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Home > Studies of Genetic Polymorphism With Special Reference to Nicotinamide Phoribosyitransferase Level in Pregnancy Complicated by Hypertension

Studies of Genetic Polymorphism With Special Reference to Nicotinamide Phoribosyitransferase Level in Pregnancy Complicated by Hypertension

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Shaheen, Asmat




Khyber Medical University







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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) in current healthcare practice continues to be a major obstetric dilemma. Preeclampsia is a multifactorial, pregnancy specific vascular disorder characterized by hypertension and proteinuria. It affects around 3-5% of pregnancies worldwide. There is a wide range of phenotypes from mild form developing in the end of pregnancy, to severe forms with extremely high blood pressure that in worst cases could lead to eclampsia, the occurrence of seizures. It is associated with high maternal mortality and morbidity as well as risk of perinatal death, preterm birth and intrauterine growth restriction. Preeclampsia remains a serious and poorly understood complication of pregnancy; identification of epidemiological and clinical risk factors to predict it, before it threatens the survival of both mother and fetes is required. In Pakistan, maternal mortality is very high where 1 in 89 women die during pregnancy because of eclampsia or preeclampsia. Changes in the adipocytokines levels during pregnancy have been reported some of which have pathogenic effect including preeclampsia and eclampsia. Adipocytokines include metabolic regulators (leptin, adiponectin and visfatin) angiogenic proteins (VEGF) and inflammatory mediators (IL-6, IL-8). Human adipose tissue is an important regulator of endocrine functions through its multisystem effects such as through the secretion of plasma adipocytokines. Out of these visfatin, dysregulation participates in the pathogenesis of obesity-associated disorders such as hyperlipidemia or hypertension, preeclampsia and small for gestational age. Visfatin gene is named nicotinamide phosphorybosyl transferase (NMAPT) due to its probable cardiovascular role. The circulating visfatin levels have also shown influence in polymorphism of visfatin gene. In this study we investigated the relationship of serum visfatin level with preeclampsia and eclampsia in 3rd trimester women in Pakistani cohort. The polymorphism in NAMPT/visaftin gene with preeclamsia was also performed. This was a cross sectional study conducted in three tertiary care hospitals of Peshawar. Total 234 subjects have participated; that were subdivided into preeclampsia (80), eclampsia (74) and healthy pregnant women (74). Serum visfatin levels (ng/mL) were determined by enzyme linked immune sorbent assay. Haematological parameters, liver function tests and serum electrolytes were determined and calculated by Sysmex haematology analyzer (Automated haematology analyzer). The blood urea and Lipid parameters were determined by automated chemistry analyzer in PGMI-LRH by using enzymatic kits of Roche diagnostics. BMI was calculated using weight and height values. For data MINITAB® version 17 was used for further analysis. High levels of visfatin (P<0.05) found in patients group, preeclampsia and eclampsia when compared with control while among patient group no significant differences in visfatin levels were found. A strong positive and statistically significant association of visfatin was observed for monthly income (R2=7.75 and p-value <0.001). Similarly, significant results were obtained for still birth, caesarean section, low birth babies, family history of BP, systolic and diastolic BP, serum albumin, serum ALP, serum chloride, serum HDL and LDL. Among all the three ratios, TC:HDL-C ratio, LDL:HDL,TG:HDL and VLDL:HDL was having a positive and significant correlation. Out of the 11 exons (exon 2-6) the visfatin gene was sequenced and were analyzed for polymorphisms by PCR direct sequencing. We found no polymorphism in the exons region of visfatin gene in present study. Our data suggest that circulating NAMPT/visfatin levels may be associated with pregnancy induced hypertension when compared with normotensive pregnant women.In the current study we symmetrically investigated the polymorphism of the coding region and found no polymorphism. Our finding suggests that polymorphism may not affect the NAMPT/visfatin levels in preeclampsia and eclampsia patients.

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Genomic Variation in Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 3A and its Relation to Interferon Sensitivity

Hepatitis C infection has become a leading cause of chronic liver disease and a globally growing public health concern these days. It has infected about 150 million individuals worldwide including ten millions in Pakistan. The standard protocol to treat the Hepatitis C patient is based on the confirmation of the Hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA in the patient’s blood, determination of viral load and its specific genotype. This information helps to decide the nature and duration of therapy. Before treating the Hepatitis C patients, an in-house HCV RNA qualitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test for the detection of HCV on molecular level was established. To investigate the specific genotype of HCV in the patient, a multiplex HCV genotyping assay was also established. HCV RNA was detected in 4981 (75.81%) out of 6570 cases which were reactive for Anti-HCV antibody test by ELISA method. 4528(90.90%) of the HCV RNA positive patients had single genotype, 201(4.04%) had more than one genotypes whereas in 252(5.06%) HCV remained non-classifiable. Although genotype 3 was the most frequent type in the present study (68.10%). However, a downward trend was observed in the prevalence of genotype 3 in last five years (2007-2012). On the contrary, the prevalence of genotype 1 and 4 was observed to be rising during that period. Transmission of HCV was strongly associated with the use of un- sterilized razors in barber shops as well as in those who underwent procedures in general or dental surgery. The low titer of HCV RNA at the start of therapy, more than two log drop of viral load at week-4 and undetectable HCV RNA in the middle of therapy were associated with the response of HCV infected patients treated with Interferon alpha 2b plus Ribavirin (IFNα- 2b+RBV). So, the findings of present study suggest that the viral load measurement at different time points during the therapy could be used in clinical practice to decide the treatment continuation or termination at early stages. The response to treatment (IFNα-2b+RBV) was also observed to be inversely related to the age of the patient. Younger age was associated with a better response and old age with treatment failure. The ratio of ETR was marginally higher in males (76.14%) than females (72.77%). Sustained response was observed to be high in genotype 3. The treatment response was also highly associated with amino acid sequence variation in both the selected regions of E2 protein from HCV subtype 3a (E2 506-564 and E2 622-714 ).