اب انہیں ڈھونڈ چراغِ رخِ زیبا لے کر
آغا شورش کا شمیری ایک دن بھٹو صاحب کے پاس گئے تو بھٹو مرحوم نے کہا :آکسفورڈ یونیورسٹی میں میری لڑکی اور لڑکا دو نوں پڑھتے تھے ۔آپ بھی اپنی لڑکی اور لڑکے کو بھیج دو ،حکومت وظیفہ دے گی ۔
شورش نے کہا میں مشرقی طرزکا آ دمی ہوں ۔مغربی تہذیب میں اولاد کو بھیج کر خراب نہیں کر نا چاہتا ۔
تو بھٹو مرحوم نے کہا کہ شادمان کا لونی ،لاہورمیں دو پلاٹ پڑے ہیں ،تم کم ریٹ پر حکومت سے خرید لو اور ایک کو بیچ کر اپنا پلاٹ بنا لو ۔تو شورش نے جواب دیا :جناب سر چھپانے کے لیے جگہ موجود ہے ۔میں کوٹھی نہیں بنا نا چاہتا ۔
شورش اپنے گھر واپس آئے اور سارا قصہ اپنی بیٹی کو سنا دیا ۔تو بیٹی نے کہا کہ :ابو بھٹو صاحب پلاٹ دے رہے تھے تو لے لیتے ،سرکاری زمین ہے ہم پیسے جمع کرا دیتے ہیں بات صرف اتنی ہے کہ وہ کوئی اور لے جائے گا ۔بس ہمیں رعایت ہی مل جاتی ۔آپ نے ہمارے مستقبل کے ساتھ زیادتی کی ہے ۔
تو جواب میں شورشؒ نے فرمایا کہ :دنیا یہیں رہ جائے گی ۔میں بھٹو صاحب سے ایک ایسا تحفہ لے کر آ یا ہوں جو قبر میں مجھے کام آئے گا بس یہ بات کہنی تھی ۔
تحریک ختم نبوت کے اکابرین بھٹو مرحوم اور شورش ؒ کے درمیان کی گفتگو سے بالکل ہی لا علم تھے ۔کچھ ہی دنوں بعد شورشؒ بیمار ہوئے اور انتقال فر ما گئے ۔جنازے میں حضرت مفتی محمود صاحب ؒ مولانا غلام غوث ہزاروی ؒ ،مصطفی کھر ،کوثر نیازی ،معراج خالد ،حفیظ پیرزادہ اور دیگر حضرات شریک...
Earning lawful is considered as a worship in the Holy Quran and traditions of Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him). But unfortunately, it has become very difficult to earn halal in present age due so many obstacles into the society. The purpose of this research article is to uncover the social obstacles and hurdles in the way of lawful earning. Qualitative and descriptive research approach is employed for the collection, demonstration, and analysis of data. The review of literature revealed that there are so many hurdles in the society in the way of halal earning. For instance, Wrong wishes of lowerself, lust, bad social practices, influence of media are the most common among them. It is therefore recommended that Quranic messures should be taken in order to diminish these obstacles and to make the way of lawful earning easy.
This thesis reports a study conducted in Northern Areas of Pakistan. The purpose of the study is to explore the WSIP experiences of a government and a private school head teacher. A qualitative case study method was used to investigate the subject matter. The participants were selected on the basis of pre-determined criteria that they have participated in WSIP intervention, worked for at least one year after completion of programme and successfully implemented their WSIP learning in their schools. The findings of the study showed that WSIP intervention has been instrumental in bringing about a significant effect on the professional approaches of head teachers. It was depicted in their attitudinal changes towards their roles and improvement in professional capabilities. By modifying their attitudes, they have realised the importance of community participation, team building approach and outcomes of encouraging teachers. They are sensitised towards students' learning and their developmental needs. To meet students' needs, they have brought about visible changes in their routine practices. They include initiation of portfolios, creation of learning environment in the classrooms which focuses on maximum students' participation and introduction of new assessment procedures. They have developed their professional capacities through improving presentation skills, observatory skills, motivational skills, and improvements in reflective practices. Since the role of head teacher is directly associated with all the stakeholders of a school community, and success of any initiation depends upon active involvement of head teacher, therefore the study recommends that this aspect must be given more attention to further strengthen the timely needed capabilities of head teachers. This ultimately can maximise students' performance through developed head teacher’s approaches for effective involvement of all the stakeholders in school improvement matters.