دوست کی فرمائش
بڑا افسوس ہے تیری بے وفائی کا
صدا غم رہے گا تیری اس جدائی کا
جس باغیچے کو ہم نے پرورش کیا
کسی موسم میں بھی سوکھنے نہ دیا
پھولوں کے عین شباب میں جدا کردیا
بڑا امتحان تھا میری صبر آزمائی کا
پھولوں کے نکھار نے دل میں بسیرا کیا
اندھیرا تھا دل میں سویرا کیا
جدائی کے غم نے برا حال میرا کیا
درد اٹھتا رہے گا دل پہ چوٹ لگائی کا
پھولوں کے نکھار پہ بلبلیں بھی آنے لگیں
جھرمٹ بناکے وہ گیت گانے لگیں
پھولوں پہ بیٹھ کے وہ خوشیاں منانے لگیں
بڑا دکھ ہوا پھولوں کی خوشبو چرائی کا
مالی نے کی پھولوں کی بہت ہی رکھوالی
مگر لالچ میں آکر توجہ ہٹالی
صورت حال گئی نہ اس سے سنبھالی
بڑا چرچا ہوا اس کی رسوائی کا
چاولہ سائیں پھولوں کی مہک ہے بہت نرالی
بلبلوں کو بھی مل جائے گی اک دن دیس نکالی
چمن رہ جائے گا سب خالی کا خالی
تجھے کیا ملے گا دنیا میں دل بہلائی کا
Constructivism is the basis for thinking of a contextual approach, namely that knowledge is built not a set of facts, concepts, or rules that are ready to be remembered. Students must construct that knowledge and give meaning through real experience. Students need to be accustomed to solving problems, finding something useful for themselves, and struggling with ideas. The teacher will not be able to give all knowledge to students. Students must construct knowledge in their own minds. Knowledge is not static, but is constantly evolving and changing as students construct new experiences that force them to base themselves and modify previous knowledge. Learning must be packaged into the process of constructing knowledge rather than receiving knowledge. In the learning process, students build their own knowledge through active involvement in the learning and teaching process. Students become the center of activities, not teachers. Critical thinking is an attempt by someone to check the truth of information using the availability of evidence, logic, and awareness of bias. Critical thinking skills are the cognitive processes of students in analyzing systematically and specifically the problems faced, distinguishing these problems carefully and thoroughly, as well as identifying and reviewing information to plan problem solving strategies.
Poultry industry is facing many challenges one of them is coccidiosis. Seven species of Eimeria are responsible for coccidiosis. These are protozoan parasites in chickens and other animals. A survey was carried out in district Mianwali between July 2017 to July 2018 with the objectives of isolation, prevalence and characterization of Eimeria oocysts. There was no published data related to coccidiosis in this area. For this survey 600 faecal samples were collected. Centrifugal floatation method was used for the examination of faecal samples. Overall prevalence was 32.3%. Young chickens showed more percentage of prevalence as compared to adult ones among the 3 tehsils of districtMianwali. Broiler breed showed more percentage of prevalence as compared to Desi breed. Chicks reared under the intensive management system showed more percentage of prevalence as compared to extensive one. Chicks with poor body condition showed more prevalence of coccidiosis as compared to good body condition. Prevalence of Eimeria species across the district Mianwali were following,in tehsil Mianwali E. tenella 40.44%, E. acervulina 26.96%, E. maxima 20.22, E. necatrix 12.35%. In the tehsil Isakhel prevalence was E. tenella 0. 484%, E. acervulina 0.29%, E. maxima 0.194%, E. necatrix 0.032%. In the tehsil Piplan E. tenella 31.08%,E. acervulina 10.81%, E. maxima 39.18%, %, E. necatrix 18.19%. In age group prevalence was varied amongdistrict Mianwali. It is concluded for control and preventive administration risk factors should be take into account. Coccidiosis can be controlled by using proper medication, avoid from overcrowding and proper sanitary conditions.