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Home > Nonlinear Models for Flows by Roatating Disk

Nonlinear Models for Flows by Roatating Disk

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Qayyum, Sumaira




Quaid-I-Azam University







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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Here heat, concentration and motile microorganism transfer rates in magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) radiative flow of nanofluid are investigated. Variable thicked rotating disk is examined. Concept of microorganisms suspended nanoparticles is stabilized through bioconvection. This concept is induced by combined effects of magnetic field and buoyancy forces. Nonlinear differential systems are solved for series solutions. Velocity, temperature, concentration and motile density behaviors for different parameters are analyzed. Skin friction coefficient and Nusselt number are numerically discussed. Temperature and concentration have opposite behavior for larger Brownian motion parameter. Motile density reduces for bioconvection Peclet number and bioconvection Lewis number.

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المبحث الثاني: صدِ برگ

المبحث الثاني: صدِ برگ

 (صدِ برگ) ھذہ المجموعۃ الشعریۃ الثانیۃ لبروین شاکر والتي جاء ت إلی الساحۃ الأدبیۃ في (1980م )بعد انقطاع مدۃ ثلاث سنوات، ولکن الشعراء والأدباء لم یعطوا لھذہ المجموعۃ منزلۃ عالیۃ کالخوشبو، إنما اعتبروھا أقل خیال وأدنی مرتبۃ من خوشبو وبعض الناقدین قاموا بنقدھا. تقول بروین عن مجموعتھا ھذہ:

 ’’لقد تغیر المنظر عندما ألفتُ صد برگ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ منظر حیاتی وحیاۃ ھذہ الأرض التي کان وجودي بوجودھا۔۔۔۔‘‘[1]. وفعلاً ھذہ المجموعۃ الشعریۃ قیمتھا أقل من المجموعۃ الشعریۃ السابقۃ (خوشبو) ولکن بعض الأدباء شجعوھا ورفعوا من معنویاتھا وقالوا عن صدِ برگ أنھا تطور وإبداع اکثر في أفکار الشاعرۃ ویتضح فیھا جمال کلماتھا الھادئة۔ وتقول قرۃ العین طاھرۃ ’’أن في خوشبو سُمع صوت الفتاۃ أکثر من صوت المرأۃ، ولکن في صدِ برگ حصلت الموازنۃ بین المجموعتین وقد أکتمل الناقص، ولم يکن في ھذہ المجموعۃ التعبیر عن الأحلام فقط، إنما کانت صورۃ صادقۃ عن الحیاۃ‘‘[2]۔

 یتضح من ذلک أن عمل بروین تطور نحو الأحسن والأفضل تدریجیاً، وأن مجموعۃ (صدِ برگ) تعطي صورۃ واضحۃ عن شخصیۃ الشاعرۃ، وأختارت کلمات بلیغۃ وتراکیب شاملۃ عن الحیاۃ وفلسفۃ المصاعب والمشاکل الیومیۃ۔ وتقول الدکتورۃ سلطانۃ بخش أن بروین شاکر ’’ظھرت فی مجموعتھا صدِ برگ علی شکل شاعرۃ ولا حول لھا ولا قوۃ ونسقت احساساتھا من دنیا الأحلام إلی الدنیا الحقیقیۃ وإلی مشاعر الوجدان مع ربط ھذہ الإحساسات بالقلب، وتنظر الحیاۃ علی حقیقتھا بأعین واعیۃ، وتخرج من عالم الکوابیس والأحلام إلی دنیا الواقع الحقیقي‘‘[3]۔

 یتضح من ذلك أن عملھا ھذا کان صورۃ واضحۃ عن رُقیھا وتقدمھا من الناحیۃ الأدبیۃ وأعطت صورۃ شاملۃ عن نظرۃ الحیاۃ وأصولھا وأھم قوانینھا۔

[1] بروین شاکر، صدِ برگ۔


ماحولیاتی و موسمیاتی تغیرات سے متعلق عوامی ذمہ داریاں اور آگہی ( سیرت النبیﷺ کی روشنی میں) Public Responsibilities and Awareness Regarding the Environmental and Climate Changes (In the light of the Prophet's life)

