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Home > Sonophotocatalytic Degradation of Organic Pollutants in Aqueous Solutions under Visible Light Using Metal Impregnated Photocatalysts

Sonophotocatalytic Degradation of Organic Pollutants in Aqueous Solutions under Visible Light Using Metal Impregnated Photocatalysts

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Khitab, Fatima




University of Peshawar







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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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The visible light induced semiconductor photocatalyst Ni impregnated ZnO was prepared by wet impregnation method. Impregnation of Ni on ZnO shifts the band gap from UV to Visible region. The present study involves the sonophotocatalytic degradation of acid violet 49 and acid blue 45 in the presence of photocatalyst Ni-ZnO under the irradiation of visible light. Degradation efficiency of sonophotocatalysis was higher than sonolysis, sonocatalysis, photolysis and photocatalysis. Photocatalyst was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Effect of different operational parameters such as pH, catalyst dosage, different oxidising agents, initial dye concentration, different scavengers, catalyst re-used ability, catalyst settling time and catalytic poisoning. Addition of enhancers increases the degradation efficiency and scavengers decrease the degradation. We found that Acid violet 49 and acid blue 45 degraded 100% at pH 10 in 20 minutes. Catalyst re-usability was checked up to five cycle and it gives a fruitful results. Kinetics study was also carried out and it was found that both of the dyes undergo pseudo first order kinetic model. All the experiments indicate that the sonophotocatalytic degradation method in the presence of Ni-ZnO was an advisable choice for the treatment of textile effluents.

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Clinical features, observed in affected members of six families (A-F), were analogous to a condition named as mucopolysaccharidosis. Linkage in these families was established to chromosome 16q24.3 harboring GALNS gene. Sanger sequencing revealed two novels (p.Phe216Ser, p.Glu121Argfs*37) and two previously reported mutations (p.Pro420Arg, p.Arg386Cys) in GALNS gene in the six families. In silico analysis predicted that the missense mutations affect structure and function of the GALNS protein. Clinical and radiographic examinations of affected members in three families (G-I) underscored the manifestations of acromesomelic dysplasia. Microsatellite based genotyping followed by sequence analysis of the NPR2 gene identified three novel missense mutations (p.Arg749Trp, p.Arg601Ser, p.Leu314Arg) in the families. 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The present study described three families (L-N) with split hand/foot malformations. In two families (L, M), genetic mapping followed by Sanger sequencing detected a novel frameshift mutation (c.300-306dupAGGGCGG; p.Leu103Argfs*52) in the WNT10B gene. In the third family (N), whole exome sequencing accompanied by SNP microarray, identified six nucleotides duplication (c.217-222dupCACCCG; p.His73_Pro74dup) in a novel causative gene HOXD8. The work presented in the dissertation resulted in the following publications. 1. Irfanullah, Saadullah Khan, Imran Ullah, C. Arnoud Meijer, Marlies Laurense Bik, Johan T den Dunnen, Claudia AL Ruivenkamp, Marriët JTV Hoffer, Gijs WE Santen, Wasim Ahmad (2016). Hypomorphic MKS1 mutation in a Pakistani family with mild Joubert syndrome and atypical features: expanding the phenotypic spectrum of MKS1-related ciliopathies. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 9999A:1–5 2. Irfanullah, Muhammad Umair, Saadullah Khan, Wasim Ahmad (2015). Homozygous Sequence Variants in the NPR2 Gene Underlying Acromesomelic Dysplasia Maroteaux Type (AMDM) in Consanguineous Families. Annals of Human Genetics 79: 238–244 3. Abdul Aziz, Irfanullah, Saadullah khan, Faridullah khan zimri, Noor Muhammad, Sajid Rashid, Wasim Ahmad (2014). Novel homozygous mutations in the WNT10B gene underlying autosomal recessive split hand/foot malformation in three consanguineous families. Gene 534: 265–271. 4. Irfanullah, Abdul Nasir, Sarmad Mahmood, Sohail Ahmed, Muhammad Ikram Ullah, Asmat Ullah, Abdul Aziz, Syed Irfan Raza, Khadim Shah, Saadullah Khan, Muhammad Jawad Hassan, Wasim Ahmad (2016). Identification and in silico analysis of GALNS mutations causing Morquio A syndrome in eight consanguineous families. Turkish Journal of Biology: DOI:10.3906/biy-1607-81 Abstract Genetic Mapping and Mutation Analysis of Genes Causing Human Hereditary Skeletal Disorders XIX 5. Asmat Ullah, Ajab Gul, Muhammad Umair, Irfanullah, Abdul Wali, Farooq Ahmad, Abdul Aziz, Wasim Ahmad (2017). Homozygous sequence variants in the WNT10B gene underlie split hand/foot malformation. Genetics and Molecular Biology (Submitted) 6. Irfanullah, Muhammad Ansar, Saadullah Khan, Abdul Aziz, Wasim Ahmad. Exome sequencing revealed a novel gene KIAA0825 underlying autosomal recessive postaxial polydactyly (In Preparation). 7. Irfanullah, Saadullah Khan, Maaike Verschuren, Marlies Laurense Bik, Johan T den Dunnen, Claudia AL Ruivenkamp, Marriët JTV Hoffer, Gijs WE Santen, Wasim Ahmad. Human HOXD8 is a novel candidate gene causing autosomal recessive split hand foot malformation in a large Pakistani consanguineous family (In Preparation) 8. Irfanullah, Syed Zohaib Tayyed Gilani, Saadullah Khan, Wasim Ahmad. Homozygous mutations in NPR2 gene underlying Acromesomelic dysplasia in Pakistani families (In preparation)