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Home > Exploring the Determinants of Web Mining and Their Evaluations in Online Reviews

Exploring the Determinants of Web Mining and Their Evaluations in Online Reviews

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Malik, Muhammad Shahid Iqbal




International Islamic University







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Computer Science





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Online customer reviews have become electronic word of mouth for the current generations. The product reviews play an important role in customer‘s purchase decision making process. However, there are thousands of reviews constantly being posted for online products on e-commerce websites. It is very difficult for buyers to read all the reviews before purchase decisions. Review helpfulness is attracting increasing attention of practitioners and academics. It helps in reducing risks and uncertainty faced by users in online shopping. In this dissertation, three solutions are proposed to develop an effective model for review helpfulness prediction. i.e. 1) Influences of discrete emotions embedded in review text on review helpfulness are investigated, 2) Review helpfulness as a function of linguistic, psychological, summary language, and reviewer features is examined, and 3) Significant product, review and reviewer characteristics are explored to determine the review helpfulness. For discrete emotions, an algorithm is presented that extracts four positive and four negative discrete emotions from review text using National Research Council (NRC) emotion lexicon. An effective helpfulness prediction model is build using deep neural network. The findings reveal that Trust, Joy and Anticipation (positive emotions); Anxiety and Sadness (negative emotions) are most influential emotion dimensions and have greater impact on perceived helpfulness. Secondly, the utility of linguistic, psychological, summary language and reviewer characteristics are investigated and an effective review helpfulness prediction model is constructed using stochastic gradient boosting algorithm. The results reveal that reviewer helpfulness per day and syllables in review text strongly relates to review helpfulness. Moreover, the number of space, aux verb, drives words in review text and productivity score of a reviewer are also effective predictors of review helpfulness. Thirdly, influences of important variables by exploring not only the review content indicators but also significant indicators of reviewer and product that contribute to review helpfulness are explored. The influence of product type (search and experience goods) on review helpfulness is also examined and reviews of search goods show strong relationship to review helpfulness. The findings indicate that polarity of review title, sentiment and polarity of review text and cosine similarity between review text and product title effectively contribute to the helpfulness of online reviews.

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Towards Facial Asymmetry Based Face Recognition

Face recognition, as an active research area over the past three decades, still poses many challenges. Recognition of age-separated face images (age invariant face recognition) based on facial asymmetry is one of such challenges. Successful solutions to this recognition paradigm would allow the facial photographs to be matched against face images with temporal variations. Facial asymmetry, which refers to non-correspondence in shape, size, and arrangement of facial landmarks on both sides of the face, is an intrinsic recognition-specific facial feature used for face recognition task. The contributions of this dissertation are focused on recognition of age-separated face images using facial asymmetry. We introduce to use a feature description scheme suitable to represent facial asymmetry. The introduced feature description is adaptable to recognize age-separated face images and extract demographic information such as age group, gender, and race from a given face image. Based on the introduced feature description, this dissertation offers the following three main contributions to recognize age-separated face images. The first contribution is a matching-scores space based approach to recognize age separated face images. In the proposed framework, matching scores of holistic, local, and asymmetric facial features are combined in a matching-score space (MSS) with Support Vector Machine (SVM) as a classifier to separate genuine and imposter classes. Experimental results on three publically available benchmark facial aging databases show the efficacy of proposed approach compared to some existing state-of-the-art approaches. The second contribution is focused on the role of facial asymmetry based age group estimation in recognizing age-separated face images. We provide a hierarchical approach to perform age group estimation task. The role of various asymmetric facial regions in recognizing age-separated face images of different age groups is investigated. We integrate the knowledge learned from age group estimation into face recognition algorithm to enhance the recognition performance of age-separated face images. The viability of this approach is demonstrated on two benchmark facial aging databases. The experimental results suggest that integration of age group estimates into face recognition algorithm enhances the recognition performance of age separated face images, considerably. The third contribution is examination of the role of facial asymmetry in demographic estimation (i.e. age group, gender, and race) of a query face image in a face recognition system. The role of different asymmetric facial regions in recognizing face images with different demographic attributes is presented. We integrate the demographic estimates into a face recognition algorithm to enhance the recognition accuracy of age-separated face images. Experiments are conducted on benchmark facial aging databases to validate the performance of proposed approach. The experimental results suggest that proposed approach is more adaptable to recognize age-separated face images compared to some existing state-of-the-art methods.