Allah has made the man as his caliph on earth and created the natural resources of the universe for the sake of human beings. Due to advancement of industrialization the natural resources and environment have been threatened while the environmental pollution has become an international challenge in modern times. Some of the guiding principles mentioned in the Sirat-un-Nabiﷺ are helpful in basic guidance of humanity, such as the prohibition of extravagance and oppression, the gratitude for divine blessings, the observance of the rights of worship, and so on. However, there are certain rules and decrees that provide specific guidelines for the protection and proper use of certain natural resources, such as water, trees, agriculture, forests, wind, etc. That some of them have been ordered to perform their duties, Such as the commands to plant trees, to keep water clean, to cultivate, to raise animals and to be gentle with them, etc. Such as prohibitions of cutting down trees unnecessarily, of polluting water, of spoiling fields, and the prohibition of cruelty to animals, etc. In this study, these demands have been explained in some detail in the light of Quran and Hadiths. Key Words: Environment, Pollution, Responsibilities, Sirat -un-Nabiﷺ

Genomic Variability Among Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus-Pav Infecting Wheat Crop in Pakistan

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is the major staple grain food of Pakistan and is prone to many fungal, bacterial and viral diseases. Diseases caused by vriuses are among the biotic factors inflicting huge economic losses. Every year Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) causes substantial losses to wheat crop. A total of 210 samples showing typical barley yellow dwarf virus symptoms were collected from different wheat growing area of Pakistan. The DAS-ELISA technique was used to identify the existing serotype of BYDV. The BYDV-PAV was serologically identified as the most prevalent strain in Pakistan. The overall infection rate in symptomatic plants of BYDV-PAV was 43% whereas highest infection was recorded in Muzaffar Garh area of Punjab province. Different plants species viz. oat (Avena sativa), maize (Zea mays), johnson grass (Sorghum halepense) and Italian rye (Lolium multiform) in the cropping system was tested for BYDV-PAV infection. The maize and grasses showed the highest infection rate of 70% while oats showed comparatively less infection percentage (63%). Total RNA was extracted by Tri- reagent from BYDV-PAV ELISA positive samples. Coat protein gene of BYDV-PAV was amplified by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) using specific primers set and a product of approximately 600 bp was obtained. The overlapping strategy was employed for which 12 primers set were designed, for complete genome sequencing. A maximum of 5654bp complete genome size of Pakistani isolate of BYDV-PAV was obtained after joining contigs. The complete genome sequences were compared with other world isolates of BYDV-PAV such as Asia, Europe and USA by using basic local alignment search tool (BLAST) available on National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) data base. The phylogenetic analysis was done by using Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA) Program. The gene wise inter isolate comparison among four Pakistani isolates of wheat was made. Between the RdRp/POL genes (i.e. P1 and P2), P2 gene showed higher identity (94.7-99.8%) as compared with P1 gene. The P3 coat protein gene was found the most conserved region with maximum of 99.2-100% among the isolates. The nucleotide sequence of P4 (putative movement protein gene) has showed identity of 98.6-100% among inter isolate of BYDV-PAV. The nucleotide sequence of aphid transmission gene/RTD (P5) has shown identity of 91.1-99.9% among inter isolate. Similarly the P6 gene, whose function is still unknown, has shown sequence identity of 89.4-99.9% among inter isolate. Similarity index of un-translated region (UTR) i.e. 5'', 3'' and intergenic regions were 91.4-100%, 93.9-100%, 97.6-100% (P2-P3) respectively while for P5-P6 intergenic region was 93.8-100%. The overall complete genomic comparison among four Pakistani Isolates (KT 252975, KT 252976, KT 252977and KT 252978) has shown divergence ranges from 0.14% to 6.9%. However these isolates have shown identity of 74.4 to 99.9% with other BYDV-PAV isolates of the world. It is concluded from this study that Pakistani isolates of BYDV-PAV are more closely related to USA, Europe and Japan but are distinct from Chinese isolates. Moreover the German isolate seems establishing an interlink bridge between PAV-I and PAV- II clusters based on phylogenetic tree analysis. The sequences of Pakistani isolates clearly indicated their identity as BYDV-PAV.