ناموسِ گدائی نہ گنوا ، اور بھی کچھ مانگ
’’اب تنگیِ داماں پہ نہ جا اور بھی کچھ مانگ‘‘
بے پایاں ہے اُس در کی عطائوں کا تسلسل
بے مثل ہے اُس در کی سخا ، اور بھی کچھ مانگ
دریائے سخاوت ہے رواں روزِ ازل سے
رکتی ہی نہیں موجِ عطا ؛ اور بھی کچھ مانگ
خود دستِ عطا بڑھتا ہے محتاج کی جانب
اس شان کا آقاؐ ہے ترا اور بھی کچھ مانگ
اسباب کی دنیا کو کیا ایسا مسخّر
صحراؤں نے قلزم سے کہا ’’اور بھی کچھ مانگ‘‘
محدود ہے صحراؤں کی وسعت؛ نہیں محدود
اُس رحمت عالمؐ کی گھٹا ؛ اور بھی کچھ مانگ
جس شمعِ حرمؐ نے کیا دنیا میں اُجالا
دل کے لئے لے اُس سے ضیا اور بھی کچھ مانگ
خالق کی عطاؤں سے عطاؤں کے وہ قاسمؐ
خالق کی عطا ؛ اُنؐ کی عطا ؛ اور بھی کچھ مانگ
ہر بار صدا آتی ہے دربارِ سخا سے
عرفانؔ! لگا اور صدا ، اور بھی کچھ مانگ!
BackgroundFertility Preservation is the process of saving or protecting a person’s ability to have children in the future. It is often considered for individuals to undergo medical treatments that may impact their fertility, such as chemotherapy. Hence, the current study is aimed to assess clinical practitioners’ knowledge, practice, and attitude toward fertility preservation among oncologists. MethodsA cross-sectional survey was carried out to identify the current knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding fertility preservation among oncologists—a total of seventy-nine oncologists in Karachi working in different public and private sectors. The study was conducted between January to August 2022. The data was gathered using a self-designed questionnaire that was distributed via email. ResultsOne hundred and eighty oncologists were provided with the survey form via email. The response rate was 47.22% (n=85). Out of which, six questionnaires were excluded due to incomplete information. The total questionnaire analyzed was n=79, which included 58 (73.41%) males and 21 (16.59%) females. ConclusionThe results revealed that oncologists had a compromised knowledge regarding fertility preservation for cancer patients. Despite weak knowledge, most oncologists believe that more elaborative measures should be taken to overcome this issue. DOI: https: //doi. Org/10.59564/amrj/01.01/004
Solitons play a pivotal role in many scientific and engineering phenomena. Solitons are a special kind of nonlinear waves that are able to maintain their shape along the promulgation. From the last four decades, the rampant part of fundamental phenomenon of soliton has successfully attracted the researchers from the physical and mathematical sciences. Various branches of science like solid-state physics, plasma physics, particle physics, biological systems, Bose-Einstein-condensation and nonlinear optics are enjoying the benefits taken from soliton. Soliton research gives way to theoretical aspects such as soliton existence, computation of soliton profiles and soliton stability theory by using the tools of soliton dynamics and soliton interactions to applicative aspects. The hub of this thesis is to search not only for the solitary solutions of nonlinear differential equations but also for nonlinear fractional differential equations. This piece of writing targets to give an intuitive grasp for; Further Improved (G¢ /G) -expansion, Extended Tanh-function, Improved (G¢ /G) -expansion, Alternative (G¢ /G) -expansion with generalized Riccati equation, (G¢ /G, 1/G) -expansion and Novel (G¢ /G) - expansion methods. Moreover, we shall extend Novel (G¢ / G) -expansion method to nonlinear fractional partial differential equations arising in mathematical physics. For multifarious applications, all the methods are glib to follow. In addition, these methods give birth to several types of the solutions like hyperbolic function solutions, trigonometric function solutions and rational solutions. The premeditated methods are very efficient, reliable and accurate in handling a huge number of nonlinear differential equations.