Optical Interconnects in Data Center Networks Emerging cloud computing and web-based applications have created a need for powerful data centers. Optical interconnects are replacing the electrical counterparts due to their benefits. Electrical interconnects have various problems like energy consumption, fixed throughput, and limited reconfigurability. The thesis evaluates various optical interconnects in literature and analyzes various aspects of optical interconnects in data center networks. The conclusions of various analyses are used to propose architectures which give several advantages over existing architectures. Main contributions of the thesis are twofold, one: analysis of existing architectures is carried out for the first time in terms of blocking probability, signal degradation, port count, computational complexity of routing algorithm and input and output queueing analysis and two: four new architectures are presented that give benefits of very low packet loss, large port count, reduce computational complexity regardless of port count and contention less behavior under various traffic patterns. The blocking probability analysis involves the analysis of the effect of multiplexing techniques and optical components. The signal degradation analysis involves the analysis of various optical components which affect the signal degradation and ways to overcome signal degradation have been identified. The port count analysis involves the analysis of the limitations of port count of different architectures based on optical components and multiplexing techniques. The computational complexity analysis involves the analysis of the complexity of routing algorithms of the architectures. Various architectures are proposed based on the analysis of existing architectures. The input and output queueing analysis of the existing architectures and proposed architectures is performed by changing the size of the output queue buffer. The affect of the output queue buffer size is analyzed on delay and throughput by changing the load for the architectures. Maximum throughput is also analyzed by changing the buffer size of output queue. The input and output queueing models of architectures are also analyzed by simulation. A contention less architecture is proposed which can reduce contention under various traffic patterns. It exploits optical wavelength, code and space multiplexing. It eliminates the need for electronic buffering, which reduces the latency. It is robust to all-to-one and many-to-many communication traffic patterns. A very low packet loss architecture is proposed. This architecture can show a certain guaranteed data rate between communicating servers. This architecture is flexible and can be made suitable for a broad range of data center applications, by configuring it. An architecture with very large port count is presented. This architecture has large port count compared to other architectures. This architecture also has low energy consumption due to use of passive optical components. It is suitable for large scale data center networks. It is also discussed how various optical components and multiplexing techniques affect the overall port count of optical interconnects. An architecture with low computational complexity of routing algorithm is proposed. If a control algorithm is more complex it requires more hardware for implementation which causes increase in latency, increase in cost and increased difficulty in implementation. The computational complexity of proposed architecture is not affected by the number of nodes. This architecture is suitable for low latency and real time applications. This architecture exploits three dimensions of multiplexing namely; the optical wavelength division multiplexing, optical code division multiplexing, and optical space division multiplexing.
ادواتِ استفہام سے مراد ایسے اسما و حروف ہیں جن سے سوال کیا جاتا ہے۔ قرآن مجید میں بھی ادواتِ استفہام کا ستعمال بکثرت موجود ہے۔ڈاکٹر عبد ہ الراجحی تحریر فرماتے ہیں:
"تمام ادوات استفہام اسمائے استفہام ہیں سوائے دو کلموں کے "ھل اور ھمزہ" یہ دونوں حروف استفہام ہیں اور مبنی ہیں اور اسمائے استفہام سب مبنی ہیں سوائے"اي" کے‘‘۔[[1]]
نحویوں نے ادوات استفہام کی دو اقسام بیان کی ہیں:
۱-حروف استفہام۲-اسمائے استفہام
[[1]] عبده الراجحى،التطبيق النحوى،دارالمعرفة، مصر، ۲۰۰۷ء، ص ۵۹۔
This qualitative study employs Communities of Practice (Lave& Wenger, 1991) framework to map out how female learner identity is built and negotiated within Post-colonial Pakistan. The study traces out the ongoing identity struggles of young Pakistani female ESL learners at The Institute of English Language and Literature (IELL), University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan, from a broadly poststructuralist perspective. Data analysis and interpretation were guided by CoP framework which views learner as essentially part and parcel of the learning environment within which learning takes places. The data revealed a complex picture of Female English Language Learner Identity (FELLI), as diverse subject positions emerged while the participants developed a sense of alignment with different CoP and displaying acts of resistance to counter discrimination. Higher education appeared as a site of identity negotiation and transition into new CoP for the participants. The participants demonstrated signs of social, linguistic and academic participation in as participating members of academic CoP.
The objective of this thesis is exploring the correlation between institutional enforcement of
Property rights (PRs) on financial development ? Financial depth and Financial inclusion.Previous researches find positive impact of property right on financial development. The empirical analysis of this thesis is based on five selected SAARC countries including; Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, India and Bangladesh from 2007 to 2016. For this purpose, two proxies have been used for financial depth (i.e., private credit to GDP ratio, broad money to GDP ratio) while to examine financial inclusion and inequality effect, ease of access to loans is used as a proxy for financial inclusion. We used OLS regression to estimate the impact of private property on financial development. In order to account for omitted variable bias, different country specific control variables have been used. Furthermore, the impact of unobservable variables has been mitigated by adding country fixed effects. The statistical results show that the institutional protection of property rights significantly strengthen financial depth when we use private credit to GDP as a proxy of financial depth. But, in case of broad money as an indicator, this relationship becomes moderately meaningful.On the contrary, in case of ease of access to loan, no statistically significant relationship between private property rights and financial inclusion is observed.