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Home > Status of Antioxidant Defenses in Response to Exercise & Antioxidant Therapy in Knee Osteoarthritic Patients.

Status of Antioxidant Defenses in Response to Exercise & Antioxidant Therapy in Knee Osteoarthritic Patients.

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Shamim, Mahwish




Baqai Medical University







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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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The aging population and increasing cost of health care will greatly impact on future health care system and the methods used to treat conditions like osteoarthritis. With numerous treatment options for osteoarthritis, decisions about treatment should ultimately be made between the patient and the physician and consider factors such as the degree of pain and incapacitation, potential drug interactions, as well as medical reimbursement. Knee osteoarthritis is a difficult condition to treat. The recent, American college of rheumatology guidelines highlights the major pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatments available; other international guidelines supplement these recommendations. There is good evidence for the use of medications such as acetaminophen, topical and oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and tramadol; injectables including viscosupplementation and intra-articular steroids; lifestyle interventions such as education, exercise, weight loss, and mineral baths; and braces such as a knee brace, knee sleeve, and shoe inserts. There are many controversial treatments needing more study. Ideally, treatment should involve the use of multiple modalities to allow for synergy of interventions. In the future, there is the potential for disease modifying interventions but none have been studied well enough to make recommendations at this time. These disease-modifying interventions would expand the non operative treatment options available for knee osteoarthritis. The present study is unique in the area because as per evidence, this is the first study to prove the efficiency of the exercise and antioxidant supplementation effects alone and when given in combination as an exclusive treatment, in the improvement of the knee osteoarthritis. The effects of exercise, antioxidant supplements, and the combination of both have been observed in osteoarthritic patients .The result attained in this study encouraged us to conclude that in treating osteoarthritis ,collective outcomes of the two, potentiate each other becoming a lot more than their individual effects.It shall have considerable effects on community sociably and economically. Forthcoming idea for molecular biology of superoxide dismutase under the consequences of various treatments will surely open the immense perspective of the research. But further research and evidences are necessary for efficacy of exercises and other treatment additions of antioxidant supplement therapy in osteoarthritis of knee.

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