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Home > Phytochemical Assessment and Biological Activity of Some Selected Ethno Medicinal Plants

Phytochemical Assessment and Biological Activity of Some Selected Ethno Medicinal Plants

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Hameed, Abdul




University of Sindh







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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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The medicinal plants are strongly used as major bio resources of modern synthetic drugs because of their benefits for the society related to humans in the field of medicine. The fresh roots, stems, leaves, flowers, seeds and fruits of five selected ethnomedicinal plants which were collected, dried under shade and ground. Further; powdered plants materials were extracted by different extracts, and then screening of phytochemical were being done. The findings of present study indicated that an appreciable amount of phytochemical including alkaloid, saponin, phenolic compound, flavonoid, tannin, steroid, terpenoid, glycoside, carbohydrate, protein and amino acid were observed in the different parts of five selected ethnomedicinal plants. It has been confirmed that the amount of aqueous extract showed maximum phytochemical than methanol extract. The aqueous extract was the best solvent for extraction of including alkaloid, protein amino acid and carbohydrate; whereas methanol extract was the best solvent for phenolic compounds, flavonoid and Tannins, terpenoid, steroid fat and oil. The roots and seeds of the selected plants for the present study showed good sources of carbohydrate; whereas the highest percentage of protein was observed in the leaves and seeds of the plants. The leaves of the plants are the rich sources of phenolic compound, flavonoid and tannin than other parts. The concentration of alkaloids was higher in the seeds and fruits. This present observation shows that these plants belong to the richest sources of calcium ranging from (1840–17360 mg/Kg) and sodium ranging from (504-2480 mg/Kg). The leaves and roots were indicated the richest sources of calcium; whereas most parts of solanum surrattense and Maringa oleifera are also rich sources of calcium. But sodium will be beneficial to consumers because of high values. Iron content ranging from (10.98–1115.2 mg/Kg) and potassium content ranging from (866- 1361 mg/kg) were investigated while Achyranthes aspera richest sources of iron and potassium. Zinc is the second most abundant trace element in the body in all the selected plants which show good sources of zinc. Ricinus communis is a good source of copper. The roots and seeds of some plants showed good sources of manganese. Cadmium, lead and cobalt were showed around permissible limit in the most parts of the plants.It is beneficial for the VII consumers because of high toxic. The significant content of antioxidant ranging from (0.13–0.66 %) was observed.The higher concentration of antioxidant content in the leave and flower in the most of the selected plants are the richest sources of antioxidant possessing phenolic compound, flavonoid and tannin.Antibacterial activity including the Escherichia coli, Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aurous were found to be most sensitive while Klebsiella pneumonia least sensitive in the present study. The growth of bacillus cereus is inhibited by the different parts of the selected plants. The inhibition zone is found between the ranges of (0.0- 28mm) against Escherichia Coli. The maximum inhibition zone was observed against Escherichia coli by the flowers parts in the most of the selected plants. The growth of bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aurous is inhibited zone is foundbetween the ranges of(0.0- 22 mm) by the different parts of selected plants while the inhibition zone is found range between (0.0- 15 mm) against Klebsiella Pneumonia by the different parts of selected medicinal plants. The flower of Maringa oleifera was possessed antibacterial protein and peptide which showed highly significant against Staphylococcus Aurous, Escherichia Coli, Klebsiella Pneumonia, Pseudomonas, proteus and enterobacter. The present findings suggest that several phytochemical are likely to contribute in medicinal properties and indicate that these plants should be taken for medicinal purposes. They can cure humans from various types of diseases.

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An Efforts to improve the morality of learners are always conducted in education. Educational institutions are morally obligated to increase personality development of their students. SDN Inpres Bumi Bahari Kec. Palu Barat through the implementation of school rules, intends to form the character of learners. This circumstance is the basis of this research. This research based on descriptive qualitative methods. The Source of data obtained from principals, teachers, and Learners. This research used varieties methods such as observation, interviews, and documentations in data collecting process. Furthermore, data that has been netted, analyzed using data reduction techniques, data display, and data verification. The results of the study concluded that the application of school rules can shape the behavior of learners to be a good personality. The behavior of learners is directed towards moral learner. The process of character building of learners finds some barriers because learners have a different understanding of school rules order. In addition, many students have a strong influence of the habits they bring from their homes, so they are not familiar with the rules set by their school.

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