شفیق الرحمن قدوائی
شفیق الرحمن مرحوم اگر چہ شہرت و ناموری کے عام معیار سے کو ئی بڑے آدمی نہ تھے مگر اپنے ایثار و قربانی، اخلاق وکردار، اخلاص و عمل اور خاموش اور بے لوث خدمات کے لحاظ سے بہت سے بڑے بڑے لیڈروں پر فائق تھے، جامعہ ملیہ کے لئے تو انھوں نے اپنی زندگی وقف کردی تھی اور سرد و گرم دور میں بھی اس سے جدا نہ ہو ئے، اور یہ کہنا غلط نہ ہوگا کہ جامعہ انہی کی محنت و جانفشانی کی بدولت زندہ رہ گیا، ظاہر وباطن دونوں میں مسلمان اور اپنے اوصاف کی بنا پر ہر جماعت میں مقبول تھے، کا نگریس اور حکومت دونوں کے سنجیدہ طبقہ میں ان کا بڑا وقار و وزن اور اخلاقی اثر تھا، مگر وہ اتنے بے لوث تھے کہ کبھی اس اثر سے فائدہ اٹھانے کی کوشش نہیں کی، ان کو بنیادی تعلیم کا عملی تجربہ تھا، اس کے وہ ماہر تھے، اس لئے یو این او کی جانب سے اس کام کے لئے انڈونیشیا بھیجے گئے تھے، ابھی وہ وہیں تھے کہ گذشتہ الیکشن میں کانگریس نے ان کو دہلی اسمبلی کے لئے مقرر ہو ئے، مگر اس سے بھی ان کا فائدہ اٹھانے کا موقع نہ مل سکا، تھوڑے ہی دنوں کے بعد بیمار پڑگئے، اور چند مہینے بیمار رہ کر ۳؍ اپریل کو انتقال کیا، انتقال کے وقت کل ۵۳ سال کی عمر تھی جو سیاست کی دنیا میں عین شباب کی عمرہے، مسلمانوں میں اب ایسے مخلص اور باعمل آدمی مشکل سے پیدا ہوں گے، اﷲ تعالیٰ اس پیکر اخلاص کو اپنی رحمت و مغفرت سے سرفراز فرمائے۔ (شاہ معین الدین ندوی، اپریل ۱۹۵۳ء)
Impact assessment of microfinance programs have been remained the foremost concern of microfinance stakeholders for optimal policy measures. The existing literature regarding the impact assessment varies from parametric to experimental methods to evaluate the performance of microfinance programs across the world however; the literature is lacking a single measure to reveal maximum possible changes in socioeconomic variables resulting from microfinance institutions’ intervention. This study aims to develop a composite index for evaluating the performance of microfinance programs in multi-dimensional contexts. The study exposes a set of eight “diverse indicators” to evaluate the performance of a microfinance program on a wider socioeconomic scale. The dimensions of the index are consist of economic (Income, saving) and socioeconomic (poverty, access to basic facilities, family empowerment) indicators. The changes in deprivations of household, based on the selected indicators, reveal the intensity of success of a microfinance program towards their goals. Finally, we have developed an index by the interaction of incidence and intensity of socioeconomic deprivations. The index is named as “Multidimensional Microfinance Deprivation Index”. This is an index developed in the same line as multidimensional poverty index. The implications of this study are three folds; firstly, it will open up a new dimension of literature in the field of microfinance including Islamic microfinance by instigating an important area. Secondly, it may provide a better alternative to microfinance’s stakeholders to investigate the impact assessment of microfinance programs on a wider socioeconomic scale rather than a few economic. Last but not the least, the study integrates diverse socioeconomic indicators, after assigning weights and adjustment to portray an overall picture of the performance of microfinance in terms of uplifting the socioeconomic conditions of the poor and financially marginalized people.
Epidemiological evidences encourage the suitability of intake of fresh leafy green vegetables to combat against a list of neurodegenerative disorders including diabetes, breast cancers, cardiovascular and other diseases. To meet such targets, the field of agriculture has taken a mold towards the betterment of nutritional status of these vegetables via number of plant growth regulating substances. These economic strategies are implemented to nullify the use of pesticides and other environmental threatening agents. In current study, the application of different plant growth promoters (Moringa leaf extract, 6-Benzyl amino purine, Humic acid, Biofertilizer etc.) was appraised on some leafy green vegetables. Moringa leaf extract, 6-Benzyl amino purine and Humic acid, alone and in conjunction with each other (mixture) were applied in foliar mode while Humic acid (6 h, 9 h, 12 h duration) and Biofertilizer (slurry form) were applied as seed priming treatments. The optimized results of pot study were selected on the basis of antioxidant activity on which field experiment was raised later on. Field experiment included various parameters i.e. soil chemistry analysis, growth parameters, biochemical, proximate and antioxidant attributes. Although all treatments of plant growth regulators improved the efficacy of plant against control samples but Moringa leaf extract proved the potent plant growth regulator amongst all regarding biochemical, proximate, growth parameters and as an antioxidant action. Among other foliar treatments, 6-Benzyl amino purine and mixture treatments yielded comparable results and Humic acid showed the least performance. Among seed priming treatments, Biofertilizer and Humic acid (9 h) treatments showed better performance than rest of the treatments i.e. Humic acid 9 h and 12 h. Urea presence in soil showed improved results than in absence in all cases except in case of antioxidants. Overall study concludes that natural plant growth promoters can be a better and economical substitute of fertilizers in view of environmental deterioration. Moringa leaf extract can be preferred as an effective plant growth promoter due to its inherited composition of vitamins (A, B, C, E etc.), minerals (Na, Mn, Mg, K, P, Ca, S, Zn, Fe, Cu etc.), cytokinins, humic acid and other suitable bioactives.