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Pharmacognostic and Phytopharmacological Studies on Various Morphological Parts of Musa Paradisiaca L. Plant

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Khizar Abbas




University of Karachi







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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Herbal drugs are symbolized as safe and secure in contrast to conventional medicines which are considered as unsafe to human and environment. population size, inadequate supply of drugs, prohibitive cost of treatments, side effects, and development of resistance used drugs against various infectious diseases have lead to the increased emphases on the use of plant material as a source of medicine due to having phytochemicals present in it and used to prevent, treat ailments, promote health and well being. These agents could be present in any part of plant as drugs, in the form of excretory plant products and as intermediate components. They are also being utilized extensively for economic purpose along with their nutritional and medicinal significance too. Musa paradisiaca L. (Musaceae) found all over the world and also distributed throughout Pakistan known as plantain with two genera, is the most popular plant and we detected such all characteristics and selected for this detailed research. This common plant cures many disease conditions such as gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, nephrotic problem, arthritis and also having the ability to reduce the risk of cholesterol, breast and renal cell cancers. It all possible due to having large amount of phyto-nutrients. In this research project which consist of A-D parts other than fruit its bract, flower, trachea and tracheal fluid (MP-1 to MP-4) of methanolic extract respectively were studied in different four phases i.e in pharmacognostic studies (Phase-1) by microscopic, histological and phytochemical screening established the standard for their correct identification and genuiness of leading phytocomponents and detection made by TLC chromatographic technique. While in Phase-2all extracts MP-1 to MP- 4 of Plant Musa paradisiaca L. has undergone pharmacological investigation on liver, kidney and pancreas respectively. In liver, all extracts (MP-1 to MP-4) were found toxic. MP-1 and MP-3 showed excellent nephroprotective effect while MP-2 and MP-4 were found toxic. it is interesting to note that MP-2 extract showed significant antidiabetic potential on β-cells of pancreas in contrast of fruit while moderate activity was observed in dose dependent manner of MP-4 extract. An antioxidant, antimicrobial activities were also studied in phase -3 of all MP-1 to MP-4 extracts as a result all of them depicted powerful antioxidant potential and all of them produced significant antimicrobial action against various bacterial and fungal organisms. Toxicological studies of Musa paradisiaca L. methanolic extract of bract (MP-1), flower (MP-2), trachea (MP-3) and tracheal fluid (MP-4) in phase-4 was carried out in which results of brine shrimp bioassay and insecticidal activities proved that all extracts (MP-1 to MP-4) are safe and non toxic while moderate phtotoxicity were observed in lemna minor L. of them as growth inhibitor. As the result of these research finding such as significant antioxidant, antidiabetic, antimicrobial and nephroprotective effects of plant parts which are first time studied in this research and never done before. It must state in conclusion that any popular and available plant species could also be consider for utilization after depth research in different directions because nature is multifold and it has definitely make some secrets in them. Therefore we must emphasize to explore them in multiple directions for betterment of mankind.

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Sdpm ?An Effective Model for Software Defect Prediction Using Artificial Neural Networks?

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