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Characterization and Optimization of Broad Absorbing Materials for Efficient Solar Energy Harvesting

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Shah, Syed Afzal Ali




Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology







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Engineering Sciences





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Energy plays a key role in the prosperity and development of human society. Over the course of millions of years, fossil fuels, including coal, oil and natural gas, have been used as primary source of energy. Fossil fuel reserves are depleting with each passing day hence an alternative low cost, abundant and environmental friendly source of energy is required. Solar radiation is an unlimited form of clean and renewable energy. Its low cost and efficient harvesting can endlessly fuel our civilization.Dye-sensitized solar cells have been identified as the next-generation solar cells and continue to represent an important area of photovoltaic research because of its many advantages such as low cost, ease of fabrication, transparency, different colors, and clean energy source. In the research undertaken in this work, performance ofDSSCs using benzothiadiazolebased dyes was compared, the potential of a broad absorbing organic dye as an alternative to a standard metallic dye as a sensitizer was studied, the effect of different layers on the device performance enhancement was examined, a step by step temperature increase method was employed to enhance the device performance, and DSSC performance was investigated employing a highly ordered one-dimensional zinc oxide (ZnO) nanorods based photoanode. To provide insight into the efficient solar energy harvesting and charge transport mechanisms, the techniques of UV-Visible spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), time dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) based computational study, current-voltage measurements, transient photovoltage measurements, transient photocurrent measurements and impedence spectroscopy were performed.

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الحمد لله سبحانہ وتعالیٰ وأصلي علی حبیبہ ورسولہ وخاتم الأنبیاء والمرسلین وبعد:

أقدم ھذا الکتاب الذي هو نتیجۃ تعبي وجھدي ومثابرتي وإرشادات أساتذتي ،لقُراء وأُدباء اللغۃ العربیۃ کي یکون مرجعاً مفیداً لھم في أبحاثھم في الشعر العربي أو الشعر الأردو، فإنني بحثت عن شعراء العصر الجدید في الدول العربیۃ وشعراء العصر الحديث في الباکستان في مختلف اللغات وخاصۃ في الأدب الأردو ، فھناک شخصیتان معروفتان وامرأتان عظیمتان وشاعرتان بارعتان لفتتا انتباھي وأعجبني أسلوبھما وأفکارھما ومھارتھما في صناعۃ الأفکار الجدیدۃ من المعاني القدیمۃ؛ إحداها عراقية عربية اللغة وهي ( نازك الملائكة) والثانية باكستانية أُردية اللغة وهي ( بروين شاكر)، فبذلک قمت بالمقارنۃ بین شعراء العرب وشعراء الباکستان، ثم قمت بالمقارنۃ بین نازک الملائکۃ وبروین شاکر منذ ولادتھما إلی وفاتھما في جمیع النواحي وفي کل الأمور وخاصۃً- وھو الأھم- قمت بالمقارنة بین أشعارھما وقصائدھما بشکل مجمل مفھوم بسيط دون التدقیق في البلاغۃ والنقد. ومن خلال بحثي اكتشفتُ الكثير من أسرار حياتِهما والكثير من أفكارهما الفلسفية والعلاقات الرومانتيكية، وأحوال الحياة من أفراح وأحزان ومتاعب ومصائب الأيام، وھُنا لم أدع بأنني بلغتُ الکمال في علمي وبحثي فالکمال لِله وحدہُ سبحانہُ وتعالیٰ لا شریک لہ، وأدعو المولی عز وجلّ أن یجعل ھذا العمل خالصاً لوجہ الکریم، وأن یوفقني لإتمام ھذا الكتاب علی أکمل وجہ قدر المستطاع۔

وما توفیقي إلا باﷲ وھو ولي التوفیق۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔



دكتورة: مکية نبي بخش


التعليل النحوي عند ابن بابشاذ في كتابه شرح المحسبة (فصل الاسم أنموذجاً)

