شاعر صدیقی کا اختصاص
دبستان کراچی کے شعری اْفق پر اْبھرنے والے ادباء و شعرانے اْردو شعری اور نثر ی ادب کے سرمایے میں ناقابل فراموش حصہ ڈالاہے۔جن میں اُن شعرا کا بھی اہم کردار رہا ہے جنہوں نے برصغیر کے مختلف علاقوں سے ہجرت کرکے سرزمین پاکستان سے اپنی بے لوث محبت کا ثبوت دیا ۔شاعری کے میدان کے شہسواروں میں ایک اہم نام شاعرؔصدیقی کابھی ہے جنہوں نے محض ایک صنفِ سخن کو اپنی پہچان نہیں بنایا بلکہ ہرصنف میں خودکو ایک اعلیٰ درجے کا شاعر ثابت کیا ہے۔
شاعرؔصدیقی کی پرورش کلکتے کے ادبی ماحول میں ہوئی جہاں اْنہیں وطن کے معروف شعرا کی صحبت میں بیٹھے کا موقعہ ملا اور بہت کم سنی میں شاعری کی طرف مائل ہوئے۔اْن کے ابتدائی کلام میں ایک پختہ کار سخن ورکے آثار نظر آنے لگے جس کے سبب سے وہ بہت جلد مشہور ہونے کے ساتھ ساتھ مقبول بھی ہوئے اور اْن کی غزلیں مختلف ادبی جرائد میں شائع ہونے لگیں۔پاکستان بننے کے بعد شاعر نے ۱۹۵۰ء میں کلکتہ سے ڈھاکا ہجرت کی اوریہاں پہ سرکاری ملازمت کے ساتھ صحافت اور فلمی دنیا سے بھی وابستہ ہوگئے۔یہاں سے اْن کی شاعری کا دوسرا اورسنہرا دور شروع ہوتا ہے اس دورمیںاُن کی شاعری فکروفن کی پختگی کو پہنچی ہے۔ڈھاکا میں وہ ایک ممتاز شاعر،ادیب اور صحافی کی حیثیت سے مشہور ہوگئے۔فلم انڈسٹری کے لیے اْنہوں نے جو گیت لکھے وہ چار دانگ ِعالم مشہورہو ئے۔شاعرؔصدیقی کاشمار ۱۹۷۱ئسے قبل مشرقی پاکستان کے مقبول گیت نگاروں میں ہوتا تھا۔
سانحہ مشرقی پاکستان کے بعد شاعرؔصدیقی نے اپنے اہل و عیال کے ساتھ نیپال سے ہوتے ہوئے کراچی ہجرت کی جو اْن کی زندگی کا سب سے بڑا سانحہ تھا کیوں کہ گھر بار اجڑنے کے ساتھ ساتھ اْن کا شعری اور نثری سرمایہ بھی اْس سانحہ کی نظر ہوگیا۔کراچی...
Every Human being needs family system to live with dignity. There is joint family system, and separate family system in practice in Muslim Societies. Shah Waliullah gave concept of ideal family system. The ingredients of ideal family system of Shah Waliullah are Nikāḥ, Siblings, Property, Love and Society. People faced many problems for living respectfully, and born grave losses due to war. Shah Waliullah not only taught us religious teachings but also guided us how to make our socio- economic system strong as well as family system. In this article, his teachings and thoughts about family system have been discussed.
The development of the F1 hybrids in major food crops and methods of hybrid seed production are imperative for achieving the important breeding goals. Thus evolving high yielding and better quality varieties play a decisive role in crop improvement programmes. Sunflower is also a crop in which genetic variance could be exploited considerably for higher seed and oil yields in the form of F1 hybrids.The best F1 hybrids, however can obtained by crossing of parents with good general and specific combiners and having high proportions of additive, dominance or complementary epistatic genes for the favourable expression of the seed yield, yield components and oil yields. Major improvement in sunflower breeding requires the urgency in evolving the heterotic hybrids which can best be achieved by tapping combining ability and heterotic vigour of F1 hybrids developed from crossing of genetically diverse female lines with male restorers. The sunflower hybrids are considered more stable, uniform in plant stand, highly self-fertile, highly productive in terms of seed yield and oil content, earlier in maturity, resistant to lodging and diseases. The present studies were carried-out at experimental field of Oil Seeds Section Agriculture Research Institute, Tandojam from 2008 to 2010. Six lines T-4-0319, PAC-0505, HO-I,Hysun-33, Peshawar-93 and CMS03 and three testers PAC-0306, PAC-64-A-93 and SF-187 were crossed in a line x tester mating design, thus 18 cross combinations were developed for evaluation and genetic analysis of seed germination percentage, days to initial flowering, days to 75% flowering, days to maturity, number of leaves plant-1, plant height, head diameter, number of seeds plant-1, 1000-achene weight, seed yield plant-1, seed yield kg ha-1, oil content and oil yield kg ha-1. The analysis of variance revealed significant differences among the parents, crosses and parents vs. crosses for phenological, seed yield and oil traits in F1 and F2 hybrids. The significance of mean squares of parents vs. crosses observed for all the studied traits demonstrated the scope of heterosis breeding in sunflower hybrids while the significant differences between lines x tester interactions indicated the importance of specific combining ability (SCA) of the hybrids which demonstrated the importance dominance or non-additive variances and genes involved in the expression of studied traits. The significant mean squares due to lines and testers both determine the general combining ability (GCA) revealed the prevalence of additive variances for the studied traits. Significant genetic variability among the plant traits is particularly useful because variations in these traits would allow further improvement in sunflower yield and quality traits. The major role of dominant genes was very obvious because the ratio of σ2 SCA/ σ2 GCA washigher and degree of dominance (σ2D/ σ2A) being greater than unity. These results indicated the preponderance of dominant gene action suggesting the feasibility of xi hybrid crop development. General combining ability estimates revealed that CMS lines HO-I, T-4-0319 and PAC-0505 whereas tester parents PAC-0306 andPAC-64-A-93werefound as the best general combiners for early maturity, yield and oil traits, hence these parents may be preferred for hybridization programmes so as to develop hybrids and synthetics varieties. Specific combining ability and heterotic effects are very important estimates for determining the suitability of F1 hybrid crop development. The hybrids T-4-0319 x SF-187, HO-I x PAC-arg-0306, Peshawar-93 x SF-187 manifested higher positive SCA and heterotic effects for seed and oil yields while gave negative but desirable SCA effects for phenological traits and plant height. The hybrids which manifested best specific combining ability is attributable to dominant or over-dominanttype of genes, hence are desirable for the exploitation of hybrid crop development or selection of transgressive segregants in later generations of selection. The heritability estimates are generally low to moderate which is due to greater portion of dominant variances and dominant genes against the additive variances. These results suggested that selection for such traits may be exercised in later filial generations while giving the opportunity of recombination to occur between desirable genes. Generally,correlation results suggested thatleaves plant-1, head diameter and 1000-achene weight have shown strong associations with seed and oil yields, hence leaves plant-1,head diameter and 1000-achene weight may be used as the most reliableselection criteria to improve oil content and seed yield in sunflower breeding programmes.