Digital revolution has made easy the production, distribution and access to the multimedia data. With certain business bene ts, arise the challenge of ownership, authentication and privacy of the data. Multimedia data can now be easily edited and reproduced, resulting in losses and secrecy concerns to the owner of the data. There is a dire need to address these issues, otherwise, the challenges and losses will outweigh the bene ts reaped from the digital age. Digital watermarking is the process of embedding an important message in the carrier (Image, Video). In wa- termarking both message and carrier are important. Watermarking can be used to verify the authenticity of the information and establish ownership of the car- rier. There are two major types of watermarking, (i) Robust (ii) Reversible. In this thesis, three new methods of watermarking are presented, to solve the problems of data hiding and content copyright/ownership protection. One method of Robust watermarking is presented, while 2 methods are developed for reversible watermark- ing of images. Reversible watermarking methods are based on new novel predictors developed for the purpose of watermarking. Therst method of reversible watermarking is based on a new D-Mean predictor. The existing image predictors, Median-edge detector (MED) and Gradient adjusted predictor (GAP) were primarily developed for image compression and were used in reversible watermarking as well. The limitation of compression predictors is the in- ability to use multi-side pixels in the prediction process. In the proposed predictor aim is to exploit local correlation of pixels by using east, west, north and south neigh- bors in the prediction process. The predictor operates around an edge-sensitivity threshold to estimate the direction of the edge. In reversible watermarking methods prediction error (PE) histogram is modeled by a Laplacian distribution. This is because of the spatial redundancy in image pixels. Signi cant improvement of the method is observed for standard images. The surge in the histogram peaks at 0 and short tail of PE for D-Mean con rms the superior performance of the proposed D-Mean predictor over MED and GAP methods. Quantitative measures of predic- tor''s performance are Mean Squared Prediction Error (MSPE) and Entropy of PE. Predictors are compared on the basis of MSPE and entropy pf PE . For all the test images D-Mean yields the least MSPE than MED and GAP. Entropy comparison of PE demonstrates the superiority of the D-Mean predictor. Overall, the average per- formance of D-Mean is also better for both MSPE and PE. The e ectiveness of the D-Mean predictor is validated by incorporation in a 2 stage reversible watermarking method. The obtained results are improved than state of the art. The second method of reversible watermarking is based on a hybrid predictor, de- signed over an enlarged 3 3 neighborhood. The embedding process is divided into four phase representation of the image which allows exploitation of larger prediction context thus enhanced prediction accuracy is obtained. To reduce image distortion at lower capacity payloads, sorting of estimated prediction errors is used, sorting is done with reference to variances of prediction context. For improvement at higher capacity payloads, adaptive embedding is used to determine whether to embed sin- gle or two bits in a given prediction error. The approach is based on decomposing the image into four non-overlapping representations. Each of these representations is watermarked in a separate phase making a total of four phases for embedding a watermark. The order of processing of each phase is exible but should be synchro- nized in encoder and decoder. For simplicity, image is scanned for each of the four phases in top-down and left-right fashion. In each scan, the candidate pixel for em- bedding are predicted using their prediction context and the errors are calculated. Histogram shifting and adaptive embedding is used to increase embedding capacity. Experiments were performed to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach in terms of low distortion in the watermarked image. A new method of Robust watermarking is also presented. The watermark embed- ding problem is modeled as a two-stage optimization problem. In therst stage Genetic algorithm (GA) is used for the selection to appropriate wavelet bands and then in the second stage, Particle swarm optimization (PSO) optimized the water- mark strength for each coe cient of the selected wavelet band. Empirical analysis is also performed for suggesting optimum choices for wavelet family and wavelet depth level for watermarking in the wavelet domain, this helps to get most out of the imperceptibility-robustness tradeoof watermarking paradigm. The proposed wa- termarking method embeds the watermark by decomposing the image using discrete wavelet packet transform. In order to achieve desirable imperceptibility choosing a particular proportion of the total number of wavelet bands without compromising on the robustness can be more useful. Once the optimal wavelet bands are found, watermark strength is optimized for the selected bands using PSO. The method is robust against common image processing attacks, i.e. medianltering, noise addi- tion, JPEG compression and frequencyltering. The dissertation also contains a comprehensive survey of reversible watermarking methods and future directions are listed for further investigations.
