محمد مسلم
اگست ۱۹۸۶ء کے شروع میں جناب محمد مسلم صاحب سابق ایڈیٹر روزنامہ ’’دعوت‘‘ دہلی کی وفات بھی ان کے جاننے والوں کے لیے ایک المناک سانحہ ہے، ان سے تقریباً پون صدی تک برابر ملتا رہا، ہر ملاقات میں ان کی شرافت اخلاق سے متاثر ہوا، ان کا نسبی تعلق سالار مسعود غازی سے تھا، ان کا خاندان دہلی میں آکر آباد ہوا، ۱۸۵۷ء میں ان کے خاندان والے انگریزوں کی نظروں میں معتوب ہوئے، تو وہ بھوپال منتقل ہوگئے، وہیں محمد مسلم صاحب کی پیدائش ہوئی، نوجوانی میں اپنے اسلامی جذبہ کی بنا پر خاکسار تحریک سے متاثر ہوئے، پھر جماعت اسلامی میں شریک ہوگئے، اس حلقہ میں اپنی سوجھ بوجھ کی وجہ سے بڑے قابل قدر سمجھے جانے لگے، جب روزنامۂ دعوت کے ایڈیٹر ہوئے تو صحافت نگاری میں اپنی اصابت رائے کی وجہ سے بڑی شہرت حاصل کی، بیرونی ممالک کے سفر پر بھی گئے، اور جب ڈاکٹر سید محمود سابق مملکت امور خارجہ حکومت ہند نے مجلس مشاورت قائم کی تو ان کو جناب محمد مسلم کی سیاسی بصیرت پر بڑا اعتماد رہا، انھوں نے بھی اس میں اپنی مخلصانہ سیاسی سرگرمیوں سے یہ ثابت کر دکھایا کہ وہ سچے مسلمان بھی ہیں اور سچے محب وطن بھی، اس کی تفریق کرنے کی ضرورت نہیں کہ وہ پہلے کیا ہیں؟ مسلمان یا ہندوستانی، یا ہندوستانی پہلے اور مسلمان بعد میں، سچا مسلمان ہی سچا محب وطن ہوسکتا ہے، ایک طویل علالت کے بعد دہلی میں وفات پائی، انھوں نے جو پاک دل، پاک باطن اور پاک نفس پایا تھا، ان کی بدولت امید ہے کہ وہ مغفرت الٰہی سے ضرور نوازے جائیں گے، آمین۔ (صباح الدین عبدالرحمن، ستمبر ۱۹۸۶ء)
This paper is the study of the fact that chief nutrition and health-relevant compounds in honey are carbohydrates, particularly glucose and fructose, which create it a superb energy resource for human. The honey comprises huge number of components in minor and trace level enzymes, proteins, minerals, vitamins and phenolic compounds, creating biological and nutritional effects like wound healing, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiviral, antitumor and anti-inflammatory activities. The usage of honey is commonly comprised by all cultural beliefs and religious. Honey is a natural liquid mentioned in religious books and accepted by all generations, traditions and civilizations in both ancients and modern era. More than 1400 years ago, honey is described a source of healing in the Quran and it is also mentioned as one of the foods of paradise
The study aims at exploring the notion of human rights through investigating the attitude of university teachers and students (prospective teachers) towards global issues pertaining to human rights in Pakistan. The overall strategy for the current study is based on survey research design. From a methodological standpoint, mixed method paradigm (survey method and case-study) is used to gain quantitative and qualitative responses. Through stratified random sampling, total sample n=600, i.e., 520 students (prospective teachers), currently pursuing degree in education (B.Ed/M.Ed), and 80 teachers, currently teaching prospective teachers at public or private university were selected from 12 universities and four affiliated colleges of Sindh, Pakistan. For qualitative data, n=20 respondents were selected through purposive sampling. The quantitative data was collected using Human Rights Attitude Scale (HRAS), adapted from Attitudes toward Human Rights Inventory, ATHRI (Narvaez, Thoma & Getz, 2006) and Human Rights Questionnaire (Veizades et al., 1995). The adapted scale was validated through content validity, while Cronbach’s Alpha was statistically applied to check internal consistency (calculated as .90). For qualitative data, in-depth knowledge was inquired through focused group interviews. For ethical considerations, institutions and participants were informed about the research study through explanatory letter and informed consent was signed voluntarily. Overall, 96 hypotheses were tested using statistical tests (t-test and chi-square), while qualitative data was analyzed using themes. The study yields that there is a significant difference in the attitude of university students and teachers towards global issues pertaining to human rights (computed value of t= 6.22). There is a significant difference in the attitude of university students and teachers towards social security (t= 6.02) and civilian constraints (t= 4.92), while there is no significant difference towards personal liberties (t= 1.09). Significant differences are drawn among teachers on the basis of travelling, social/political affiliation, human rights training and experience, while significant differences are drawn among students on the basis of working status, location, schooling and last qualification. For item-by-item analysis, sixty hypotheses were tested out of which, forty hypotheses were rejected. From qualitative data, it was derived that students and teachers face multiple issues pertaining to human rights, which result in scarcity of expressing ideas in solving global issues pertaining to human rights. The respondents are not satisfied with the current state of human rights in Pakistan. Respondents emphasized on the role of teacher, education and higher education institution as a concrete ladder to foster positive changes in society. All the respondents highlighted the importance of incorporating global dimension in teacher education (TE) curriculum, but at the same time identified the missing gaps. Based on the results, suggestions and recommendations are submitted as supplements at the end