گمنام ہیرو
آئیں اپنے گمنام ہیروز کی قبریں تلاش کریں ۔اسی کی دہائی میں جب سندھ میں قوم پرستی کی تحریک نے زور پکڑا تو انہیں اپنے ایک گمنام ہیرو شہید جنرل ہوش محمد شیدی کی قبر تلاش کر نے کا خیال آ یا ہو شو شیدی کے نام سے مشہور اس ہیرو نے انگریزوں کے خلاف مزاحمت کرتے ہوئے سب سے پہلے(مر سوں مرسوں سندھ نہ ڈیسوں )کا نعرہ لگایا تھا ۔جب چیئر مین بلاول بھٹو زردار ی نے مر سوں مرسوں سندھ نہ ڈیسوں کا نعرہ لگا یا تو انہوں نے بھی شہید ہوش محمد شہید کے مزار پر حاضری دی اور سندھ حکومت کو مزار کی تعمیر کا حکم دیا ۔کمنٹس میں اس ہوش محمد شیدی کے مزار کی تصویر موجود ہے ۔پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی کی جاں گسل مزاحمتی تحریک میں کارکنوں نے بیش بہا قربا نیاں دیں۔ان میں سب سے پہلے ان ہیروز کانام آ تا ہے ۔جنہوں نے چیئر مین بھٹو شہید کی رہائی کی تحریک میں اپنی جا نوں کے نذرانے پیش کرتے ہوئے خود سوزیاں کیں اپنی جا نیں چیئر مین بھٹو شہید پر وار دیں ان میں ایک نام کشمیر سے تعلق رکھنے والے ملک عزیز شہید کا ہے جو پیشے کے اعتبار سے صحافی (پریس فوٹو گرافر )تھے ۔جنہوں نے راولپنڈی کے کمیٹی چوک پر چیئر مین بھٹو شہید کی رہائی کے لیے اکٹھے ہو نے والے ہزاروں کے مجمع میں اپنے آپ پر تیل چھڑک کر آگ لگا لی تھی اور قربان ہو گئے کیونکہ وہ اپنی زندگی میں اپنے محبوب چیئر مین بھٹو کو پھانسی چڑھتا ہو ا نہیں دیکھ سکتے تھے۔میں کچھ عرصہ پہلے خود سوزیاں کر نے والے پروانوں کے لیے پوسٹ کی تو ان کی نواسی سائرہ خورشید ایڈوکیٹ نے مجھ سے رابطہ کرتے ہو ئے بتا یاکہ ملک عزیز...
Shariah is comprised of five main branches: adab (behavior, morals and manners), ibadah (ritual worship), i’tiqadat (beliefs), mu’amalat (transactions and contracts) and ‘uqubat (punishments). These branches combine to create a society based on justice, pluralism and equity for every member of that society. Furthermore, Shariah forbids to impose it on any unwilling person. Islam’s founder, Prophet Muhammad, demonstrated that Shariah may only be applied if people willingly apply it to themselves—never through forced government implementation. Muslim jurists argued that laws such as these clearly mandated by God, are stated in an unambiguous fashion in the text of the Qur'an in order to stress that the laws are in and of themselves ethical precepts that by their nature are not subject to contingency, context, or temporal variations. It is important to note that the specific rules that are considered part of the Divine shari'a are a special class of laws that are often described as Qur'anic laws, but they constitute a fairly small and narrow part of the overall system of Islamic law. In addition, although these specific laws are described as non-contingent and immutable, the application of some of these laws may be suspended in cases of dire necessity (darura). Thus, there is an explicit recognition that even as to the most specific and objective shari'a laws, human subjectivity will have to play a role, at a minimum, in the process of determining correct enforcement and implementation of the laws.
This small-scale action research project explores the possibilities and challenges involved in facilitating a Mathematics Teacher in understanding the notion and practice of linking mathematics with students' real lives in their classroom contexts. The effort is based on the rationale that mathematics needs to be linked with real life in order to maximize the attainment of set curricular goals and objectives. However, the assumption is that in most cases the curricular goals and objectives are not satisfactorily met due to the teachers: a) limited access and understanding of curricular goals and objectives, and b) limited knowledge and expertise in effective implementation of the linking mathematics with students real lives. In this background, the project sees, linking mathematics with real life, as one of the important ways in assuring the attainment of goals and objectives of linking mathematics with students' real life experiences. To realize this aim, the action researcher worked with one secondary level secondary level mathematics teacher in a government school of Karachi, Pakistan. In this regard, the project studies the teachers existing perceptions and practice of linking mathematics with students' real lives. Subsequently, a strategic action plan was prepared and implemented to facilitate a teacher's understanding and practice of linking mathematics with real life. Subsequent planning and action remained responsive to any need for change arising out of the experiences of implementing the previous one. The data for the action process was collected through semi-structured interviews, lesson observations notes, the researcher's reflective journal and tape recordings. The gathered data was analyzed soon after each action step for reflection and further action. The study reports some possible strategies to facilitate a teacher in gaining an understanding about the notion of linking mathematics with real life. These are: 1) Using "input/training" session about "definition and theory" of linking mathematics with real life. 2) Sharing strategies for content, pedagogical and organizational linkage (i.e. mathematics with real life). For example, adding supplementary reading materials from sources other than the prescribed textbooks. At the same time and vein, the study also reports the challenges faced in the process; such as: time availability for action and its research and overemphasis on the theoretical input. The report concludes by presenting key learnings experienced as a teacher educator and an action researcher, and suggests a focus for further action research.