مولانا محمد جلیل کیرانوی
افسوس ہے کہ گزشتہ ماہ اگست میں حضرت شیخ الہندؒ کے دومنتسبین،مولانا محمد جلیل کیرانوی استاذ اورمولانا محمد مبارک علی نائب مہتمم دارالعلوم دیوبند واصل بحق ہوکر اس جہانِ فانی کوالوداع کہہ گئے۔اناﷲ وانا الیہ راجعون۔ اوّل الذکر (المتولد۱۳۱۸ھ)نے اگرچہ دورۂ حدیث حضرت الاستاذ مولانا محمد انورشاہ کے عہد میں تمام کیا تھا لیکن درحقیقت پروردہ تھے حضرت شیخ الہند کے گھرانے کے ہی۔ نوبرس کی عمر تھی کہ اُن کے والد حضرت ؒ کے سپردکرگئے تھے۔یہ اس آستانۂ قدس کوایسے چمٹے کہ مرتے دم تک اسے نہ چھوڑا۔اس لیے حضرت شیخ الہند کے خادم خاص اور شریکِ جلوت وخلوت تھے اس بناء پر حضرت شیخ الہند کی مشہور’’ریشمی خطوط‘‘والی تحریک کے جزوکل سے خوب واقف اوراس کے محرمِ اسرار تھے۔اس سلسلہ میں انھوں نے بڑے بڑے مصائب اورشدائد برداشت کئے لیکن تحریک کابھید آشکار نہیں کیا۔حضرت ؒ کی وفات کے بعد ادہر ادہرمدرس رہے۔آخر میں دیوبند آگئے تھے اوردرس کی خدمات انجام دیتے تھے۔
According to the certain teachings of al-Qur’ān mentioned at four different places (4: 1, 6: 98, 7: 189 and 39: 6), all humans have their origin in a single cell or soul. One of the objectives behind these proclamations is perhaps to ensure that the unity of humanity at large and of the Muslims in particular, is never to be compromised and that the differences existing among them are to be resolved through a process of mutual understanding on the basis of the notions derived from the al-Qur’ān (2: 213) and Sunnah. AlQur’ān and Sunnah acknowledge the human diversity, rather, describe it as a functional aspect of existence, but not as structural. Referring to the Quranic verse 5: 48, Allah would have made humanity a single people, but, His plan is to test them in whatever He has given to them, so they should emulate for virtues. The present article is an attempt to shortly describe the role of the seven crucial factors in disruption of peace, all starting with the Arabic alphabet fā, i. E., Fitnah, the false Fatāwā, Fujūr, Fakhr, Furqah, Fisq and Fasād, with the purpose of developing an overall religious harmony for strengthening the inner and the outer peace. These seven factors play significant role in disturbing the stability of society. The Islamic injunctions also stress that these factors should be avoided in order to live a righteous and peaceful life.
Almost 90% of the wheat is facing the threat of stem rust (Puccinia graminis) worldwide. In Pakistan, most of the farmers tend to grow old wheat varieties, which are susceptible to the disease. Replacement of older varieties with high yielding and modern genetically bred varieties will protect farmers against the inevitable attack of stem rust and other diseases. The inevitability of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt) migration from Iran to Pakistan, coupled with the presence of dangerous new races of yellow rust and leaf rust, are of such importance that their molecular surveillance and rust resistant varieties are now required to improve genetically. Constantly evolving new variants of plant pathogens pose a threat to wheat production. To overcome this, lot of efforts have been made to better understand molecular aspects of resistance to disease and virulence factors that promote the onset of disease. There are many genes identified and characterized, which have resistance against stem rust disease to various levels. They include Sr gene family. Screening of these Sr gene family and some other genes (RPG genes) was done against wheat germplasm. We screened 108 wheat cultivars for different reported resistant genes. Frequency of Sr45 is highest among all other genes which is 65%. Sr35, RPG1 and Sr22 have gene frequency respectively 58%, 37% and 33%. While Sr33 and RPG5 does not appear in any cultivar. Sr22 was selected for isolation and transformation. Today, many transformation methods of resistant genes to various crop plants including wheat are widely used. Sr22 was triggered by inducing Puccinia graminis on healthy resistant varieties such as Mexi-Pak, Auqab 2000 and AS 2002. After inducing Puccinia graminis on healthy plant total mRNA was isolated which was used to synthesize cDNA and full-length gene. The gene was introduced to a commercial susceptible variety, LASANI 2008. Gene gun method was used for transformation. The pCAMBIA2300 plasmid was used having the Kanamycin resistant gene and Cauliflower Mosaic Virus promoter. After transformation, gene integration and expression studies were carried out.