, H. choisianum and H. dyeri), Pinaceae (bark and knotwood of Picea smithiana, Abies pindrow, Pinus wallichiana, P. geradiana, P. roxburghii and Cedrus deodara) and Taxus fauna from the north west of Pakistan were screened for their possible antioxidant activity. Anticancer (anti-proliferative) and enzyme inhibitory activities of Hypericum species as well as the cytotoxic, anti-inflammatory and urease inhibitory activities of pure compounds isolated from Hypericum, Physalis and Withania species were also studied. Four complementary test systems, namely phenolic compounds, free-radical scavenging capacity, measuring of reducing power and total antioxidant activities by Phosphomolybdenum method were used for analysis. We report here for the first time the antioxidant and antimicrobial potential of the various extracts and fractions of the listed plants for the first time except Hypericum perforatum which has been the subject of many investigations. The objectives of this study were to explore the biological and medicinal value of the extract/fractions of the above mentioned plants.