ڈاکٹر خورشید احمد فارق
(مختارالدین احمد)
دو شنبہ، ۱۸؍ شعبان المعظم ۱۴۲۲ھ مطابق ۵؍ نومبر ۲۰۰۱ء کی صبح کو عربی زبان و ادب کے استاد، تاریخ اسلام کے ماہر اور ممتاز مصنف ڈاکٹر خورشید احمد فارق کوئی ۸۵ سال کی عمر میں طویل علالت کے بعد دہلی میں وفات پاگئے۔
وہ ۱۹۱۶ء میں بریلی میں پیدا ہوئے۔ فارسی و عربی کی متد اول کتابیں انھوں نے گھر پر اپنے والد ماجد سے پڑھیں۔ کالج کی تعلیم انھوں نے بریلی میں حاصل کی۔ ایم۔اے اور پی۔ایچ۔ڈی انھوں نے مسلم یونیورسٹی علی گڑھ سے کیا۔ ریسرچ کے دوران وہ شعبہ عربی میں کچھ کلاسیں بھی لیتے رہے۔ ۱۹۴۳ء کے اواخر میں وہ اینگلو عربک کالج دہلی میں لکچرر، ۱۹۵۳ء کے اواخر میں دہلی یونیورسٹی میں ریڈر مقرر ہوئے۔ اکتوبر ۱۹۵۶ء میں حکومت ہند کے ایک وظیفے پر ایک سال کے لیے وہ مصر گئے۔ وہاں دارلکتب المصریہ کے مخطوطات کے مطالعے کا انہیں اچھا موقع ملا۔ ریاض الرحمن خاں صاحب شروانی اور عبدالحلیم ندوی صاحب کو بھی اسی سال یہ وظیفہ ملا تھا۔ قاہرہ میں ان تینوں کا خوب ساتھ رہا۔ فروری ۱۹۶۹ء میں وہ دہلی یونیورسٹی میں پروفیسر اور صدر شعبہ مقرر ہوئے۔ جولائی ۱۹۸۵ء میں وہ متقاعد ہو کر علی گڑھ آگئے اور سر سید نگر میں اپنے تعمیر کردہ مکان ’’بانس کلی‘‘ میں مقیم ہوکر علمی و ادبی کاموں میں مصروف ہوگئے۔ آخر عمر میں وہ اپنے بچوں کے پاس دہلی چلے گئے تھے، وہیں ان کی وفات ہوئی۔ جامعہ ملیہ اسلامیہ کے قبرستان میں ان کی تدفین عمل میں آئی۔
ڈاکٹر فارق نے اردو، انگریزی اور عربی میں عربی اور تاریخ اسلام کے موضوعات پر متعدد کتابیں لکھیں اور کثرت سے مضامین سپرد قلم کیے جو زیادہ تر رسالہ ’’برہان‘‘ دہلی میں شائع ہوئے۔ ان کی تصانیف حسب ذیل ہیں:
قاضی شریح اور دیگر...
Essentialism represents one of the branches within the realm of educational philosophy. The emergence of this perspective can be traced back to a response against the absolutist and dogmatic tendencies of medieval symbolism. Subsequently, it formulates a structured and all-encompassing understanding of humanity and the universe, tailored to the contemporary demands. The essentialist viewpoint in education asserts that a foundational approach, contrasting with a wholly flexible stance, can serve as a foundation for cultivating a steadfast and unwavering outlook, one that is less prone to fluctuations and inconsistency. Consequently, education should be grounded in enduring values that promote stability, have stood the test of time, exhibit clarity, and are deliberately chosen.The essentialist philosophy of education aims to reintroduce a return to traditional culture. Advocates of this philosophy hold the belief that ancient cultures possess numerous virtues capable of benefiting the progression of humanity. Their emphasis is on reverting to cultural practices that have existed since the inception of human civilization, with a primary focus on the cultural advancements that transpired during the Renaissance period, spanning the 11th to 14th centuries AD. The Renaissance was marked by significant efforts to rekindle the realms of science, art, and classical culture, particularly those hailing from the eras of ancient Greece and Rome. In contrast, the Islamic philosophical perspective on education and the concept of essentialism exhibits distinctions. These differences arise from varying interpretations concerning the interrelation between God, human beings, and the natural environment. The philosophical underpinnings of Islamic education find their foundation within the core concepts of Islam, encompassing the Quran and Hadith, as well as insights from distinguished Islamic scholars and thinkers.
Career Guidance and Counseling (CGC) practices of one of the private Education Network in Karachi, Pakistan is being reported and analyzed in this study. Education Network where this study was conducted comprises separate schools for students of Early Childhood Education and Development, Primary, Secondary, Higher Secondary and Graduation level. The network also has a separate teachers' professional development center. CGC services in this Education Network have initiated initially with Higher Secondary School (HSS) Students, which has been studied in this study. However, the Education Network has plans to spread CGC services to the whole network. In this regard, a complete plan of CGC services for Secondary School (SS) students has also developed by the Education Network. This plan is also presented in this report. CGC support that the Higher Secondary School (HSS) students are having in this particular network has many forms .The students are not only provided with occupational information through career seminars and publications but are also involved in the process of gaining practical exposure of different professions through internships and field visits. Moreover students' financial need in pursuit of higher education is being addressed through scholarships. In this study report, a detailed account of strategies through which network is able to provide CGC support to Higher Secondary (HSS) School students has been presented. The benefits of CGC services to students towards their career development, and challenging and supportive factors towards implementation of CGC services in the Education Network has also been highlighted in this study. Qualitative case study method was employed in conducting this study. The phenomenon was studied in depth, using multiple sources of data generation tools, like semi-structured interviews, observations and documents analysis. Findings of the study identified challenges students are facing in making career-related decision like National education system, family/community traditions, lack of occupational information, and lack of parental support are found to be some of the major challenges. These challenges are very much contextual in nature. The Education Network services found to be helpful in addressing needs of the students contextually, which is one of the key findings of the study. The reason for services art of most of the school systems in many of the developing countries, including Pakistan, is due to their costly nature. CGC services are expensive with regard to time, money and resources. Lack of human resources in the field is also a hindrance. However the Education Network is