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Home > Becoming a Teacher Educator in Public Sector Institutions in Pakistan: Stories from Personal and Professional Lives

Becoming a Teacher Educator in Public Sector Institutions in Pakistan: Stories from Personal and Professional Lives

Thesis Info


Khan, Haji Karim


Professional Development Centre, Karachi




Aga Khan University

Institute Type








Thesis Completing Year


Thesis Completion Status







2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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This exploratory study is about understanding the notion of becoming a teacher educator in the public sector teacher education institutions in Karachi, Pakistan. It addresses research questions such as: (a) Who are teacher educators and how do they become teacher educators in public sector institutions in Karachi, Pakistan? and (b) What do teacher educators do and how do they construe their role(s) as teacher educators? The study was carried out in two consecutive phases. The first phase was a survey whereby data were gathered through a questionnaire administered to all teacher educators (N = 136) working in the Government Colleges of Education and Government Elementary Colleges of Education under the Provincial and City District Government systems in Karachi, Pakistan. A descriptive analysis of the data provided a macro (bigger) picture of the teacher educators' backgrounds and their work contexts. This phase also helped in identifying individuals for the micro (individual) level analysis in the second phase which was a life history study of six teacher educators working in the two systems. Findings showcase differences with respect to teacher educators' profiles as well as availability of resources across and within the systems. It was found that individuals enter into the profession through inspiration from their own teacher educators and considering the role of teacher educators better than that of school teachers. They face challenges during the transition from school teaching to teacher education due to the demands and practices in the culture and context of the institutions. They experience duality and restrictions in their practices and establish a marginalized professional identity due to the nature of their work located in the academia of higher education as well as in the everyday life of schools. In this regard, their knowledge base seems to be tacit, stemming from their experience of teaching in schools. The study suggests implications for policy makers to bring about changes in the recruitment and professional development of teacher educators, and to equip the institutions with required resources.

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