فرخندہ رضوی کا اختصاص
شاعری کسی کی ذاتی جاگیر اور میراث نہیںیہ اللہ تبارک و تعا لیٰ کا تحفہ عظیم ہے۔یہ امیری غریبی کو دیکھ کر نہیں ہوتی بلکہ یہ عطائے رحیمی ہے۔فیضان الٰہی ہے۔ اردو شاعری کا کارواں جس نے اپنا سفر بارہویں صدی سے شروع کیا تھا اب اکیسویں صدی میں داخل ہونے والا ہے، اور شاعری کے اس سفر میں کئی اصناف شاعری مثلاً حمد،نعت،قطعہ،مرثیہ، رباعی، مخمس،مسدس،مثنوی، گیت، نظم، آزاد نظم ،نظم مصریٰ اور غزل شامل ہو چکی ہیں۔ ان تمام اصناف شاعری میں سے کوئی صنف بھی ایسی نہیں جو اردو زبان ادب کی اپنی پیداوار ہو۔ یہ تمام اصناف فارسی، عربی اور انگریزی زبان و ادب سے ہئیت اور موضو ع سمیت مستعار لی گئی ہیں۔ ایک ادیب کی تشنگی چاہے وہ شاعر ہو یا افسانہ نگار قلم میں چھپی ہوتی ہے۔ لفظوں کے یہ خزانے ان لکھاریوں کے لیے اتنی ہی اہمیت کے حامل ہیںجتنے انسانوں کے لیے رشتے ، کہتے ہیں کہ رشتے ٹوٹتے ہیں مگر گزرے وقت کے پل پھر بھی ساتھ ہی رہتے ہیں ، پھر لکھنے والوں کا جو وقت لفظوں کی مالا بننے میں صرف ہوتا ہے وہ کہاں بھولتا ہے پھر یہ شاعری شاعروں کا سرمایہ اور ادب کا حصہ بن جاتی ہے۔عہد حاضر کی اردو شاعری میں ایک جانا پہچانا نام فرخندہ رضوی کا ہے۔
ہمارے یہاں باقاعدہ طور پر شاعری کی عمر بڑی طویل ہے جو تقریبا تین سو سال ہے شاعری ہر دور میں مقبول عام رہی ہے تاریخ ادب میں مرد شعرا کی تو فہرست بڑی طویل ہے۔ لیکن شاعرات میں سے سب سے پہلے مہ لقاہ چندہ پہلی شاعرہ کے روپ میں سامنے آتی ہیں اس کے بحیثیت شاعرہ زہرہ نگاہ شعر و سخن میں اپنی دھاک بٹھانے آئیں۔
عصر حاضر میں خواتین فن شعروسخن کی جانب کچھ زیادہ...
Mannerism deals with inner-self and or how to achieve goals in life. It brings harmony in physical and spiritual attributes of a person. As Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was an excellent example due to His apparent and spiritual moral values that is why The Holy Quran and Hadith direct the society and individual to follow Him. Islam is based on moral values and wishes for a society where people live at individual and community level is having its basis on moral values and spiritualism depicted by the divine teaching. Islamic system preaches good moral values and indicates ways to get saved from ill-mannered behavior. An individual with good moral values reflects good faith and blessings from Allah. Islam promoted a sense of responsibility and fear of the Day of Judgment with Love to Allah in such a way that all the life of an individual was converted to a prayer. This spirit affected all the aspects of individual and society life. This article guides us to understand those moral values.
Climate change has been proved to be a hidden risk to the development of countries all over the world. It is also estimated that climate variation will have significant negative effect on agricultural production in the developing countries of Asia in future. Pakistan is one of those countries which is a victim of the climate change and is already facing many problems like poverty and food security leading to threats to agriculture expansion. Theclimate change is ahead of all these due to decreasing agriculture production, prolong water scarcity and declined income growth. Agriculture plays a big role in the economy of Pakistan and climate change is a matter of serious concern.The main objective of the present study was to find out the factors affecting the coping strategies of farmers regarding the impact of climate change in the Punjab, Pakistan. Three districts from ricewheat cropping zone (Narowal, Sialkot and Gujranwala District) were selected randomly. A total sample of four hundred eight respondents was selected by systematic random sample technique. A well-structured interview schedule was used as research instrument for data collection. Collected data were analyzed statistically. In addition, descriptive and inferential statistics were applied for the data analysis. It was found that education level of the farmers was low in the study area. Mostly farmers were having small size of land holding and a huge majority of them were owner cultivator. Mean area of wheat was 7.31±6.06 acres and mean area of rice was 6.25±5.60 acres. It was observed that long summer season (mean = 2.39±.73), shorter winter season (mean = 2.30±.75) and high temperature (mean = 2.14±.60) were the main perceptions concerning consequences of climate change in the study area. Industrial smoke (mean = 2.64±.69), excessive cutting of forest (mean = 2.57±.68) and human activities (mean = 2.51±.72) also led to change in environment. A vast majority (84.1%) of the selected farmers reported that climate change affected negatively their crop productivity. Crop production was not enough to meet the needs of the people (mean = 2.72±.62). So, a huge majority of the farmers had thinking that their annual income was decreased due to climate changes. A very small proportion of the farmers was aware of the existence of agricultural institution working for climate change here in the Punjab, Pakistan. It was also found that recommended varieties now than past decades’ (mean = 2.58±.72), applying more industrial pesticides (mean = 2.50±.76) and practicing crop diversification (mean = 2.36±.81), increased use of irrigation (mean = 2.19±.89) and integrated farming system (mean = 2.15±.91) were the major coping strategies for controlling the effect of climate changes and copping strategies had positive impact on crop productivity. It was clear from the results that the fellow farmers (mean = 2.24±.54), private company dealer (fertilizer & pesticides) (mean = 1.70±.74), Burjij/Wall chalking (mean = 1.53±.66), TV (mean = 1.47±.72), field assistant/Agri. officer of the Deptt. of agriculture (mean = 1.43±.52) and mobile phone (mean = 1.42±.64) were the major sources of communication/information concerning climate change. Bivariate analysis showed that farming experience and coping strategies is negatively associated with the impact of climate change on crop productivity. It was concluded that long summer season, shorter winter season and high temperature were the main perception concerning consequences of climate change in the research area. The crop productivity was negatively affected by climate changes. It is recommended that farmers should use recommended crop cultivars, fertilizers and practice crop diversification. Investment on improved agricultural technology by government and other stakeholders are necessary for agriculture to be able to cope with future climate change.