لقد استقصى النحاة العلة في كلام العرب مستنبطين ذلك من كلام العرب وأقيستهم، ومن بين النحويين ابن بابشاذ الذي تناول العلة في كتابه (شرح المقدمة المحسبة)،إذ ميز البحثُ اسلوب ابن بابشاذ التعليمي بتضمين فصول الكتاب بالعلة على مختلف أقسام الكلام كالأسماء و الأفعال والحروف، والذي اقتصر هنا على فصل الاسم وبيان علله المتنوعة كعلة التثنية والعوض والمعادلة وآمن اللبس، وعلة النظير، والخفة، والثقل، والاحتراز، ونظير تعليله في المقدمة رفع المثنى بالألف رفعاً دون الواو وذلك؛ للفصل بين التثنية والجمع، فأصبحت العلة لديه علة (فرق)، وهذا ما يسري على أنواع الأسماء وأنواع العلل. واستُنبطت العلة وفق المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، والذي تمَّ عبرهُ تمييز العلل وبيان فائدتها النحوية، وللراغب في تسليط الضوء على بقية فصول مقدمة المحسبة سيظفر على دراسة هادفة وجادة بين دفتي المقدمة لابن بابشاذ.

Comparative Study of Enriched Compost, Inorganic Fertilizer and Pgpr on Soil Fertility Status and Physiology of Wheat Triticum Aestivum L.

Present investigation was aimed to formulate an efficient phosphatic bio-fertilizer to supplement or substitute chemical fertilizers and to evaluate its effect on the availability of P for growth and yield of wheat. For this purpose rock phosphate enriched compost (RPEC) was prepared and the effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) was evaluated for phosphorus availability through composting. Impact of PGPR alone or in combination with different (organic and inorganic) fertilizers were studied on wheat crop grown under natural conditions of field and axenic condition of pots. In the first experiment, poultry litter alone and in combination with rock phosphate was composted with and without PGPR (Pseudomonas sp. and Proteus sp.) inoculation in pits for 120 days (d) and shuffled with 10 d interval for proper aeration. The RPEC prepared by the combination of poultry litter, rock phosphate (RP) and Pseudomonas sp. inoculation showed maximum total phosphorus, available (Mehlic-3 extracted) phosphorus, microbial biomass (carbon and phosphorus), but lower total organic carbon, total nitrogen and carbon/nitrogen ratio over poultry litter without inoculation and addition of RP. Pseudomonas sp. enhanced P solubilization from rock phosphate (RP) and showed 79% higher P availability from RP added poultry litter over un-inoculated treatment on 120th day of composting. Experiments under natural condition of field as well as under axenic condition in pots were conducted for two consecutive years. The residual impact of the treatments were also studied on soil chemical and biological properties. The wheat seeds were surface sterilized and inoculated with Pseudomonas sp. (Accession No. KF307201) and Proteus sp. (Accession No. KF307202) at the rate 106cells ml- 1 prior to sowing. Seven treatments; simple poultry litter (SPLC), Rock phosphate enriched compost (RPEC1, inoculated with Pseudomonas sp. during composting), RPEC2 (solubilized with Proteus sp. during composting), Rock phosphate, Half recommended dose of inorganic P fertilizer (HDP) and Full recommended dose of inorganic P fertilizer (FDP) were applied with and without seed inoculation of PGPR (Pseudomonas sp. and Proteus sp.). Average of two year data on field and pot experiments showed increase in plant height, number of tillers, grain yield, dry matter yield, seed phosphorus and plant P-uptake with application of Pseudomonas sp. solubilized rock phosphate enriched compost compared to recommended dose of inorganic (single super phosphate) fertilizer. The chlorophyll content and phytohormones (Indole Acetic Acid and Gibberellic Acid) in flag leaves were also enhanced with application of rock phosphate enriched vii compost. Post-harvest soil phosphorus availability, nitrate nitrogen content, extractable potassium, alkaline phosphatase activity and microbial biomass increased with the application of rock phosphate enriched compost over full recommended dose of inorganic fertilizer. Moreover, seed inoculation with PGPR (Pseudomonas sp.) also significantly increased yield and yield parameters of wheat and post-harvest soil properties over un-inoculated treatments. Economic analysis in terms of value cost ratio showed 3.23:1 from the treatment where RPEC in combination with Pseudomonas sp. seed inoculation was applied. Thus rock phosphate enriched compost can be used as an alternate to inorganic phosphatic fertilizers and seed inoculation with Pseudomonas sp. can enhance wheat growth and yield applied in combination with enriched compost. In another experiment, wheat (AGS2060) root phosphatase activity was also determined in presence of different P sources; compost (C), rock phosphate (RP), single super phosphate (SSP), C + RP, C + SSP, RP + SSP, C +RP + SSP and results showed maximum (447%) increase in P mineralization with compost (C) grown roots over SSP. It was inferred that compost is the best source to mineralize organic P for better crop production.