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Salt Dynamics and Productivity Enhancement under Alley Cropping Systems

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Rasul Awan, Abdul




University of Agriculture







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Applied Sciences





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49




Agroforestry has appealed substantial curiosity in recent times because of its radical potential to preserve and upsurge farm productivity round the globe. Productivity of agroforestry systems mainly depends upon interaction of growth limiting factors (space, water, nutrients, shade etc.). Incompatible alley cropping systems (agroforestry systems) may undesirably upset crop productivity in semi-arid regions on account of intensified competition. It is, therefore, imperative to develop appropriate alley cropping systems comprising trees with suitable understorey crop(s) and/or grass(es) with multi-dimensional complementarity, and application of suitable soil amendments (as nutrient source) to prevaricate losses in biomass productivity/harvestable product(s)/crop yield(s). Adoption of agroforestry systems and application of suitable soil amendments simultaneously improve soil properties and biomass productivity of the ecosystem. The objectives of present research work were to evaluate effect of application of inorganic and organic amendments in different types of agroforestry systems in 2-year field experiments on biomass productivity, soil physiochemical properties and salt dynamics in soil profile. The experiments were carried out at Biosaline Research Station (BSRS), Pakka Anna, Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Agroforestry systems included agrisilviculture systems i.e., Acacia and Eucalyptus wheat based systems and silvipastoral systems i.e., Acacia and Eucalyptus para grass based systems established in saline environment. Biomass production of different components of the systems was recorded with due course of time. In agrisilviculture systems, more compatibility was perceived in Acacia wheat based alley cropping systems in contrast to Eucalyptus wheat based systems as the former supported higher growth of understorey wheat crop. Higher trend in growth and yield parameters of wheat was observed in open field systems (full sunlight) whereas; it was lower in Acaciabased systems and lowest in Eucalyptus based system in general (control conditions). Application of nitrogen fertilizer and farm yard manure in combination further enhanced biomass production and soil improvement process. Soil properties (pH, electrical conductivity and sodium adsorption ratio) as affected by different systems showed that these properties improved much in Acacia-based systems. Application of nitrogen with farm yard manure further improved the soil properties. In silvipastoral systems, more compatibility was observed in Acacia-para grass based systems as compared to Eucalyptus based systems because the former system supported higher growth of understorey para grass component. Higher trend in growth and production of para grass was observed in open field systems (full sunlight) whereas; it was lower in Acacia-based systems and lowest in Eucalyptus based system. Application of amendments (gypsum and farm yard manure) in combination further enhanced biomass production and soil improvement process. Soil properties (pH, EC and SAR) as affected by different systems showed that these properties improved much in Acacia based systems.

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