±ساغر جعفری(۱۹۱۳ء۲۰۰۲ء) کا اصل نام محمد حسین جعفری ہے۔ آپ سیالکوٹ میں پیدا ہوئے۔ ساغر جعفری ایک پختہ گو شاعر تھے۔ ان کا کلام’’ادبِ لطیف‘‘،’’ساقی‘‘،’’رومان‘‘ اور دیگر ملکی سطح کے رسائل و جرائد میں چھپتا رہا۔ساغر جعفری رومانوی تحریک سے وابستہ رہے۔ (۶۵۹) انھوں نے غزل ،نظم،گیت ،قطعہ ،نعت ،منقتبت،مرثیہ ،سلام،ماہیہ ،اور ہائیکو میں طبع آزمائی کی۔ آپ اقبال کی قومی و ملی شاعری سے بہت متاثر تھے۔ قومیت و وطنیت کے حوالے سے اقبال کا رنگ ساغر جعفری کی شاعری میں واضح طورپر نظر آتا ہے۔
’’بہارو نگار‘‘ ساغر جعفری کا پہلا مجموعہ کلام ہے۔ جس کا پہلا ایڈیشن ۱۹۹۵ء میں شائع ہوا۔ اس مجموعے کے صفحات دو سو چوبیس ہیں۔ا س کا پیش لفظ ڈاکٹر وحید قریشی اور تعارف احمد ندیم قاسمی نے لکھا ہے۔ اس مجموعے میں غزلیں ،ہائیکو اور ماہیے شامل ہیں۔ دوسرا شعری مجموعہ ’’برگِ گل‘‘ کے نام سے ۱۹۹۵ء میں شائع ہوا۔ اس مجموعے کے صفحات کی تعداد ایک سو چھہتر ہے۔ اس میں ان کی نظمیں ،غزلیں اور گیت شامل ہیں۔ برگِ گل میں مشاہیر پاکستان بالخصوص قائد اعظم اور اقبال کی خدمات پر انھیں خراجِ عقیدت پیش کیا گیا ہے۔ ان کے علاوہ میرانیس اور مرزا دبیر کے فکری و فنی اثرات کا اظہار بھی ہے۔ اس کتاب کا دیباچہ ڈاکٹر وزیر آغا اور تعارف ظہیر کا شمیری نے لکھا ہے۔
ساغر جعفری کا تیسرا شعری مجموعہ ’’دائرے‘‘ ہے۔ جو ۱۹۹۶ء میں شائع ہوا۔ اس کے صفحات کی تعداد ایک سو چوراسی ہے۔ اس مجموعے میں غزلیں اور قطعات شامل ہیں۔ اس کتاب کا مقدمہ ڈاکٹر انور سدید نے لکھا ہے۔ اس کے قطعات کا بڑا موضوع اخلاقی ،معاشرتی اور سماجی مسائل ہیں۔
’’جامِ مودت‘‘ ساغر کا چوتھا شعری مجموعہ ہے جو ۱۹۹۷ء میں شائع ہوا۔ اس کا فلیپ علامہ...
Pakistan is a country where the expansion of the industrial sector is necessary, and in this process, the relative significance of the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) sector cannot be overstated. SMEs comprise approximately 90% of total businesses in Pakistan; nearly 80% of the workforce other than the agriculture sector is employed by the SMEs; and approximately 40% of GDP is contributed by the SMEs.1 Though, the growth of SMEs is constrained by financial and other resources that is not faced by Large Scale Manufacturing (LSM) sector. From the facts and figures presented in this paper, it can be concluded that SMEs perform a dynamic role in the growth of all the related sectors of the economy. This study empirically analyzes the effect of innovation and activities of SMEs on economic growth of Pakistan over the span of 19732017. The study concludes that the activities of SMEs do influence the economic development of Pakistan.
The Civil Society (C.S) in Pakistan though has developed over the years and gained vibrancy and strength to some extent. But it could not achieve much success as compared to its counterpart in Turkey. This research study involved primary as well as secondary sources as a part of this exploration.The methodology used in this study is a mixture of Quantitative and Qualitative Methods and mostly used traditional historical approach. Sampling involved people from different sections of C.S comprising of lawyers, teachers, parliamentarians and students regarding relationship and impact of civil society on democratization in Pakistan and Turkey. This is a pioneer study to use the Liberal Democratic Model as the frame work for addressing the subject. Liberal Democracy is practiced in most of the countries of the world. Its‟ important elements are: representative democracy, electoral choice and competition. There is a clear division between the C.S and the state. One to one interviews have been conducted from different people belonging to different areas in Pakistan. After analysis of the data the themes were presented to the participants for them to verify or refute. According to the researcher incompetent and corrupt leadership along with lack of influential middle class are responsible for a weak and fragmented civil society.In case of Turkey the civil society was also fragmented and weak but there has been a shift from ideologically centred activity towards issue oriented activity and assistance from external actors. By examining different reasons why civil society in Pakistan has not been able to achieve the level of democratization and success as compared to that achieved in Turkey, viable solutions and suggestions to improve the situation have been proposed.