ڈاکٹر سید عبداﷲ
ڈاکٹر سید عبداﷲ ۱۴؍ اگست ۱۹۸۶ء کو لاہور میں اس عالم فانی کو چھوڑ کر عالم جاودانی کو سدھارے، اس خبر کو سن کر دل کو ویسی ہی چوٹ لگی جیسے اپنے خاندان کے کسی عزیز فرد کی دائمی جدائی سے لگ سکتی تھی، ان کی رحلت سے علم و ادب کی ایک زمردیں مسند خالی ہوگئی، وہ علمی حلقوں میں عربی زبان کے قدر شناس، فارسی شعر و ادب کے رمز شناس، اردو کے عناصر خمسہ اور شعراء کے اداشناس، علامہ محمد اقبال کے جوہر شناس، اور اپنی نظر و فکر کے نکتہ شناس کی حیثیت سے یاد کیے جائیں گے، پاکستان میں اردو کو قومی زبان بنانے میں شاہین اور عقاب بن کر جس طرح جھپٹے، پلٹے اور پلٹ کر جھپٹے، اس کی یادیں بھی لوگوں کے دلوں کو گرماتی رہیں گی، ان کی تصانیف سے یونیورسٹی کے اساتذہ نے اردو کے ادیبوں اور شاعروں کو سمجھ کر جس طرح طلبہ کو سمجھایا، اس کی عنبریں یادیں بھی زریں حروف سے لکھی جائیں گی، اور پھر انسائیکلوپیڈیا آف اسلام کی تکمیل کر کے لوگوں کی دیرینہ آرزوؤں کے ریگ زار کو جس طرح شاداب مرغزار بنادیا، اس کی یادوں کے کنول بھی ہمیشہ کھلے رہیں گے، اور کس کو اس سے انکار ہوسکتا ہے کہ وہ علم و فن کے سیاروں میں عطارد بن کررہے، اور ساٹھ ۶۰ سال کی علمی خدمت کے بعد اسی حیثیت سے رخصت ہوئے۔
میری یادوں کی شبستان میں وہ اس طرح دکھائی دیں گے کہ وہ مجھ سے مل رہے ہیں، گلے لگارہے ہیں، اور کہہ رہے ہیں کہ میں تو اپنے کو مولانا سید سلیمان ندویؒ کا فرزند معنوی سمجھتا ہوں، ان ہی کی تحریروں سے تحقیق کرنا سیکھا ہے، میں تم سے ملتا ہوں تو محسوس کرتا ہوں کہ سگے بھائی سے مل رہا...
The current research was conducted to explore the possible causes of actual employee turnover and turnover intentions. Using Post positivism research philosophy, phenomenological qualitative research method was used to explore the phenomena. Semi-structured interviews of 21 bank employees (selected using purposive sampling) were conducted which were analyzed using NVivo 12. The research findings suggest many uniques themes in order to overcome the problem of employee turnover, especially for banks. The themes which were developed consisted of five significant themes such as the bank appraisals and reward system was identified as biased and based more on favoritism, employee feel that their actual performance is not evaluated properly and sincerely. The other factor concluded by the research findings is that the employees are dissatisfied with the salary and benefits, as they felt that there should a consistent effort to identify employee personal needs which should be customized accordingly in their compensation plans as well. The very essential factor recognized in the research finding was the upward and downward communication gaps with the employees. Such perceptions generated related issues as the employees felt that branches are much deprived to have a direct communication channel with the top team heads. The other very essential factor discovered after the investigation of the phenomena of turnover is lack of career growth. Lastly, another important cause of employee turnover was the transfers, which took place without the consent of the employee. Employees felt demotivated due to such transfers and changes in their work locations. Recommendations and future research directions have been at the end of the research
Since global powers shape politics of the world for their self-interests and United States is the most influential power in the world today. Therefore, US foreign policy and its relations with other nations, especially with Pakistan in the South and west Asia is a prominent theme of international politics. So, this study helps us to understand the nature of US relationship with Pakistan i.e a cyclical pattern of cooperation and estrangement. This also enables us to understand the internal and external forces, which determine the cyclical pattern of relationship between the two countries during cold-war, post-cold-war and post 9/11, 2001 relations. It also sharpens insight regarding the transitional change in the relationship between Pakistan and US, i.e. Patron-Client relationship to Estranged-Client Relationship, due to transformation in international system. This dissertation also puts light on how such uneven interactions have affected the politics and security of Pakistan and expected future path of interaction. This also attempts to set forth a theoretical foundation that helps in understanding the identity (security related) construction that accompanies the Pakistan’s foreign policy collaboration with US. Major focus of the research is on the period of eight years i.e. 9/11, 2001 to 2008 that covers president Georg W. Bush junior’s administration in US and Gen. (Rtd) Musharraf’s regime in Pakistan.