In this study, an organic semiconductor 5,10, 15,20-tetrakis(4 0 -isopropylphenyl) porphyrin (TIPP) was synthesized and investigated as an active material in sur- face-type multifunctional sensor. As electrodes, 100 nm thick Ag films were deposited on 25 mm 9 25 mm glass substrate with 40 lm gap between them. Thin film of TIPP of area 15 mm 9 15 mm was thermally sublimed to cover the gap between the silver electrodes. Thickness of TIPP film was 100 nm. A change in electrical resistance and capacitance of the fabricated device was observed with the increase in relative humidity (RH), temperature, and illu- mination. Hysteresis, response, and recovery times were investigated over a wide range of RH (0–94%). Activation energy of the TIPP was estimated. An equivalent circuit of the Ag/TIPP/Ag humidity, temperature, and illumination sensor was developed. Humidity, temperature, illumination dependent capacitive, and resistive properties of this sensor make it promising for use in a humidity, temperature, and lux multi-meters.
ماہ اگست میں علمی دنیا کا سب سے بڑا حادثہ پروفیسر ہیکل کی وفات ہوا، پروفیسر موصوف ڈارون و ہکسلی کا ہمعصر، اور بہ لحاظ شہرت و وقعت ان کا ہمسر تھا۔ وفات کے وقت اس کی عمر ۸۵سال سے متجاوز تھی، ہیکل کا وطن جرمنی تھا، لیکن اس کی عظمت تمام دنیا میں مسلّم تھی اور سائنس کی دنیا میں کوئی شخص اگر اس وقت استاذ الاساتذہ کی حیثیت رکھتا تھا، تو ہیکل تھا، اس کا اصلی مضمون بیالوجی (علم الحیات) تھا، جس میں، اسے متعدد اکتشافات و مجتہدانہ نظریات کا شرف حاصل ہے، لیکن اس کے علاوہ فلسفہ وغیرہ میں بھی اس کی تصانیف موجود ہیں۔ اس کی مشہور کتاب اردو میں بھی ’’معمائے کائنات‘‘کے عنوان سے زیر ترجمہ ہے۔ (سید سليمان ندوی، اکتوبر ۱۹۱۹ء)
Colonialism is strictly referred to the policies and Methods by an Imperial Power maintained and extended its control over the territories or People. A policy of extending a Country’s Power and influence through diplomacy or military. It also affects the literature of the Subject Country which is controlled by the colonialist. This Article Present an analysis of Colonial system and its impact for migration and its hurdles in Urdu Poem.
Very few researches have constructed both na?ve and diversified portfolio but none of the studies to the best of researcher?s knowledge have explored the impact of macroeconomic variables on both types of portfolio in a particular country. This study excogitates the relationship between naive and diversified portfolio expected returns and macroeconomic variables.
The commodities and variables ? KSE 100 index, gold rates, National Savings Certificate (NSC) profit rates, treasury bills (T-Bills) yield, deposit rates and exchange rates - Euro, Great Britain Pound and US Dollar have been considered for construction of equal weighted portfolio. The macroeconomic or explanatory variables ? Producer Price Index (PPI) or Wholesale Price Index (WPI), balance of trade prices, discount rates, crude oil prices, natural gas prices and Consumer Price Index (CPI) are considered for exploring their impact on equal weighted portfolio.
The commodities and variables ? KSE 100 index, gold rates, National Savings Certificate (NSC) profit rates, treasury bills (T-Bills) yield, deposit rates and exchange rates - Euro, Great Britain Pound and US Dollar were considered initially from which exchange rate commodities were selected and considered for construction of diversified portfolio based on cut off rate determined from Sharpe ratio. The yields of 12 months treasury bills considered as a risk free security were used for calculating excess returns of these commodities. The macroeconomic or explanatory variables ? Producer Price Index (PPI) or Wholesale Price Index (WPI), Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), balance of trade prices, discount rates and crude oil prices were considered for exploring their impact on optimal or diversified portfolio. Monthly data of all these variables was examined from January 2000 to October 2015. The assumptions of Classical Linear Regression Model (CLRM) were met before running the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) model.
It was found that expected returns of both portfolios are significantly and positively affected by discount rates and wholesale price index and negatively and insignificantly affected by balance of trade (BOT).