بی بی سی کا تاریخی تبصرہ
بھٹو کی پھانسی پر بی بی سی کا تبصرہ آج تک یاد کیا جاتا ہے ۔
احسان فراموش پاکستانیوں نے اپنا ہی لیڈر مار ڈالا …
چالیس سال گزرنے کے بعد بھی یہ لفظ ہماری قومی تاریخ پر ایک زور دارطمانچہ ہیں ۔شاید تیس سے بھی کم لوگوں نے بھٹو کا جنازہ پڑھا ۔ضیاء کا جنازہ دس لاکھ افغانیوں نے پڑھا ۔جنازے اور ان کی تعداد مرنے والوں کی عظمت نہیں بیان کیا کرتے ۔رسول کریمؐ ،فاطمہؑ،حسینؑ،حسنؑ کے جنازوں میں کتنے لوگ شریک تھے ؟تاریخ کی کتابیں بھری پڑی ہیں ۔کس کی سوچ نے زمانے کو نئی زندگی دی اور کون حق پر تھا ؟
5جولائی 1977ء کا شب خون صرف جمہوریت پر ہی نہیں بلکہ انسانیت ،مذہبی آزاددی اور حقِ رائے پر شب خون تھا ۔شاہی قلعے کی سرنگوں میں آج بھی اس رقص کی یادیں موجود ہیں جو رزاق جھرنا نے موت کا پھندا گلے میں ڈالنے سے پہلے بیرک سے پھانسی گھا ٹ تک ایک پائوں پر ناچتے ہوئے کیا تھا ۔
ضیاء الحق کے سیاہ دور میں تشدد یا تختہ دار کے ذریعے شہید کییجانے والے چند شہدائے جمہوریت ۔
Almighty Allah made marriage a source of affection and love among the human beings. He also ordered to uphold this relation as much as possible. If, on one way or the other the relationship of a couple becomes so unpleasant that their family life becomes impossible to move any more further. In this case the Islamic “Sharia’h” recommends opening of the ways for their respectable separation in the shapes of “Divorce” and “Khula’a” (divorce obtained on wife’s initiative, s). Though Islamic sharia’h has declared “Divorce” as legal act, yet marriage being a great sacred relation which is desired to be retained intact to the maximum, it has been named as the most unpleasant among the permissible acts in Islam. Some human beings very abruptly break the same relation (Nikah) without proper consideration. Some of these persons later on repent on what they have done. Allah Almighty therefore, very affectionately has allowed men after uttering two times the words, ‘Divorcee (Talaq) at different times to reconcile with their wives. But if he disrespecting this great relation stress-passes the final time and utters the word “Divorce” (Talaq) for the third time in his life so the religion has fixed certain punishment for his this very irresponsible act as a punishment that though, both spouses may agree to continue their married life, Islam does not allow them to do so, prior to undergoing the process of re-marrying the woman with another person to fulfill the condition of her reunion with her first husband. This process is called “Halala” In the article under reference side by side with presenting the literal meaning and idiomatic definitions of Halala, its Shari status has also been elaborated. Efforts have been intensified to recollect the different views of all jurists regarding this practice and examine the same analytically. In addition to that with the help of irrefutable proofs, the adverse effects of the so called “Halala, s centers” have been proved to warn the people to stay away from them.
Cracks in roads is a major problem that affect the quality of the roads. Roads tend to crack with the passage of time as well as due to natural disasters such as earthquakes. Current techniques rely mainlyon visual inspection which drains away precious resources.The solution introduced here will automatically acquire images of roads which will then be processed and locations with cracks will be identified using image processing.The process is two staged: first an automated rover, that can be operated remotely, will run on the road and collect images of the whole street. These images, which will be saved in an SD card, will be transferred to a PC and the convolutional neural network based crack detection system can identify the ones that have a crack. Through the GPS coordinates obtained by the rover, areas of the cracked roads will be identified. The user of this product can then use this information to take further action.The product gives results that are 90.4% accurate. The rover is easy to control and does not require a highly skilled technician. The software can run on most PCs and does not require very high computation power