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Extended E-Governance Service System Readiness Assessment Framework

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Waseem, Ashraf Ali




Hamdard University







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Computer Science





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Research and surveyed data shows that E-Governance service systems, with respect to their usability, effectiveness and participatory governance, help in improving transparency, corruption control, and good governance. In practice, the open government data, EParticipation initiatives, and their collaborative workspaces are essential ingredients of EGovernance service systems. The debate about what constitutes E-Governance success, their quantifiable and qualitative variables, their divergent socio-technical dependencies, etc. is still on-going. E-Governance has been emerged as a large-scale socio-technical and humancentered problem space. We, therefore, assert that Human-Computer Interaction’s Computer Supported Cooperative Work (HCI’s CSCW) based system modeling and it’s supporting socio-technical tools and technologies can effectively be used to design and develop EParticipatory governance systems. For this purpose, in this thesis, research gap analyses between one of the identified perceived governance indexes and some International agencies’ E-readiness survey indexes have been compared. A Gap analysis of the results highlights weak correlation between United Nation’s provided E-Participation Index and a perceived governance index by Transparency International. This weak correlation serves as a strong motivation of our work. We, therefore, propose a distinct human-centered and socio-technical design of EGovernance service system readiness assessment framework by redefining E-Participation model in the context of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). For prototype implementation and validation of this framework, some case-specific readiness assessment toolkits have also been designed for identifying case-specific readiness performance measures of E-Participation. A sample of E-Governance Service System Readiness Assessment (E-GovSSRA) index has been proposed that results in a relatively strong positive correlation with the perceived governance index. This thesis, therefore, identifies some insignificant correlations with United Nation’s and other likewise agencies’ perceived E-Governance parameters. We believe that one way to achieve a highly significant correlation if principles of HCI’s CSCW framework are applied. This thesis has successfully proven our claim through the development of our own EGovSSRA framework and index as a perceived governance index.

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